Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

quickbeam_cw said:
Hmm, not sure how she'll react. A lot of people might feel really hurt to think that their friend didn't trust them (like Alexx did), but I don't think Valera would react like that. I dunno, if it were me and the guy I had the hots for had to flush out a mole, I think I'd admire him for not blindly trusting people because of his personal feelings, but proving that it wasn't them first. It would make it that much sweeter when they knew for sure they could trust each other. Then Ryan could be all like "I knew it was never you, but I wanted to prove you were innocent to save you from any suspicion."

That's excellently put quicky :D (just to let you know; I'm gonna call you like that because I like it lol) I totally agree!

Now, all that he has to do is: Proving that Valera's got nice sex toys :devil: He better prove he knows it so we can all go 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! I knew it - they're doing it secretly!'

A girl can dream :eek:

I promised screencaps. That was before my PC died and left me ruining my whole room. I didn't have the nerve to make caps, ya know.

So, a little late - but better late than never, eh - here's some good R/V food for you guys! Enjoy! :) (ten caps coming rrrrrrrrrrrright atcha! With stupid comments, of course. You know me! D'oh :eek:)

Mmmmmmmmmm... gotta use my 'I want sex'-face... maybe he'll notice me then!
Why is she looking at me like this? Didn't I bring her enough exciting evidence yet? Gotta think of something...
Erm... Maxine? I think I've got something exciting for you!
Brrrrrrrrrring it on, ex-sweater vesty!
Tis busy... *insert some nasty noises here*
What the... oooooooooooooooh!!!
Here ya go, Mistress! Happy to oblige!
Well done you! I love it!
*Ryan thinking* Wasn't so hard with that in my sight... *stares at Val's twins*
They're looking at each other. Awww!

Now. All I want is that the writers take the hint and make a whole dirrty episode out of my little screencap story. Don't ya think that'd be great? :lol: :devil:
I think I'm gonna puke.

But that's okay because Ryan can pick my vomit up and bring it to Valera :D :lol: Awwww, I'd be responsible for some little dirrty chit-chatting between them :lol:

If the boy can make vomit interesting than he's really the right one for Maxine.
Ah, glad you like the piccies people :D
So much luuuuuuuuurv between Ry and Val... sexual tension you can cut with a vibrator :lol:
With stupid comments, of course. You know me!
i would miss them. :lol: your comments are always so funny.

valeras reaction concerning the mole. good question.
she would punish him. one week without porn.

if valera is the mole i'm going to blame ryan for not noticing here. :p
Great pics togoholic! I always love your screencap stories, they're hilarious! :D And feel absolutely free to call me 'quicky' lol, I like it too. :D
You know after the mole is reviled Ryan will need someone's shoulder to cry on Ryan, Valera will be wanting and don't run to Nat :mad:
hehe, i love your little screencap stories togoholic! :D
it just wouldn't be the same without the stupid comments :lol:
Not Valera!!! Yay!! I admit I was slightly worried, because of the whole main/secondary character thing, and I figured if anyone is kinda borderline on that, it's Valera. Anyways, now her and Ryan can ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. And I can continue to ship them. Whoo-hoo!