Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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i know...im soo ryan deprived right now! and my laptop is messed and i love laying in my bed and watch csi miami on the laptop! :(

hahaha Miss Duquesne..i cant picture him saying that either..inge, i think your probably right about the whole respect thing. maybe in season 5 he will actually call him ryan on a daily basis?
I loved his hair in ONS, it was perfect, not too short not too long, just right. I do love the short short hair though. Eh he could be bald and still be hot.

I didn't forget you Dutchie.
Dutchie said:
*hides Inge* Try to get past me. SOJ won't work on me. I'm immune for sunnies. (except if they're Ryan's :lol:)

"Miss Duquesne, how are we on those bullets?" No. Horatio called Calleigh Calleigh from the start, I think. He also called Eric Eric, 'cause we saw Eric's first day at the lab, didn't we? :confused:

hey ! that's soo unfair !! *stick out tounge at you 2*
i'll remember that ...

we did see eric's first episode? ok .. i missed something ...
He probably does respect Horatio a lot. But I don't like how Horatio calls him "Mr. Wolfe" as if to distance himself from Ryan.. Maybe it's just me though :p
life_style thanks a lot. I forgot a important point and you triggered it.
He calls him Mr. Wolfe because he doesn't want to get too close to ryan. He lost one of his CSI's and he and Speed were friends. He knows that this could happen again, their job is dangerous. He can't shut out the others (yelina, cal, eric, alexx,..) but he can make sure that no one comes in.
I don't want to say that he doesn't care about ryan. We saw it in Season 4.
- he was angry with Charlene (I hope that's her name) for hurting him
- he was concerned in 'fade out' and sent him to the doctor.

maybe after the whole mole story he gained H's respect.

oh Twiz! your new icon is soo great! love it. :D
thanks to Dutchie for hiding me.
*offers some 'peace cookies' to Sienna*
First: WOOOOWWW!!!! because of all the great pics!! *drools*
My Ryan-Folder now seems to burst! ;)
Second: please forgive me for not posting in here for a long time - Nikki knows, why. :)
Third: Only 80 posts remaining - do we already have another thread-title? I don't know for sure... but if we don't have one: what's about another poll?? I love polls! :D
I totally hate the Mr. Wolfe thing. He calls Delko Eric, then why not Ryan? Maybe it's because he has a dangerous last name. I like. :)

Hottie Alert! in Thumpy's POTD. He looks so.. squeezable. Wow. Squeezable.. that sounds nice. :devil:
But honestly, I liked him with long hair. He looked a lot better.
At first I liked the Mr. Wolfe thing but now it's annoying, come on he has a first name and he's part of the team now. I agree with you guys that said it might be so he doesn't get close to him but like Inge said it's too late he's already there.
I read in another thread that there was a character in Pulp fiction named Mr. WOlfe and there was, now maybe it's one of the writers who puts this in there just becuase they are Pulp fiction fans. Maybe it's Jerry Bruckhiemer ( however spelled) because they did get Quentin Tarentino (spelling eh) to do an ep of CSI.

Thanks Inge, glad you like it. When I first put it up I had forgot to resize it and they took it away from me wwwaaaa. Sry for that, it slipped my mind.
Twiz said:
I didn't give you the weekend off I just went away for it, plus I thought everyone needed a break from my Thumpy calls, I only have a few more left.

Ah...ok, I gotcha. ;) I hope you enjoyed your weekend away, and awwww...you have Pete in the Thumpy call today. I should have a Pete POTD again, we haven't had one in awhile.

Dutchie said:
Sue, don't get me started, I made a promise to Thumpy and I'd hate her to chase me.

:lol: Yes, please don't make Dutchie break her promise, I am far too tired to chase anyone today. :p

I really don't mind the Mr. Wolfe thing at all...I do think that inge's theory on the reason why H does that is quite plausible. Then again it could just be one of those endearing H quirks, like SOJ and the hands-on-hips stance.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Vengeance')


^^I like him in the orange. :D
Hey there has been a lot of talk about Ryan kissing someone and I was having a SU2 marathon and came across this ep and got the idea to try to take a pic of "the kiss" from the ep the love. He was so adorable in this ep. SO his is a bad pic of what might have been Jon's first on screne kiss. Notice the openess of his mouth, what a lucky chic. web page web page
I'm baaaaaaaaack. :D

Well, I may have been Togo deprived over the last few days, but I definitely have not been shirtlessness deprived. *drool* Mmm, I love the lake... especially with my four shirtless guy friends. :lol: I briefly considered doing a photo manipulation and putting Ryan's head on one of their pictures from this weekend ;) , but I probably won't because somehow that just crosses a weird line for me. :lol: Plus, it'd be reeeeeeeally awkward if anybody ever saw it. :lol:

But, I'm definitely happy to announce that I have PLENTY of inspiration for this week's QRFOTW... yes, lots and lots of inspiration.

*blissful state*

As for the Horatio calling Ryan 'Mr. Wolfe' all the time, I just always thought H was trying to be funny (and then proceeded to make the joke get reeeeeealy old). I'm waiting for the episode when H forgets his watch and has to ask "What time is it Mr. Wolfe?" :lol:

Oh, and one more thing: glad to see that the posting didn't go too nuts while I was gone. I wanted to be here for the opening of the new thread. :D Are we still going with "Way ToGo" ?
I'm baaack as well, but only briefly as I have deadlines to take care of. :(

Oh, Twiz!! *faints* Those pics are just absolutely adorable. He looks so innocent kissing. *blush* And look at his hands, how gently he's holding her. Damn! If I was her, I'd be leaning into the kiss! :devil: hehehe!

Thanks for the pics! Now I know what he looks like when he does it. Mmmmmm... *drools while daydreaming* :devil: :lol:
I think inge is right with her 'mr-wolfe-theory' ... i mean it's understandable after the whole speed thing ...
*exepts peace cookies from inge *

that POTD is great !! i looks like he's going to fall down because he leans aside a bit :lol:

oooh those pics are sooo adorable twiz i stared at them a few minutes

As for the Horatio calling Ryan 'Mr. Wolfe' all the time, I just always thought H was trying to be funny (and then proceeded to make the joke get reeeeeealy old). I'm waiting for the episode when H forgets his watch and has to ask "What time is it Mr. Wolfe?"
:lol: awesome theory ... but i don't think that horatio ever did a joke, did he ? :D
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