Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

valera is a busy girl at the moment. she has to smack erica and natalia but i'm confident that she'll win! ;)
If someone could take all the nasty women in CSIM down; it's definitely Maxine! I think after the waste bashing she'll run out to find some inncoent people to smack :lol: Just to vent, you know? :lol:
Maxine would totally kick their behinds.. and not only would she kick them, she'd kick them so hard that they would run home to their mothers and cry :lol:
lol ls :D
I wanna see the upcoming ship moments RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Not in a few weeks, noooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!! *sobs*
Uh, I just had a nice mental image...
Ry's and Maxine's wedding! Ry in a black suit with a pink sweater vest underneath and Maxine wearing a red velvet dress :D Looked really nice in my head :D
Wedding? I totally see Ryan and Valera eloping, and then having to come back and recreate the whole thing for their friends.

:p :lol:

Valera's lizards don't count as friends :D
Don't get me wrong, but the pink sweater vest did look nice! Really :D I know it sounds funny but it actually looked good on Ryry :lol:
aw couldn't you see Eric crying at the wedding, (weddings always get to him..) Ryan would be pulling his hair out, (poor guy would be so nervous) Maxine and Calleigh would have hangovers from the stag party the night before.

the wedding would be fun.
after the dinner ryan would push the dinner plates aside and ....

fic anyone?
Oh yeah, everyone would be standing around in the reception, "where are they?" Ryan and Valera are already in their hotel room.
ok I have to ask how you guys came up with the name of this thread? Sorry let me start with I'm new to this thread and/or ship of ryan and valera. Thought the name was interesting and since she isn't given alot of screen time maybe I missed something.