Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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Dutchie where did you get that pic? It's from 'One night stand', isn't it? I love that ep but I don't find pics of it :( in Miami Style there's not any :( :( :(
I really can't remember...*hides* some help here from someone? I haven't seen the episode myself, I just stole the pic from here, I think. :D
OK Nikki i'll let ya slide since you gave me a gun pic, thos are too hott. Him with that weapon in his hand "faints"
You haven't seen that ep yet? That was a good one, but they are all with Ryan in them.
Hey, Shadowfax, just saw you on Ryan/Greg thread! :) (Dutchie, any chance that I could convert you into Ryan/Greg too? ;))

Dutchie, do you read my mind or you're just that fabulous? I love that pic!! OMG Ryan holding a gun :eek: *faints again :D* (jeez I start to sound a lot like a fangirl :lol:)
Well I have a thing for guys holding guns (in movies, not in real life, cuz that'd be scary), don't ask why cuz I have no idea :confused: ...jeez, I'm weird :lol:
Dutchie said:
*tries to remember diaphragm scene*

I meant the scene in the autopsy room with alexx.

Alexx: this woman wore a diaphragm
Ryan: you mean, you ... (didn't catch it, because he mostly stutters)
Alexx: I took it out myself
*gives him a look which means 'you wimp'*
yep, Ryan and autopsy isn't a good combination (especially in Season 3)

Did I help you? :D
Heya Silhouette!

I love that picture, too! Well, anytime Ryan's holding out his gun like that. Sooo sexy! Tee-hee! :devil:

And the intensity in his eyes? *thuds* So doggone dreamy!! :lol: I'd gladly, nay... willingly volunteer to hold my hands up in surrender just to have him look at me like that!! :lol: :devil: :lol:
Ooh Shadowfax, you're answering the question I've asked myself 'why I like to see Ryan holding a gun' :lol: So true... And he looks so... uh, 'manly'? ;)
Ooh second that, those eyes... maybe we could rob a bank in Miami or something so Ryan would have to catch us then we could be like "Wait, don't shoot! I surrender... *melts*" :lol: And I won't mind either for him to pin me down on the car hood and search my clothes for possible weapon before handcuff me :devil: :lol:
I thought that scene was awesome with the headless guy but for real would they do that? Could they do that? I mean boil the skin off him. What about the dudes funeral? I'm sorry I just found that too unblievable, but Ryan was just so awesome at being grossed out and his look was adorable. If someone in my family got killed and they came to me and was like " yeah he died from a head wound and we're going to cut his head off then boil the skin off." I'd be like WTF..are you beeping insane." I guess I watch these too much and take them too serious and look for flaws. It drives me insane when I see something and it just isn't believable.
One scene in "Nailed" drive me nutz. The part where Cal and Ryan are looking around the outside of the house for the nail gun and Cal asks him to go inside the trailer and look for it. He walks in the door and just looks around and goes back out and says something like nope didn't see it. Well come on your a CSI, do you think the person would just leave it sitting somewhere? You don't think it could be hidden in any of those cabnets or closets, come on. That scene irrates me and it pisses me off cause it's Ryan they are making look bad to me, UGH. They kind of make up for it with the dumpster dive. OK I'm done with my rant.
inge said:
sorry carly, I didn't want to offend you.
It's a running joke between me and Dutchie (kind of). She likes to tease me. :p
Oh, dont worry, you didn't offend me, I was joking aswell...I was going to edit that in, but then I fell asleep :lol:

and Twiz, I love your Pic-of-the-day-pics :lol:
Ooh Shadowfax, you're answering the question I've asked myself 'why I like to see Ryan holding a gun' :lol: So true... And he looks so... uh, 'manly'? ;)
Ooh second that, those eyes... maybe we could rob a bank in Miami or something so Ryan would have to catch us then we could be like "Wait, don't shoot! I surrender... *melts*" :lol: And I won't mind either for him to pin me down on the car hood and search my clothes for possible weapon before handcuff me :devil: :lol:

*looks around repeatedly and whispers to Silhouette* So, uh... where and when? :lol: :devil:

Oooh, I wouldn't mind getting pinned down and frisked by him either! Maybe I'd make him angry enough that he'd stare down at me with those fiery eyes *melts* :lol: At least we'd be in the interrogation together! :devil: And preferably alone! Tee-hee! :lol:
ahhh there are so many posts for me to read! but i must say i lovee the pics everyone! thank you...that made my day!!!
Shadowfax said:
Ooh second that, those eyes... maybe we could rob a bank in Miami or something so Ryan would have to catch us then we could be like "Wait, don't shoot! I surrender... *melts*" :lol: And I won't mind either for him to pin me down on the car hood and search my clothes for possible weapon before handcuff me :devil: :lol:

Ohh i would like to get him angry enough that his Boston accent came through! that would be hot :eek: :eek:

ohh yea i love all the pictures to!!

We just had the 3rd ep of season 4 in the UK and it was Ryan in the original Chesty pic! i nearly chocked on my drink! he wasn't in it enough though :(
CalleighWolfe said:
Dutchie where did you get that pic? It's from 'One night stand', isn't it? I love that ep but I don't find pics of it :( in Miami Style there's not any :( :( :(

Hi, CalleighWolfe if you're looking for some 'One Night Stand' pics I've got some on my site.

Also JTO has lots of pics too. :D
Twiz...I totally misread the caption on your POTD pic. :lol: I won't say what I thought it said though. *blushes*

heh...I think Dutchie's 'One Night Stand' pic, is one of my screencaps. I'm not 100% sure, but it'd be pretty cool if it is. :D

This post is quite short, and the POTD was delayed today as I had to work late, and now I'm very tired...I apologize, everyone.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Deviant')


(credit: Miami Style)

I just really like the expression on his face...I call it his 'pondering' look. ;)
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