Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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:yelling: :yelling: aaaahhhhh A pic from 'One night stand', where I fell in love with him aaaaahhhhhh (I've said this 50000000 at least) Thaaaaaankkkksssssss :D :D I love the way he looks in this episode :faints-on-the-keyboard:
i would really like to have the writers give him some sort of past or ANY insight whatever into his life. we already know so much about everyone else. even boa, and shes way newer than ryan is!
thanks for TPOTD Thumpy :)

yeah i want to know more about is family and his past...other then uncle ron and him being a patrol man.
Nikki I know what ya meant and I see where ya was going with that grabbing the wrist........

Great POTD Thumpy, gosh it looks too good, as aways. I didn't give you the weekend off I just went away for it, plus I thought everyone needed a break from my Thumpy calls, I only have a few more left. I need the new season to begin and lots of scenes of Ryan talking on the phone. I've searched through season 3 and not many there. So I'll catch ya Monday with a new one.
Sue, don't get me started, I made a promise to Thumpy and I'd hate her to chase me. :devil:

I hate the mr. Wolfe thing. When Horatio said Ryan, I jumped. Seriously, not lying. My dad looked at me like: What?! And I said: He said Ryan! He said Ryan! And then my dad was like: *turn head back to screen and ignore yelling daughter* :lol:

*Looks at POTD[/b]* *Takes deep breath and places pillow over keyboard.* *Faints backwards* :rolleyes:
It was 'Urban Hellraisers', and it went like this:

Bad guy: It's not over. We're still in play.
Ryan: What did you say?
Bad guy: You heard me. *is being led away*
Horatio: Ryan...what was that all about?

You meant with more attention?? :confused:
i hate that mr.wolfe thing too it's kinda stupid ...

POTD is sooo hot i could look in this eyes forever :p

I think I might be early with this.
I wrote in the Horatio thread a long time ago my thoughts why he called ryan Mr. Wolfe.
It's a typical H-thing.
We don't know, maybe he called eric mr. delko the first few years.
maybe he likes Mr. Wolfe more than Ryan.
maybe ryan has to gain H's respect before he calls him by his first name constantly.

but honestly, who does understand the complex character of Horatio Caine? :D
*runs away from all the H fans and hides behind Dutchie * :lol:
Maybe Horatio said Mr. Delko at the beginning, but I can't imagine him saying: 'What about that gun Miss Duquesne?' :lol: :lol:

Maybe he says Mr. Wolfe to make him being more self-confident, so he knows he has to do the best in his job 'cause Horatio isn't his friend (not yet of course ;))
*hides Inge* Try to get past me. SOJ won't work on me. I'm immune for sunnies. (except if they're Ryan's :lol:)

"Miss Duquesne, how are we on those bullets?" No. Horatio called Calleigh Calleigh from the start, I think. He also called Eric Eric, 'cause we saw Eric's first day at the lab, didn't we? :confused:

Sue, nice one. And why haven't you mailed me yet? (totally off-topic :rolleyes:)
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