Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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I wonder if Jon would ride a rollercoaster. NO Sue not your Jon, lol :lol: I meant Togo. Me, myself, you won't get me in a rollercoaster. Ever. :rolleyes: Wonder if Jonathan Togo would. (geez this Jon thing is hard, hehe.)

I hope he'll play in a comedy. Though I wonder if it will reach Holland...
have fun Twiz :D..i absolutly love rollercoasters, i love the adrenaline. i can see jon going on a coaster, your right he seems like a thrill seeker.
Talking about moles, I lve the one under his nose (is so hot :eek:) but I don't remember the one in his neck, will you post a pic of it? :p
bulletgirl91 said:
Are you talking about s4 coming to asia or s5 coming to asia :confused:becuase if s5 coming to asia in english I would like to know
Oh I was talking about S4... which just started on AXN :)
I dont know about S5... looking at how long it takes for Miami S4 to air, I think it'd be August next year :rolleyes:

AliGtr, you're a Jake fan too? :eek: Whoa, we love the same guys! :D Yeah, come to think about it, it could be brown hair for me :lol: But oh, strong features, second that. Also great eyes and great smile :) I mean, Jake, Jon, and Eric all have adorable smiles that makes me melt :lol:

I know that Jon said people sometimes mistake him for Eric (and weird enough, I know a celeb website that list Jon Togo but when I clicked, the pictures were of Eric Szmanda! :lol:) AliGtr, maybe that's our type of guy, who looks like Jake, Jon, and Eric. ;)

Jeez I start rambling... hmm 3 in the morning, no wonder :lol:
Sometimes in Season 3 jon looked a little bit like jake. For me he never looked like eric. but that's just me. :D
Dutchie said:
I wonder if someone posted a nice pic.

Did you ask for pics?
here we go: (I'm bored, you know, it's friday night and no date for the weekend till now :()
No date for inge?
Do you want to go out with me?
(a girl can dream, or? :lol:)

credit: nr. 1 CSI Miami Style
nr. 2: CSI caps
nr. 3: Thumpy

a bonus pic because some of us like his hands:
look at the hand!
credit: CSI Miami Style

I might get beat up from the carwash girls for this one, sry. :devil:
Hehe, I was having the same predicament for what to do about upcoming Togo Withdrawal. I'm going to the lake with my friends for the long weekend (Monday's a holiday here), and I was thinking to myself "Hmmm, I wonder if I should bring my laptop with me..." :lol: There's not even a phone line at my friend's cabin, so I couldn't even use dial-up if I wanted to! :lol:

I love the interview with Jon where he talks about how someone was like "Hey, you're the guy from CSI!" and he's like "yeah, yeah, I am." And then they're like "So, what's George Eads like?" and Jon says "Umm... I've never met him..." :lol:

Jon would be FANTASTIC in a comedy. He's just being modest about the 'not being good with comedy on the written page' thing, IMO. ;) We all know he'd be GREAT. :D

Thanks Twiz for posting the pic from that old photoshoot of Jon's. :D I was browsing through those pics a couple weeks ago and thinking "hey, these don't get posted NEARLY enough." I had forgotten about them for a while, and then when I came across them the other day I was like "Oh my goodness! It's my dream come true! Black t-shirt with green shirt underneath!" Tee hee! How long ago was that photoshoot taken? I remember those were the first set of Togopics that I ever saw when I first started searching for every picture and interview with him that I could find. :D

Anyways, I must go get ready for the big weekend! I'll be back on Tuesday. :D Happy Togoing!
Your welcome Quicky I hope you have a good weekend away, I'm sure you'll have plenty of reading to do when you get back. I'll only have a days worth so how about taking it easy on the postin guys? J/P.
quickbeam...loved the scenario of the week. :D Very, very nice. ;)

Dutchie said:
*High-fives Thumpy* Well, don't be sad, I think he'll never say my whole name, which is Moniek. Very European.

What a lovely name you have!

As for the shipper comment thing: *hangs head in shame* Yes I know you said no one was in trouble, but I'm guilty! I promise that it will never happen again.

No worries. :) And like I say we weren't singling anyone out, if we were we'd have posted the user name of the person we were directing the comment to. We just felt it was time to post a general reminder to everyone as we were seeing a few to many comments about "such and such episode" being a Ryan/Cal episode or a "such and such episode" is a Ryan/Eric episode, etc. Things of that nature. And as Lucy and I have both gotten complaints in the past when threads have gotten to shippery, we try to head things off before they get too far. We want all our members to be happy and comfortable posting here. ;)

No wait, that's not good, never make a promise you can't keep. I promise to try my hardest not to do it again. That good?

:lol: That will work. We do appreciate everyone's cooperation.

I guess it may jst be me, but I never thought that Jonathan looks like Eric Szmanda or Jake Gyllenhaal. :lol: I just think he looks like Jonathan....

And once again it's Thumpy to the rescue it seems...yesterday, I had to keep poor Cooper from being slammed into the wall again, and now today Ryan is in danger of being beaten up...let's see if this helps:

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day:

(from 'After The Fall')


^^Lookie y'all...his arm!! :devil:
It's about time I caught up on the Togo goodness! inge, the 'hand' pic is very cute. The pink/lilac colour shirt looks so good on him. :D

Thumpy, your POTD's are appreciated as always. I don't post here much, but I always sneak in for a quick look. ;)
I guess it may just be me, but I never thought that Jonathan looks like Eric Szmanda or Jake Gyllenhaal. :lol: I just think he looks like Jonathan....
:lol: You're not alone. I can't see a resemblance either!
:lol: Funny that the first thing you pointed out was his arm Thumpy b/c I was immediately drawn to his lovely, lovely eyeleshes! :eek::lol:
Oh my goodness! So much great pictures! I was reading some of the earlier posts. I too am in love with Jake Gyllenhaal. I always have been. Jon and Jake do look so much alike. Totally hotties!!
MD...I'm glad you decided to pop in again! I've missed seeing you in here.

MiamiDade said:
You're not alone. I can't see a resemblance either!

ah...good! I was thinking I was all alone on that one. ;)

Shadowfax said:
Funny that the first thing you pointed out was his arm Thumpy b/c I was immediately drawn to his lovely, lovely eyeleshes!

:lol: Now see, when I look at that pic, the first thing I notice is his arm. His eyelashes are lovely too though.
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