Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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Hehe, Twiz, I guess great minds really do think alike. ;) And the quotes you posted make me happy, too -- the dinner plate one and the jumping to conclusions one were the next on my list. :lol: And I love the wiseass one too. Heck, all Ryan/Jon has to do is open his mouth and it becomes a loved quote. Wait, forget that. He doesn't even have to open his mouth. :lol:

ETA: Awww, man... Ryan in 'Nailed' *squee* ...all the parts where he somehow ends up with the stupid nailgun pointed at his face but it doesn't get fired. :p Hmmm... one more quote...

Ryan (puts on safety glasses): Yeah, like these things are gonna stop a nail.

ETA more: Aw man. I'd forgotten how much I love this episode (Nailed). I gotta say, it's probably my favourite. It's dramatic and tense and whatnot without that foul stench of cheesy soap opera to ruin it. And whether he's got a nail in his eye or not, Ryan is super sexy in this episode. *blissful sigh* :p
I agree Quicky about Nailed, it's one of my fav because it had it all except the soap crap. It was funny, sexy, sad, and lots of anger. We saw funny Ryan, Sexy Ryan, angry Ryan, and sad Ryan, then forgiving Ryan. He had so many great parts and showed his acting skills from being cute and funny one minute to screamin his head off the next. They gave us so many great Ryan moments in just one ep. I just found out I'm an angst whore, hehehe, so that's another reason I loved the ep. Though I worried from the day I found out about him getting shot with the nail I found myself enjoying the part in the car, angst.
Dutchie said:
DC nz, you paid attention in school! :lol:

Not really Dutchie :lol:, but I do pay attention when I study Miami (or should I say when I study Ryan) :p

I love this thread! I've been a bit of a lurker for awhile but all the pics and Ryan talk made me wanna post. So many great Ryan scenes have been mentioned - makes me want to watch them all over again. I love Ryan's look in S4 but boy did he look fine in that patrol outfit when we were first introduced to Mr Wolfe. :lol: - that still makes me laugh. I've been waiting for someone to say ''What's the time Mr Wolfe''!!!
You summed it up perfectly, Twiz :D Jon's acting was incredible, and that ep was one of the major highlights of season four. :D

I have this problem where every time I try to say something meaningful and deep about a scene, all that comes out is "OMGRYANISSOHOTT!!" It's bizarre. :lol: That's why I'm glad that everybody else here can at least once in a while say something thought-provoking. Every time I try to reply with some sort of intelligent, philosophical response though, for some reason it appears on the screen as *squee*. I think my keyboard must be broken. :lol:

Also, I too am an angst whore. :D Discovered that one day back at the end of season three of CSI:LV... *kaboom!* :p ;)
Twiztid4Togo said:
There's been so many...OH the "haven't you ever pushed the dinner plates aside to get some" Now that is way up on the top list, just cause it's sexual.
You beat me to it, Twiz! I was gonna post that too! :D

I guess I need to start watching S3 all over again cuz I don't know many of the quotes (well I watched S3 on and off in between my sis watching it so... guess I have to start properly feeding my Ryan addiction ;) :D)
I searched yesterday evening through my csi caps and I stopped at 'collision' and I wanted to post a pic. Then I was too tired to post it. :lol:
I'm not lying, really. It's strange.
BTW great pic, he looks so young in the pic.

anyway, my quotes:
'that's a totally chick drink' - Legal
'It's a whole island, isn't it. My parents are leaving me their lawn mover' - Legal
'you always take his side' - nailed (not so funny, but the way he said it, like a kid to his mother ;) *runs away from the CaRWash shippers here* :p)

quote nr. 4 and 5 maybe later.
I like reading quotes, but it's also how he delivers the lines.
*chases Inge* GET back here you! :devil: I will get you! Some more quotes that haven't been posted:

"I took this criminalist seminar, evaluating evidence, the visiting lecturer said that the CSI's job is to think outside the box, sometimes the best tool is the stud attached to your earring she said, those are nice earrings by the way." (Yes I know it's CaRWash but just the way he ranted and then ended with: "I love those earring by the way" *giggle* :lol:)

"Knife missing from this block could be our murder weapon."
"Nice work, Ryan. Think you may have cracked the case."
"Thanks, I have a keen grasp of the obvious." (aww Alexx didn't like him! :()

"That spells 'expensive.'" (*giggle* :p)

"We're gonna need a warrant."
"And some heavy equipment." (that was to tease Inge a bit. :D)
Awesome pic Thumpy!! God, I LOVE his eyes! :eek: *drools*

And I agree, sometimes it's not the quote itself, but the way he delivers them that makes it memorable and entertaining. :D

Okay, so fav quotes just from S3 so far? Let's see...

