Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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Thanks athlov :D :D :D :D :D I'm biting my fist to avoid yelling while looking at your caps from 'one night stand' I love him in this episode, He look so good :eek:
sandersidle said:
ughh your so right! i love your site athlov! its all ryan pics! :D

Thanks :D

I had hours and hours of fun. I can't wait for season four to come out on DVD so I can cap those eps too. :p

:D :D
DC nz, you paid attention in school! :lol: Thumpy, it could be, I think I snagged it from this thread when I was still lurking. I'm actually pretty sure you capped it... :D Inge, my PA, you are my biggest helper.

Sue, I agree with you on the boiling, just imagine being married, and then they come to your home saying: "Ma'am. I'm very sorry, but your husband died. He was probably murdered with a blunt object, so we're gonna cut his head off and cook it to remove the skin, and then we'll match toolmarks. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss. Oh, and you might wanna consider NOT having an open cascet ceremony." I would be like: Are you out of your ?!#$(@#& minds?? :eek: :mad:
No kiddin' eh. On the one hand u want to get the guy who dropped the thing but on the other hand u don't want them doin' that to your husband
OMG!! Guys!! You're gonna be so proud of me!! *giggles madly* I finally had a dream about Ryan/JT!! :lol: :devil: :lol:

But like all dreams, it was sooo weird, and somehow he ended up under my deck and was looking up at me :eek:, and I was standing on top of it, talking to him! :D (And that's not even half of the weird that I can't even begin to describe) :lol:
OK last thing about the boiling head. It's pretty gross but I know they can cut your skin and peal your skin away from your skull, she could have just done that. I'm pretty sure that would have grossed Ryan out too, it would me.

mmmmm RYan/Jon dreams are the best. I've had Ryan ones but no Jon ones.
eww..yeah i hate the boiling thing..aww and i felt soo bad for poor ryan when delko told him to go to the autopsy! :)

im happy for you Shadowfax! yay your first ryan dream :D
Okay, I'm OFFICIALLY addicted to Ryan now... (well, before this I'm just 'slightly obssesed' ;) I feel so bad for cheating on Greg! :p)
Finally, Season 4!! :D Ooh just watched the first epi. Just noticed Ryan's new shot in the credits! :D And dude, his first scene when he was walking... I wonder if the directors made that 'dramatic-looking slow mo I'm-so-beautiful' shots just to make the fans happy :lol: Also noticed Ryan's kit is BLACK! :eek: Just thought it's SO cool.

And love LOVE the part when he's mad at Erica... GO RYAN!!! :D Erica: "Don't get so bitchy on me, Ryan" (or something along those lines) I was laughing so hard "HA! That makes the trademark bitchy!Ryan official!" :lol: And when he smashed that phone... :eek: priceless...

Ooh, Dutchie, I couldn't help but squee when Calleigh punched Ryan playfully on his chest :D (damn... the hypnotics start to work!) But when Eric goes to Valera, I thought too "Eric? Damn, why not Ryan?" :p Jeez I'm so undecided... Oh no!
Conclusion: Yeah. Shoot me. I'm officially falling in love with this guy! *sigh*

Eww, Twiz... skin a head? *cringe* I think I'm gonna pass out if someone does that right in front of me (reasons why I wont be a doctor/criminologist/etc). I'm pretty sure it'd gross Ryan too out :lol:
yay Silhouette! :D omg i know...i felt so guilty when i first started to like ryan, because i used to only be obsessed with greggo!

i wasnt a csi miami watcher when that episode came on.. so i didnt get to see ryan smash the phone thingy :( but i heard that scene was good!!

HA! you are falling for calleigh and ryan!!!! :devil:
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