Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

I think the 'orange' part is enough :lol:
Who'd want orange babies anyway? :lol: :D

*sighs* A R/V scene... is it Christmas already? :D
i thought "snake " would be a good suggestion too :lol: but i agree with you, i dont wanna have carots babies :lol:

A R/V scene cause the writers know they can keep away the love eternaly :lol:

First of all, the vest is back. We all know how much Valera loves his vests.

you know I was so excited I didn't even notice the sweater vest.

EW! Snake and Ryan!! ok Valera needs to bitch slap her.

hahaha her boob is like on his shoulder in the last pic. :lol:
She's trying to bring the old Ryan out with her breasts. She's performing a breastorcism. "Come on, Ryan. Come on! Remember these? Huh? Remember? Remember how much fun you used to have with them? For the love of God, don't walk to the orange light!"
the pic is cute.
maybe valera comforts him if natalia breaks his heart and finally he realizes that he loves valera! :D
* a girl can dream, or?*
midnight_tiptoes said:
She's trying to bring the old Ryan out with her breasts. She's performing a breastorcism. "Come on, Ryan. Come on! Remember these? Huh? Remember? Remember how much fun you used to have with them? For the love of God, don't walk to the orange light!"

so then the pitcure where Ryan is on the phone he's saying: "Hey snake lady, I can't go out with you. Never. Why? because you're Orange!"

thank heavens for Maxine. :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

But, about that whole 'orange dating' thing; maybe Ryan's playing with orange boa constrictor! He can be a little badass sometimes... maybe orange boa will bring his BITCHY!side back and he'll treat her like snake waste :lol: Da little playa, you know? Getting orange all worked up until she turns red, and then dumping her and finally nailing Maxine :D

Sounds like the story for a new eppy to me :lol:
Every time I hear the word 'fanfic' I feel guilty because I still haven't published mine... can't work the whole kinks out, dammit! I need some quiet time alone and just sit on my ass, finish the corrections!

Maxine should slap me :lol: :D