1. Ryan: [ballparks the distance] 8½. Officer Duquesne, I know it's my first day. Regardless, uncovering the truth is more important to me than proving myself. So, if you don’t mind? I’m not finished yet. -- Under the Influence (really sums up how he wants to approach his job, doesn't it?)

2. Ryan: [addressing Tripp] Yeah, you're looking a bit heavy around the eyes lately (or something like that) -- Shattered (they were looking for a cash-pay plastic surgeon and the look Tripp gave Ryan was priceless! :lol:)

3. Calleigh: You could’ve been gator bait on your first day.
Ryan: I did sacrifice my lunch. So, please, just remember that. -- Under the Influence (and a nice CaRWash moment) :devil:

4. Jack: What is that?
Ryan: It’s a Q-tip. Open your mouth.
Jack: [opens his mouth and Ryan swabs it]
Ryan: Place your right hand on the screen please.
Jack: This is bogus. How do I know that this isn’t some sort of major identity theft?
Ryan: [shakes his head in annoyance] Don’t worry. I don’t want to be you. -- Legal (gotta love the sarcasm here!) :lol:

5. Alexx: What do you see?
Ryan: Hair. [takes tweezers from Alexx and picks up the hair from the victim] Killer may have been short in stature, well groomed…possibly Persian.
Alexx: [looks confused]
Ryan: Although he may have had a hard time lifting the cleaver with his paws.
Alexx: Cat hair?
Ryan: Even killers have pets. -- Hell Night (this was just adorable and shows Ryan's wicked wit!) :lol: :devil: :lol:
awww man you guys have already posted my favourite ryan quotes...i have to say my favourite is when he says thats hot...i rewinded that about 50 times and still laugh. ohh i remember one..

from crimewave when alexx and ryan are at the cemitary... and he says:
"i guess you do need forensics"
i was like yeah!!!!!!! go ryan! :D
OH shadowfax the cat one is one of my favs too, just because I'm a cat lover, I think. All this talk about this is making me want to do a csim marathon and just watch Ryan's parts...skip all the rest. I kind of did that yesterday looking for quotes. I didn't see the one mentioned yet about the dumb blonde in "Legal"

Ryan ... open your mouth.
dumb blonde...guys usually say please.
Ryan...can you tell me the name of the Buckeye state?
Dumb blonde.... what's a Buckeye.
Ryan...(kind of chokes or gags) say Ohio.
dumb blonde...ohio...that's hott.
I love the look he gives her, such disgust. In that ep he seemed to have a problem with the rich kids, made me think he didn't come from a family of much money, JMO.

I also loved that quote because I'm from OhIo, kind of like him saying our names, squeee.
*giggles* I know... I've done the same thing, too. Re-watch all the eps only to fast forward to the Ryan scenes. :lol:

Oh, and the dumb blonde's name was Venus. :D
Yeah yeah, we know you like him saying Ohio. I doubt he'll ever say Gorinchem, but on the other hand: He said my name! :p *drool and faint* He said my name! (hiya Thumpy! You know how I feel :D)

Gator bait....*melts away for a moment* :lol:
Gator bait? Gator bait? I understood, and I'm gonna make a few changes in my signature. If someone has the same just tell me 'cause I don't remember evry signature here :D
OK the whole different time zone thingy is messing me up with these or somehow I fell behind so here's my Thumpy call for the day. [image]
hehe funny pic Twiz, but i wouldnt exactly mind seeing ryan slam cooper against the wall again...hes soo hot when hes mad :devil:
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