Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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Wow, 8th thread already! :eek:

I've been so bad for not visiting the board and this thread in particular, for quite some time. And then you miss a lot, and you don't have the energy to catch up on everything so it turns out to be a catch 22, almost. Anywho, I promise I'll be better ;)
I like his sweatervests. It goes with the whole dorky persona that he has.

I thought his smile, although extremely cute, was so cheesy. Not that dorky guys aren't good though. :D
I agree, I too like his sweatervest, more so in the earlier season, because now I like his shirt/jacket layered out-fit. I also adore the Ryan-Eric-sometimes Calliegh color corridination(sp.) I thinks its very nice which I know some people dont like it, I dont know why! Its so cute!!
As for the smile- of course its very cute but I think Jon is more sexy mad or serious but of course he's sexy no matter what! I was just thinking the other day..the times gonna come where the show will be over! I will cry forever! I dont think I could stand not seeing his face everyweek 9 o'clock!! Thats going to be a sad, sad time :( Anyways I cant wait for season 5- To see what Ryan is wearing! Oh man cant wait. - post later bye!
Woah. Thread number 8? Amazing.. I can't wait for season 5 either..I've been trying not to look at spoilers and stuff, and so far I've been doing good. But I just want to know what happens!
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
I was just thinking the other day..the times gonna come where the show will be over! I will cry forever! I dont think I could stand not seeing his face everyweek 9 o'clock!! Thats going to be a sad, sad time :(

That will be sad, but I plan on getting every season from here on out, so that I never have to be in that sad time without Jon. What would the world be like without him?
togoholic said:
YUMMY pic of the day Thumphump I was soooooooooo excited when JOT finally put that photoshoot in their gallery! It was shortly before my Scotland trip so I won't forget that

I remember that I was the one that noticed when they were finally up on the site, and the first thing I did (after looking through a few of them) was post in here (whatever Ryan thread we were on at the time) and tell everyone to drop everything and go look. :lol:

Oh...and thumphump? :lol:

Nice to see so many of our 'missing members' back in this thread again...welcome back, guys! :D

Now...from 'Speed Kills':

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day


Thats a really nice pic of him with longer hair- look how cute he is! And about the show ending.I'm always trying to get the dvd sets but when ever i go to the store they dont have the ones i need. but ill keep trying of course :)
how long do you guys think the show will last.? of much
seasons doyou think?
oh and i know this isnt the right thread to ask this-sorry but.. my job just changed from like rookie to police officer..so how much posts am i at? Sorry dont yell at me "thumphump" lol please and thanks :)
I don't have the DVD's either because I estimate that they won't come out for at least another 2 years, considering that the first half of season 2 only just came out. Though I did find a site that sells American DVDs to Australia, but it's $100 (including postage) so unless I can save up the money myself, mum said I'll have to wait until my brithday :(...but thats only 4 and a half months away, so I guess it's not too bad...
I was just reading the first couple of posts and I read the first one..Thats so funny..tips for viewing Jon pics lol and have a doctor and a bucket and somebody to check on u during episodes...thats so funny!... But soo true.. not following those tips could result in serious injury :D :) lol
Anyways- lately I have been feeling some sort of sadness - I wish I could meet Jon... but don't we all?? I should fly down from her in Hawaii to Cali and wait outside the studio door and attack/jump on him when he enters/exits . may get arrested but Eh!! It would definetly be worth it :)
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
oh and i know this isnt the right thread to ask this-sorry but.. my job just changed from like rookie to police officer..so how much posts am i at? Sorry dont yell at me "thumphump" lol please and thanks :)

awwwww...I'm not going to yell at you. ;) You can also see how many posts you have by viewing your profile, or your 'My Home' page.
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