Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

Everyone hear about that "spoiler" on the Miami board? What would you say the odds are of it applying to R/V? Not good, I'd say, but you never know, right? :lol:
I imagine a little boy with huge brown eyes, wearing a vest... watching porn.


He already has Valera's haircut.
I dreamt Ryan and Valera were having sex.

Good dream.

I'm gonna start working on a story, though I don't have much time to do, well, anything lately, and it'll probably have various chapters. So bear with me.

Boti Bliss needs to be made a regular already. And she and Jon need to get more scenes together, stat.

I'd love for him to walk into the lab and be all, "hi, Maxine," just to see her reaction.
Seriously, Snake needs to go. She's ruining every single aspect of our show.

Give Valera more screen time! With Ryan, preferably.