Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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All righty, I've got a very special and long-absent gift for you all... ;) Hope you'll all enjoy it. :p

Quickbeam's Ryan Fantasy of the Week
Episode 7: "Dirty, Dirty Boy"

Camera pans over vast expanses of everglades then cuts to an overhead view of two Hummers, speeding after a black car. Camera closes in on the car, then cuts to inside view of a mean looking Mala Noche. Close-up of gas gauge shows that the tank’s empty. The Mala Noche guy hits steering wheel in fury, slams on brakes, and leaps out of his car, trying to escape into the everglades. The Hummers quickly pull up behind, Ryan jumps out of one of them, and quickly gives chase to the Mala Noche. He sprints through the swampy everglades, splattering mud all over his slightly snug-fitting white t-shirt and dark jeans. Camera cuts to the Noche, who looks back over his shoulder worriedly, seeing that Ryan is gaining on him. To attempt to lose Ryan, the Noche veers off to the left. Ryan barely sees this in time, but catches a glimpse of the Noche’s direction change, and angles to the side to cut him off. Suddenly, Ryan tackles the gang member to the ground, splashing mud and water everywhere, and getting completely soaked. He handcuffs the man, and shortly afterwards Horatio and Eric, as well as a couple of uniformed officers, catch up with Ryan, and see that he’s already caught the bad guy. The uniforms drag the Noche up and take him away. Meanwhile, Ryan stands up, revealing that his wet t-shirt is clinging to his torso, his muddy jeans are riding low on his hips, and his hair is a little mussed. Horatio commends Ryan for his apprehension of one of Miami’s most wanted criminals, but Ryan just shrugs in an ‘it’s all in a day’s work’ kind of way. The CSIs head back to the road to their waiting Hummers where Ryan removes his uncomfortably wet and dirty shirt. Camera comes in for a close-up to show the hot Florida sun glistening off the water droplets on Ryan’s toned, tanned shoulders. Then camera fades to black (either that or you just fainted).
Then camera fades to black (either that or you just fainted).

oh man...i think if that was in an episode i would faint :D wow quickbeam, your really good at writting. i was having popcorn and i totally zoned and was like :0..hahaha

Thumpy, i love the POTD!! he is soo cute, words cant describe it! ive replayed that scene literally like 15 times! *sigh*

as for my angel wings...lets say i lost them as soon as i came to this thread! :D i cant help it! :devil:
Oooh look, it's the official mascot of the Togo thread! *thud* Love that little guy. Or rather, those little guys. They're just so useful for a thread like this. ;)
:eek: :eek: :eek: quickbeam_cw that was awesome, I haven't read your previous fantasies I'll look for them!!!

And TPOTD is so cute, my baby-poor-cute-goofy-hot-handsome-and-everything-you-want Ryan :kisses-Ryan's-forehead: :holds-him-tight:

I think I'll have my first Togo dream tonight, I'll go to bed in one hour, no!!! I better go earlier, I can't wait!!!
OH Quicky that was awesome and yes it did go black from fainting. Next time I will have to put a pillow down by my chair, I have hardwood floors....so it's thud, ouch.
I will go to bed with that in my head and hopefully dream about it, or maybe dream about that amazing POTD, thanks Thumpy, I think you definitely kept Cooper from getting a beatdown, great choice. He was soooooo adorable in that whole ep, gosh I have watched that scene over so many times and everytime it makes me melt. Cal asks him if he's ok and he says" yeah....I use to be in patrol, everything was move along" and when he says "Along" it kind of does a echo thingy then he takes a deep breathe.."faints" oh where was I, oh yeah that deep breathe sends chills up my spine.
i find that a good coping mechanism for togoholism is writing fan fiction, because you can aaalllways have your way with him, and dress him however you please. its a great time.

its also the reason i dont go out anymore.
OMG quickbeam!!

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb <-- head hitting the keyboard on letter b :lol:

Ouch... sorry about that, I fainted to the wrong direction :lol:

Ooh, love the pic, Thumpy. I love Legal. He looked so sad (I swear he had watery eyes?) but then he smiled the CUTEST smile! Ooh love...

inge, Ryan said "Actually, it's Gyllenhaal."??? :eek: When? I love Jake! I can't believe one guy I'm falling in love with mentioned the name of the other guy I'm obssesed with :lol:
It was in 'silencer' during the blog-scene. A girl wrote a blog and she wrote about eric and ryan. eric read it and he pronounced Gyllenhaal wrong and ryan corrected him.
here's a cap from the blog entry:
blog entry
credit: Miami Style

jon and jake are my fav's too. ;)

awww Legal! :D
my favorite episode ever.
funny ryan, sad ryan, sarcastic ryan. *sighs*

OMG quickbeam, your fantasy is great! again Hero!Ryan and wet t-shirt!Ryan. *faints*
*High-fives Thumpy* Well, don't be sad, I think he'll never say my whole name, which is Moniek. Very European. It's like Monique, but then in the European version, I think. So I doubt he'll ever say that. :rolleyes:

As for the shipper comment thing: *hangs head in shame* :( Yes I know you said no one was in trouble, but I'm guilty! I promise that it will never happen again. No wait, that's not good, never make a promise you can't keep. :D I promise to try my hardest not to do it again. That good?

Inge, Damn! I should've known that. Sue, replace the hardwood with carpet. Or better: just place a matras next to your chair. Just faint in the right direction. :lol:

About fainting: I did! Quicky, awesome job! ;)
gream_reaper, you're in Asia too? Ooh, fellow Asian! :D Yeah, CSI Supreme Sunday, Sundays just got better ;) But it's Wednesday for me actually, the first time new episode airs, the day Ryan gets to satisfy Silhouette :lol:

Aha, inge, fellow Jake fan too, eh? ;) *highfive* i love Legal too, great episode. I especially love the part with Ryan in the morgue. It really shows another side of him.

About fainting: I use the laptop on my bed, but no I didn't faint to the soft pillows next to me... but... onto the keyboard :rolleyes: :lol:
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