Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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wow! :eek: cool pic (despite the sweater vest :p)
We can see his arms, gun and badge.
This pic can be described as HOT.

It's really bad, I'm too addicted to this place here.
I just came home from POTC and it's late here and I have to check this place before I'll go to bed. :rolleyes:
and now, dear Thumpy, you posted a POTD before I'll go to bed. usually you post the pic very, very late (in my time zone).
maybe I have sweet ryan dreams tonight
Thank you! :D
and good night.
1.- What was the first time you saw Jon, ever?
The first time I saw in was in Hell Night or something, I'm not sure

2.- Did you like him this first time? Yes or No and Why?

The first thing I thought was: Who is that guy? they hadn't shown UTI and I had no idea who he was, the second was: oh my god, he's really cute :D I immediately liked him :p

3.- What was the first episode with Jon that you like him? (Maybe you didn't like him when you saw him the first time in the show, like me)
I fell in love with him when I saw him in UTI, he was so skinny in that uniform (and I loved his haircut) and it made me giggle and I think that's when I really put him on my favourite persons list

4.- What was that 'special thing' he did that made you think 'Oh God this guy is hot' or 'I think I'm in love' ?
When he smiled that goofy smile in UTI 'I'm a little OCD, it drives the watch commander crazy'

5.- What is the hottest Jon's thing for you?
The way he wears his jeans :D
and his mouth, I think he has a lovely mouth
to answer CalleighWolfe's question...
i really love jon/ryan in legal..ive watched it soo many times..and i played the scene wen he was in the morgue and he looked sooooooooo sad! omg! i was like gonna cry kus i felt soo bad for him! he is the cutest!
OK this is my last one. I just couldn't resist, sry.
CalleighWolfe...the pic you posted is one of my all time favorites. :D He was so adorable in 'Under The Influence'.

Twiz...thanks again. :lol: I've saved all the 'Thumpy Phone Call' pics.


inge said:
and now, dear Thumpy, you posted a POTD before I'll go to bed. usually you post the pic very, very late (in my time zone).
maybe I have sweet ryan dreams tonight
Thank you!

:D You're welcome! I was able to log on about an hour or so earlier than normal. I hope you had sweet Ryan dreams. ;)
Well i don't know if Inge had some but i surely have some hot Ryan dreams :D and i feel good today :D gorgeous pic of the day Jen, that's weird but he always look more sexy when he is doing something with his hands :lol: see he was taking pics, or when he had his gun ...**faints** lol
^^ :lol:
I agree, he's hot when he's doing something.
He is also hot when he's doing nothing.
conclusion: Ryan is always hot. ;)

I had a ryan dream tonight. :lol:
at least I think so.
don't know anything about it anymore but I had the feeling that I dreamed something after waking up.
Many thanks too Thumpy. ;)
lol so true Hunny, he is always hot but i have a thing for men who knows how to use their hands...:rolleyes: Ryan if you can hear me, to whatever you want with your hands but use them :lol:

Oh a ryan dream? awesome lol aww too bad you don't remember it lol in my dreams he usually appear where he shouldn't to :D see in my dreams i'm at school and suddenly he appears and takes the teacher's place , not that i would mind ha ha okay i'm out lol

THANKS TO JEN AND HER DAILY PIC, what would we do without it? lol
I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who commented my icon a few pages back :)

And it's great that Thumpy's back, you almost had me worried there for a while :p
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