Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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i love ryan because hes hot, sexy, can be funny( i loved his facial expression when he said "thats hot" in "legal"!!!) hes sensitive, and truthfull....

i liked him in under the influence but i think i really realized i love him in "legal"

if he looked at me i would melt in his eyes! omg! they are soo sexy..and i love his muscular arms :devil:
Calleigh: There seems to be some sort of substance on the sheets.
Ryan: Biological?
Calleigh: No, it seems...salty.
Ryan: (smirks) I'm not going to say anything.

What a cutie.

Ps. I love the long-ish hair with sideburns. Very nice. I also love the way he's bulked up recently. He's looking pretty solid...and I would die to be in those arms. Mmm...tatoo, anyone?
csi_gurl said:
Calleigh: There seems to be some sort of substance on the sheets.
Ryan: Biological?
Calleigh: No, it seems...salty.
Ryan: (smirks) I'm not going to say anything.
:lol: I loved that scene!
sandersidle said:
i love ryan because hes hot, sexy, can be funny( i loved his facial expression when he said "thats hot" in "legal"!!!)

ooooh i love that scene :D my sister and i always play it

oh by the way i'm away for about a week again
Hi there! I'm a first-timer here. First-timer anywhere on this site, to be honest. I've been reading everything since about Thread #3, but I thought it was time to delurk and say hello. :)

I confess right now that Ryan is a major obsession for me, and I have a feeling that I might be in the right place for that! He didn't make much of an impression on me in his first few episodes, but his character grew on me while I wasn't looking, so after Legal, Crime Wave, Shootout (so many favourites) I found I had a serious crush.
Don't you think he'd be one of those guys you like so much that when they come over and talk to you, you can't say anything? Or you just make a complete fool of yourself...
By the way, Thumpy, I love your Pic of the Day. Missed them while you were having puter problems.

P.S. If I don't post again in the next week, it's not that you've frightened me off - I'm off on holiday, back soon for more Togoism. :cool:
HEYA!!!! Welcome here AliGtr, you are right if you are obsessed by Ryan, you are on the right place :D take a piece of our Togo Cake and some drinks, glad to see more newbies :D

btw that pic of the day is awesome Jen, someone told to Ryan "you are hot" and he answered "Me? really?" lol and on bonus the openess of the shirt, yummi :D
Togoism.. I remember coming up with that! What was that, like two threads ago? God, we move fast. :)

sissi59100 said:
But I like the prospect of Ryan getting a girlfriend.It'll further prove that he is not the most flawed person in the world and that someone will actually appreciate what he does and not bitch at him all the time.

ITA with you as long as he won't pick up one of his "ex-girlfriend" i would like to see him with a girl, see how he will act with her, if he is a romantic, if he is jealous, you know more personal stuff about him. Even if the girl won't be his girlfriend, at least seeing him flirting will make me happy. Btw we are all asking for a girlfriend, what if he finds a boyfriend? okay i'm out :lol:
Definitely. I want to see him with a girl that is suitable for him and that is appreciative of the things he does. Erica was just unacceptable, as was Natalia for the reason that she was trying to get back at Eric.
CalleighWolfe said:
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
Sorry, I'm a bit late on the welcome back, but welcome back Thumpy!

I'm later than you crmscnnvstgtr101 :lol: I had problems with my ISP (the whole city had problems).
Haha. Where do you live? Because a lot of places seem to be having problems. Like mine. :mad:
Sissi your freakin me out reading my mind. I made this last night when I saw the pic, I had been looking for a pick like it to use then Thumpy puts the perfect one up, then you make that comment, get out of my head. J/P

csi_gurl said:
Calleigh: There seems to be some sort of substance on the sheets.
Ryan: Biological?
Calleigh: No, it seems...salty.
Ryan: (smirks) I'm not going to say anything.
What episode was this?

crmscnnvstgtr101 said:Haha. Where do you live? Because a lot of places seem to be having problems. Like mine.
I live in South America.
Hi, I'm back already - can't stay away!

The episode with the " biological substance" on the sheets was the one with the club with all the beds (strange place), and the wingchicks introduction service. It was the episode where Valera got suspended. Can't remember what it was called though *thinking hard* :rolleyes:

I like it when Ryan makes quickwitted replies like that - "I'm not saying anything". (I would do the quote thing, but I'm not sure how to yet.)

*Edits* Was it "Killer Date"?
Welcome Aligtr, cool name. Add another togoholic to the pile. I was just going to post it was "Killer Date" for ya. I thought that was the name but I had to double check it. I was also thinking it could have been "one night stand" but it's not. I really like that ep, in the one part you can tell Jon is left handed when he's writing on that sheet or paper. Also I like the part with Valera when he drums the desk nervously, so cute.
AliGtr, welcome here! I like the name too, reminds me off 'under the influence', which I like. :D Twiz, by now you should know Ryan is ALWAYS cute. :lol:
Hi, welcome AlGtr I like your name too :devil:

It seems we need something, we're a little slow today, so while we wait for TPOTD I' ll show you one of my favorites pics. I love this one because of the way his pants fit :eek: I lose my breath each time I see them, it's hot here :p, and I'd like to know what he's holding in this pic ;) :D
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