Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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1.-his first ep of CSI:Miami
2.-Yes i liked him the first time i saw him, i thought he was funny and really HOT!
3.- I've loved him since Under the Influence and haven't stopped
4.- I've watched and read interviews with him and he is so nice and really funny and i always like guys who are really hot but they are just big goofs :D
5.-the hottest things about Jon to me are his eyes,body, smile, his personality,his style. pretty much everything about him... i just love Jon :D
1) the first time I saw him was in 'under the influence'
2)In the first episode I liked him but I needed some episodes to fell in 'love' with him. ;) In the first episode he was funny and seemed intelligent and he know what to do. The ryan/calleigh scene's were great. It was a interesting storyline that a young man has to 'replace' an experienced CSI. He catched my interest during the first episode.
3)hm, he is my fav character sine 'crime wave'. I'm sure if I had seen legal first, this would have been the episode where he occupied my heart. ;)
4)He made nothing he just looked pretty. :lol:
I really don't know how to answer this question. He's a great actor. during 'crime wave' I fell in love. I liked the scene at the graceyard where he met his suspect. The suspect said: my mum died ....' and his look was so touching. also the final scene with alexx was sad with the music and his look was again so heart melting.
5) I like his smile, his body ( :eek:) is hot, his sense of humor, his eyes (maybe it's because of the caps, but sometimes they are green and most of the time hazel).

before I forget: the POTD is hot.
and I'm going to watch POTC today.... :lol:
OH this is a great q's Calleighwolfe

I never watched CSIM before on a regular basis, only if I just caught it flippin, I'm not much into TV. SO the 1st ep I saw him in was Hell Night and yes I fell in love in a second. I was like whoa who is that.... SO I became obseesed right away. I found a csim site, maybe miami style, that had video clips of csim and one of the clips was Ryan with the dead girl "Legal" and when I watched it I melted and had to see that EP. I also saw clips from UTI with the alligator and he was just adorable. When he took a deep breathe looking at that dead girl I melted. So that answers the 1st 4 q's now what do I like about him. Well Ryan is just so cute and funny, he always has a little funny one liner to break the seriousness of the show. I like how he took the job so serious right away trying to prove he could do it. He's a wiseass but he's so caring about the vitims. The way he looks at people when he's interrogating them. IF they are bad he can be so cocky but yet there's times that the murderer isn't a bad person and you can see he has sympathy even for them, like the kid that killed the girl in Legal. I loved the ending when he tells him she was trying to protect him. Ryan's just not afraid to show his emotions either way, rather it's getting in peeps faces telling them how it is or being sad for a victim. He also goes the extra mile to solve the mystery and doesn't give up. Jon does an inredible job playing him.
Hottest thing for JOn, Gosh I can't even decide that one, he's the total package, I don't think he has a single flaw. If I had to say one I guess it's his eyes, he shows his emotions through his eyes so good and I love how he raises his brows, he's got awesome eyebrows to go with those eyes.
ohh right i forgot to say i love his smile..everytime he smiles im like.......ooommmmmgggg. :D and i love his sence of style! so hott...and for some reason i love his tattoo. even tho you dont see it on csi miami.
1.- What was the first time you saw Jon, ever?
CSI:Miami 3x01, under the influence.
2.- Did you like him this first time? Yes or No and Why?
Yes I did. Come on, which reason do I have not to? He was so cute!
3.- What was the first episode with Jon that you like him? (Maybe you didn't like him when you saw him the first time in the show, like me)
Under the Influence, right away.
4.- What was that 'special thing' he did that made you think 'Oh God this guy is hot' or 'I think I'm in love' ?
Hmm...I don't know...I only know when I began to ship him. Nope, can't remember. He probably said something sweet.
5.- What is the hottest Jon's thing for you?
His eyes. Definitely.
Lol Twiz you should make a bucnh of pics like that :lol: they are awesome lol oh btw i think you get confused by the image tags :D
I'm glad you like them, I do have one more for later. What do you mean I get confused by the image tags? I do have problems postin pics, I've never figured out how to just post a link, even with Thumpy's help walking me through it.
Thank you for all your greetings *feels warm and welcome* :) I do actually come here quite a lot - most days, in fact. I've only just started posting, although I feel I know most of you well already - you sound like my kind of people. Good taste in men, anyway!

