Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her


I think the episode has aired everywhere now, right? We don't need to put spoiler codes.

Anyhooters, I bet Valera really liked it when Ryan went apeshit on Cooper. I bet that got her all hot and bothered.
Actually, I'm watching it right now. But I'm thoroughly spoiled (and that's the way I like it)...so it's okay.

All I have to say is, DAMN!!! Boti looked GOOD!!!:devil:

I sure hope Ryan noticed that.

midnight_tiptoes said:
Anyhooters, I bet Valera really liked it when Ryan went apeshit on Cooper. I bet that got her all hot and bothered.

I'll bet she did. I know I was. ;) :lol: *runs off to re-watch it*
She had to hot and bothered because I sure as hell was!

Come on Carol, Sing it again, "Ding Dong the witch is dead.......and she's the dead mole........." ;-)
Ding, dong, the wicked bitch is deeeeeead!

The last scene was awesome. Her saying, "goodnight, Maxine," and Valera ignoring her and walking away, thinking, "bitch. Only Ryan calls me Maxine. In bed."

Seriously, the whole Maxine thing was so manipulative. I'm glad Valera saw through it.
Since I couldn't see the episode, I can't really comment on anything. I'm fine with spoilers though ;) Sounds like a good episode! Now we can just pray that Ryan stays the h*ll away from Boa ;)
Did you guys see the look he was giving when he was putting Jessup away? Do you think he wants to go back me being just a cop again?
Awww, thanks guys :D I'll continue to make stupid little screencap stories then :D *hands fellow Ry/Val lovers some chocolate*

Dudes! That was some serious shit last eppy! I think I came when Ryan slammed Cooper against the wall! And I can't get over a certain mental image...

Imagine: Ryan and Val try to conceive. She goes to the locker room and meets Ryan there.

Ryan: Hows you?
Maxine: Knackered. I'm ovulating.

*takes Maxine and slams her against the lockers*
*insert R-rated stuff here*


See, that's how babys are conceived! :D

And how cool was that look she had when Natalia she said: 'Good night Maxine!'

Rott in hell you lying orange wasted stupid alien hellspawn sack of crap

Yay! God, Maxine was at her best! And she looked incredible!

And, guys; I am not giving up on our ship name :devil:
I just had some time to put my brain to sleep so I came up with a suggestion:

U.S.S. Naughty!
Naughty Poodles

We could take at least the 'naughty' part of the name because; our posts are naughty, we are naughty, Maxine and Ryan are naughty... it's totally fitting for our ship!
Oh, just came up with 'naughty poodles' re-reading my post...

ETA: I don't think Ryan wants to be a normal cop again, I think he just felt sorry for Jessop. He liked him.
Boa is gonna be hated by everyone.
That's all :lol:
But I think we'll find out what the writers have in mind for Season Five, well - when Season Five airs :D
hopefully with a lot of ryan/valera scenes. :D
her look in the pic is priceless. go maxine!! :lol:
togoholic, nice suggestions. they are so ... naughty?
Know that this hole Mole thing is over i hope they start giving Ryan and Velera a story
Speaking of ship names, I was thinking about that a few days ago. The best I could think of was something like 'RaVe', just cuz it's simple and has R and V in it, lol. I actually vaguely remember someone mentioning this a while back, or something similar. I dunno, it was one of the random thoughts going through my head as I was trying to get to sleep after the finale, lol.

BTW, I liked how in the finale there seemed to be several scenes where it was a Valera scene, then a Ryan scene, then another Valera scene, all back to back. I was like 'It's a sign! It's a big frickin' bloody sign!!!'

Hopefully they will get their act together soon. ;)