Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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i saw the jake episode but omg, i dont remember ryan sayin Gyllenhaal. :( but i wasnt really a miami fan then. i think i was watching parts of it with my mom...*runs into corner* dont shoot me please! :p
Silhouette, you're obssessed with Jake Gyllenhaal? So am I! I think it might be the eyebrows. When I think back, all the guys I've drooled over in the past have had strong, dark eyebrows. Not over-the-top, but a strong feature. And Jon has such beautiful eyes too! And the shape of his lips make me go weak at the knees...

I think I've got withdrawal symptoms from being away. No TalkCSI, no POTD, no CSI Miami, because the B & B I was at couldn't get Channel Five :(

Something that made me laugh, was that I went into a shop with my husband, and he held up a jacket that he liked. All I could think of was the jacket Ryan wore in Cop Killer. I managed not to fall on the floor laughing, and persuaded him not to buy it. What were the wardrobe dept thinking of? And why are shops still selling it? Is it just me?

BTW I've been away for only a few days and how many more pages are there? You guys can really go! It's good to be back. :D
Welcome back AliGtr, hope you had fun. I will be away for only one day and I'm already feeling the effects. I am so addicted to my puter and a few sites. I will be on a rollercoaster tomorrow thinking," hmmm I wonder what they are postin about...aaaahhhhh shitttttt." Screaming from fear.

It's funny in the hardy boys ep I had no clue who they were referring to when they said Jake Gyllenhaal, I'm not big into other stars but I love him as an actor. SO anyways it was after that we were watching "the day after tomorrow" I think that's it, and my son's and hubby said " hey Togo is in this movie." I wasn't paying attention and I looked up and was like "whoa" I knew he wasn't in that movie but I had to take a double look at him. That's when I figured out his name and the comment about him looking like him.
Hi Twiz (is it OK to call you that?) Love your POTD captions.

I remember an interview with Jon where he said that people often confused him with Eric Szmanda (spelling?) or Jake G, and it was to do with the eyebrows and the chin. Maybe that's where the writers came up with the idea?

Yes we had a good time on holiday, although it started raining the day we got there and stopped the day we left. We put our macs on and went walking anyway. :lol:
welcome back AliGtr :)

jonathan also looks like eric szmanda...i know its been said like 1000 times but the first time i watched an episode of csi miami ryan was on the screen and i was like omg!! its greg! but then after a long look i figured out it wasnt him.

sweet i love rollercoasters! where are you going Twiz?
Yes... there was a clip on ET (Entertainment Tonight) where David Caruso was making a comment about the newest member of CSIM. It was shot during the filming of Under the Influence and had a short interview with JT as well.

Anyway, in there he said that JT had "a little bit of Jake Gyllenhaal, a little bit of Dustin Hoffman..." At the time, I had no clue who Jake Gyllenhaal was until, like you Twiz, I saw 'The Day After Tomorrow'.

sandersidle - Ryan said "Gyllenhaal" when he and Eric were reading the secretary's blog back at the lab. Eric didn't pronounce Jake's last name correctly, so Ryan had to do it for him. :D That was a really cute moment.
Yep Aligatr everyone calls me Twiz, it's cool.
We are going to Kennywood, it's in Pittsburgh Pa. It's a lame place but neither of my kids are into the big time thrill rides of rollercoaster so spending a lot for like Cedar Point would be a waste.
I've seen a similairities in Ryan/Greg but not that much. It's definitely the eyebrows and funny expressions they both make. They both have some cute MOLES too. I don't think anyone has ever mentioned their moles before but I find them sexy, sexy moles. JOn's lil mole under his nose and the one on his neck, i'd nibble it....did I say that outloud, no I typed it, o well. YEAH.
You're welcome! :D Something else I remembered...

Ryan said that he "gets it all the time" (being mistaken for Jake G.) because of his eyes. *drools* Mmmmm... gotta LOVE his eyes! *thuds* :lol:
OH yes Shadowfax you are right about that interview with DC, I've watched that a lot and I never knew who DC was talking about and forgot all about that. WOW Jake wasn't even big back then, well not BrokeBack big. He was great in Bubble boy, when I realzed that was him a laughed so hard. I'd love to see Jon do a goofy movie like that, cause he'd be great. He's got such a goofy sense of humor.
I would, too! :D But I believe I read somewhere that he thought he'd have a harder time doing comedy on paper than drama. :confused: (Can't remember the reason why). :(
Sue, have fun in that rollercoaster. I have the same thing. I'm at work, and it's very, very quiet. (seriously, there was nothing to do! :eek:) and I was like: "Hmm...I wonder which discussion is going on. I wonder if someone posted a nice pic." And more stuff like that. I even wrote! Like, five lines or anything. It was so quiet that I could write ficcie! Can you imagine? :D

Never seen Jake Gyllenhaal in any movie. But I've seen pictures. I don't really think he looks like Jon, but maybe it's the direction of the pic or anything.
I don't remember the interview he said that in, maybe the one on CBS.COM, but I know he can do it. He's so funny in SU2, he proved there he can do comedy. I think the next movie he does will be a comedy.

Thanks Nikki, I hope it's fun. My Fred won't do the rollercoaster now that he saw Final Destination 3, he says it's a sign, so I'm stuck riding them with wild Jon.
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