I remember a discussion from way back, when you were thinking of another acting role that would be good for JT. Does anyone remember The Man From Atlantis? I'm thinking about opportunities for shirtlessness.

P.S. I'm glad you like the name. There is a reason for it which is quite boring - not as clever as it looks with hindsight.

P.P.S. I'm really going on holiday now - back next week. I'll miss you when I'm gone. :cool:

Is it just me, or do his eyes look brown in the POTD?
Twiztid4Togo said:
I'm glad you like them, I do have one more for later. What do you mean I get confused by the image tags? I do have problems postin pics, I've never figured out how to just post a link, even with Thumpy's help walking me through it.

that's easy hunny: when you wanna post your pic, you use the
tags and on your case , the problem is that you wrote two times the "http://", you just have to take off one of them and everyhting will be fine ;)

Keep posting them i really love it :D

PS: have fun Ali, hope you will be back soon ;)
Ah...these are great questions. :D

1.- What was the first time you saw Jon, ever?
I'm not exactly sure what the first episode was that I saw him in. That's kind of a lame answer, but it's the truth.
2.- Did you like him this first time? Yes or No and Why?
Again, another lame answer but I honestly don't remember my initial thoughts on Ryan, but I remember thinking, "Oh...what a cute guy!" :lol: *is emabrrassed b/c she knows how fangirly that sounds*
3.- What was the first episode with Jon that you like him? (Maybe you didn't like him when you saw him the first time in the show, like me)
I actually always liked the character, although he didn't always have a spot on my favorite character list...I think that happened when I finally saw 'Legal', which was after the 3rd season finale and they started with summer repeats
4.- What was that 'special thing' he did that made you think 'Oh God this guy is hot' or 'I think I'm in love' ?
:lol: I think it was when I saw him get angry for the first time...before that I usually used the word 'cute' to describe him...after that it became 'hot'. ;)
5.- What is the hottest Jon's thing for you?
hmmmmm...his eyes are the first thing I noticed, they are so pretty. Honorable mention goes to his arms. ;)

Twiz...once again, cute pic. :D

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Dead Air')


(credit: CSI Screencaps)
Thumpy I like TPOTD. He looks very good with his camera and his lovely sweatervest :sighs:

I haven't answered my own questions :p so here I go...

1.- The first time I saw Jon ever was in CSI Miami 'Under the influence', and I remember that I fell asleep (not because of Jon, I always do that :p I have to record everything I watch at night, and see it the following day).
2.- I didn't like him the first time :( I think I was a little sad because of Speed's death, although I didn't like him. It's just that I don't like changes in the casts. But I liked the way he dressed in that ep and the gator scene.
3.- The first time I realize that Jon was handsome (what a guy!!!) was in 'One night stand'. It was strange, magic: he was dialing a number in the phone, the public one, and he looked cute, and then with his gun in his left hand!!! I love lefthanded people :D so I watch the ep 3 or more times :p (then I erased it :( :( :() I never fell asleep while watching CSI Miami again ;). Then I noticed, when they reran 'Under the influence', that he had gained some kilos . I think I like that too :D
4.- The answer is in 3 I think.
5.- His arms, his hair (I prefer it a little long), and his eyes (they're not exactly hot but they're cute, beautiful, 'cause they're not light green, or blue, they're different)

And the answer to sandersidle question 'How do you think Ryan is different from the other CSI's?'
He's different 'cause:
1.- He's younger.
2.- Smarter
3.- He dresses better than Speed did (I'm sorry Speed fans)
4.- And the the best thing is that he is more interested in his job than Speed was.
5.- He behaves better than Delko.
etc. etc. etc. Oh my God I'm in love with him, I've forgotten my former boyfriend :lol: :lol: :lol:

I forgot to ask about your favorite ep with Jon: mine is 'Shootout' the one with the baby, and 'One night stand'
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