Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

the title is adopted from a famous ryan quote from 'nailed'.
ryan said: 'Haven't you ever pushed aside the dinner plates to get some?'

with some he means the bad s word with three letters.
he said this to calleigh but we all know that he only does this for maxine. ;)
In an episode this season, Ryan asked Calleigh if she's ever pushed dinner plates aside to have sex with someone. We all agreed he pushed some dinner plates aside to jump Valera in her apartment.
We know he did more than just pushing the dinner plates aside for her. The writers just neglect to give us proper NC-17 scenes. They suck.
Hi i'm new i thank Ryan and Valera would be good together maybe something happens to her that makes him see how much he does like her. Spoiler we all know that someone is going to die it would real piss me off if they killed Valera just so Ryan could be with snake women
ahh no worries!! Aerosol dies a "tragic" death. *silently screams victory*

that still doesn't get snake lady away sadly...and seeing as we have no idea who the mole is and if it IS valera...then DAMNIT its a lose lose situation.

lets just keep all our fingers crossed!
boo, snake lady
i wouldn't mind the character so much if she didn't seem to be either sleeping with or sniffing around every single male that works in the lab...
well, if she doesn't go away, then we need some atronger ho-be-gone!