Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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OMFG!!! I was gone a few days and I've missed so much already! :eek: *catches breath from reading thread*

I LOVE the POTD Thumpy, and Twiz I hope you come up with more of those edited pics! They're brilliant! :lol:

Welcome Silhouette!!! :D

And Happy Togolicious Birthday csi_gurl!!! :lol:
ohh i am loving all these pictures! I really love the sweatervests! i can't help it! I just saw Superman so i am loving the geeky clark kent look at the moment.

He seems so All American in the older pictures with longer hair..its weird. but hot. now hes like..."I can beat you up if i want but i'm not that kind of guy.."
lol or something...ha ha
Hello everybody! I am back after an abscence from this thread of exactly 1 week and 8 minutes! It's been a bit of a rough week, and the lack of Togo didn't help! But I'm ready to start fangirling again, and since I've been gone so long I've got lots to say. :D So basically, WARNING: Big long fangirly post ahead!

Ok, first of all, my compliments to everybody's new avatars. :D That was the first thing I noticed when I loaded the pages, I was like "OMG AVVIES! *squee*"

Second (and slightly OT), I haven't gotten a chance to read much of the fic that you posted the link for here a few days back, csi_gurl, but I was hooked at the mention of 'Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan', lol. *proudly waves little Saskatchewan flag and dances in glee, just like I do every time that somebody mentions us*

A belated 'welcome back' to Thumpy, it's nice to have the POTD back. :D I recently went through all the old threads and made sure I had all the TPOTD and saved them according to date. :lol: That was a very drool-filled day. :D

Now, to answer inge's topic question of "what do you like most about Ryan" -- I like that he's very intelligent, and yet funny and cute. If I had a nickel for every time I've been known to say "OMG skinny nerdboy *squee*" then I could probably afford to clone Jon. And if I had a nickel for every time I said "If I had a nickel for every time something somethinng I could afford to clone Jon" then I'd STILL have quite a few nickels, as I'm quite sure I've said that before. :lol: Ok, I'm rambling. It's just that I'm so happy to be back. :D Anyways, my point was, I love Ryan's intelligence, and how he uses it for the good of society, to help people. And I could go into so much more detail about what I love, of course, but I'll leave it at that basic point for now. :)

Twiz, I LOVED all your humourous pics, they made me laugh out loud. Tee hee! I kept going 'OMG yay, another one! :D "

Hmmm... funny how whenever I go into sudden crazed-fangirl mode I say "OMG" every 10 seconds...

Now, for the 5 question thingie:
1. First time I saw Jon was on CSI:M :D
2.- Honestly, I'm ashamed to say it, but I don't specifically remember the first time I saw him. :( I didn't watch Miami (or any CSI) religiously until this year. I watched before, but for a time I had stopped, around the end of season 2, to try to cut down on my TV time. I still watched the odd episode, and I remember going "hey.... who's that... *drool/grin/squee*" when I saw Ryan. But I didn't know that he was Speed's replacement cuz I hadn't watched in so long!
3.- I'll say 'Crime Wave' because I know I saw that episode the first time around, and was like "mm...yummy...", although the obsession didn't come until much later.
4.- Again, I know I had this growing obsession for Ryan for a while, but it was sorta in my subconcious, and I didn't fully realize it until "Nailed" --that's when I went OMG SQUEEEEEE! Then I started looking for every picture and interview I could. At the time I was very much a Greg/Eric Szmanda fan, but after seeing a few of Jon's hilarious interviews, I pushed ES to the back burner a bit, and Jon became my main focus. This Ryan/Jonathan thread was the reason I joined Talk CSI. :D
5.- Like many of you, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the eyes. I also love his dark hair (squee @ dark brown hair), and I love the way he dresses. Again, I was going through I huge button-shirt, jacket, and dark jean phase when my Ryan obsession hit, so the timing was perfect, and I was just like "Wow. He IS the PERFECT man!"

And once again, welcome to the new folks! So glad to see you've come out of lurkdom, AliGtr (and btw, I like your screenname, too, I was like "that is so cool!" when I saw it). And also to Silhouette, I recognize you from the Greg/Eric thread. ;) Go Nerds With Badges!

Now, on an ending note, you can tell by this post that my fangirling mode is definitely back in full force. The evidence of this is the number of times I said certain words:

OMG: 5 times
squee: 5 times
fangirl: 4 times
love: 8 times
drool: 2 times
obsession: 3 times

Awww thnx everyone! I'm loving this thread :D *hugs sissi back* Oh hey sandersidle, yeah I've managed to immigrate here too :lol: *hugs sandersidle too* Ooh I have to say, your signature is so cute! I think I start to go fond of CarWash now... ;) (wait, it's the wrong thread lol)

Ooh, loving that pic Thumpy and athlov (sorry :p)... I never have thought someone would look so good in sweatervest ... *drool*

Okay, since S4 just started for me, I need your guidance... Is there any certain S4 episodes that I should pay more attention to?

ETA: Hey quickbeam! Yeah... GO NERDS WITH BADGES!!! :D :D
Silhouette said:
Ooh, loving that pic Thumpy and atloft... I never have thought someone would look so good in sweatervest ... *drool*

Okay, since S4 just started for me, I need your guidance... Is there any certain S4 episodes that I should pay more attention to?

405 Three Way :p
408 Nailed
409 Urban Hellraisers
413 Silencer
414 Fade Out
416 Deviant
417 Collision
418 Double Jeopardy
419 Driven
ok never mind :p

I love the Ryan moments.

Who is atloft? :p :lol: :lol:
Oops... sorry, typo, due to lack of sleep *blushed deep red* I swear it won't happen again *gives cookies so that athlov wont get mad at her* ;) And already edited :D

Anyway thank you for the episode recommendation :)
*looks at TPOTD* OMG! *takes deep breath* So cute! *faints* :eek:

Welcome back Quicky! *joins in fangirl squee* Thanks for the compliments about the avies, though I'm wondering if you meant me, hihi. Hey, it has Ryan in it, so don't complain! :D

sandersidle, yes! We have Silhouette! *lures Silhouette to CaRWash thread with cookie* :lol:
Hello everybody, welcome to the new Togo fans, and happy birthday. I've been busy (study, study and study that's my life now :()

It seems I'll watch Nailed soon :D (I wish) and I'll buy s3 soon too, so I'll enjoy every Jon thing :sighs: It'll be perfect then.

I have about 4 more of these, i've had fun making them.
fine dont fall for it but seriously you should go!!!!!! *hypnotizes Silhouette with my signature* :p

ohh nice pic Twiz!

also to add to the must see ryan episodes...i personally loved him in "legal" and "killer date"
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