Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
Sorry, I'm a bit late on the welcome back, but welcome back Thumpy!

I'm later than you crmscnnvstgtr101 :lol: I had problems with my ISP (the whole city had problems).

sienna I wanted to tell you that I'd change my signature 'cause you have something about the bullet girl, and I hadn't realized when I wrote mine. I'll try to find another one, after all you put it first ;)
SwiftTales said:
inge you're right :D ^^

sissi I love you! You're right, what if Ryan finds a boyfriend? that's just as fine as a girlfriend ^^

Exactly i personally think Ryan deserves both , a girlfriend and a boyfriend :lol: don't you think? :D even if i'm more for a Ryan/Eric relationship....oh god i've just say my secret :eek: lol

Anyone got a Togo topic of the day? :D
You guys had to go there, shame on you. I'm not into Ryan having a b/f, eh. I'm not against gays at all, in fact I love Broke back Mountain, some scenes I watched over and over....... BUT Ryan, no way, it's just not him. I've read several fics with him and Eric and Greg that were interesting. I just couldn't see Ryan being gay, that's just me.

I've been wondering if the CSIM crew went to Miami for the first few tapings of the show, they usually do. I haven't heard anything about it but I'm pretty sure they are all back to work on the set filming. I think maybe they held off going to Miami since H and Delko are going to Rio. I wonder if they will go there to film some of the scenes?
sienna, I'm going to Miami to give Ryan some comfort! :lol:
sorry, this is a one-woman-mission. next time, maybe. :p ;)
BTW, did you received my PM? :confused:

you're right sissi, we should search for a ryan-topic before our always friendly and nice (hint,hint) mods remind us to stay on topic. ;)

*thinks harder*
*cries because mind comes up blank* :(
*finally has a (lame) idea*

What do you like about Ryan Wolfe the most?
or why is he your favorite character?
Twiz i was kidding lol i like Ryan /eric but i'm kinda sure it won't happen :( anywho back on Inge-evil-topic of the day :D

why i like Ryan the most: because he kinda remind me of Nick from LV and i love Nick :lol: i mean his "boyscoot" side is really attractive on the sense that he is, at least for me, the only one who has principes , respects them and lives through them. Besides ,i really like his emotional side, he can't hid his feelings, he isn't to proud to apologize when he does something wrong, he can cry and doesn't be ashame of it. I think he is the "humanside" of CSI miami, without him, they would all look like robots :lol:
inge hey ... thats unfair *burst into tears*
no i didn't get your PM ...

hm what i like most about ryan ... his cute smile , that he's so honest, how he loves his job ... uhm yes can't think of anything else at the moment cause everytime i think of ryan there is just sweet-hot-sweet-hot in my head :D
I fell in love with him when I saw the part in "Legal" with the dead girl, man he made me melt, he was so sad and emotional, ah when he took that deep breathe I about fainted. I've been hooked since, so i'd say his sensitivity. He's gotten very emotional over several case, the BABY, we all love. The girl that got her identity stolen, that scene with Cal when he found out they couldn't arrest the woman who stole the other womans identity was awesome, he said he didn't sign on for that or something. Also in Money Plane he got emotional when he found out that girl was pregnant and willing to take the fall for the guy ( who was played by Micheal Landes, a good friend of JOn's)I hope they don't take his emotions away from him, I noticed that this season he hasn't been as emotional, which you expect since he's got use to it, but not to take it completely away from him like it seems like Cal and Eric are, I mean come on Eric's sister died and he didn't show much emotions to it and neither did Cal. Cal's ex blew his head off right by her and she was like oh wait I have to get my gun, ok maybe not that bad but you know what I mean. NOw H, they have him tooooo emotional, I think this season we'll see him taking a minute at every crime scene to cry a little over the victim. The fact that Ryan is hott as hell helps too, eye candy. YUM.
*takes sienna with her* :D

good answers!
I wanted to write that an answer like 'he's hot and cute' doesn't count but you write so much that I won't add it. :p

I like him because he's cute and hot! :lol:
OK, I'm serious now.
I agree with you sissi (and with Twiz and sienna too )
It's interesting to see someone who is new to the job and IMO the writers didn't copy Greg vom LV. Greg was a little bit sad and confused after his first autopsy.
Ryan was truly sorry for the victim.
I fell for him during 'crime wave'.
In 'under the influence' I liked him but I needed more episodes. I saw 'legal' later and 'hell night' was just funny.
'crime wave' showed us a little bit more about him. He cared for his familiy and it was a sweet ryan/alexx episode.

I like him because he's human. He makes mistakes, he cares about the victims, he sometimes understands why people killed someone (killer date comes to my mind or maybe I interpreted the ending wronng) and he shows his feelings.
that's it for now.
aww i love it when he gets sensitive...like in "legal", and "killer date" and "shoot out" and even the short moment when they found the body in "under the influence"...but i also like it that hes multi-facteted; he can be tough and even bitchy at times ;).

as for slashes, im not a big fan (not a homophobe, either; i always yell at people when they use "gay" as a derogatory word), mostly because i like to pretend i have a chance :p

i would also like to hear more about his past/family...we know about calleighs alcoholic father, eric's dead sister, alexx's kids, frank's wives, and of course (in my opinion), a little more than necessary about horatios personal life. so maybe just a little bit of insight as to "who is ryan wolfe?".

in my humble opinion.
Dutchie said:
Thumpy, you're back! We missed you girl! (can I say girl, beeing only 15?? )

I missed you all too! :D And yes...it's ok to use the word 'girl' the way you did there...makes me feel young. Besides, I say stuff like that to friends who are older than I am all the time. ;)

Thanks again to everyone for all the 'welcome back' posts. :)

hmmmm...why do I like Ryan? Because he's hot and cute of course! :p Couldn't resist, inge...I'm sorry. :lol:

But...in addition to the hotness and the cuteness I like the fact that he's not perfect, he makes mistakes, he is emotional but not overly so. I saw the S3 episodes all out of order, and 'Legal' was actually one of the last few I saw...it and 'Lost Son' which I avoided as long as I possibly could, but anyway...I already liked Ryan before I saw 'Legal', even with all the tension between him and Eric, the leaking the info to the media, etc...but when I saw 'Legal', that was it for me. That episode earned him a special place in my heart alongside Danny, Greg, and of course Speed. I hope that makes sense, lol.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Rampage'. I chose this one b/c it amuses me, it's almost as if he's saying, "Who me??" :lol: And the openess of the shirt is always nice as well)


(credit: Miami Style)
New topic, new topic, let me think. We can talk about Jon's eyes, and his arms. For example I like his eyes 'cause they don't have an exactly color, sometimes they look green, then brown, and they're not light green(those are more common) :D so he's unique :D
I love his eyes, probably his best body feature to me, until I get a good look at his chest. They are hazel, very unique. You know Jon is very unique in deed, he's got hazel eyes that are hard to discribe because they look different all the time, and he's a lefty, which I know there's not a lot of in the world. My son is a lefty too, and his name is Jonathan, no kidding. That's the only similarities they have probably. OH our last name begins with a T, so he's Jonathan T too. OK I'm bored.
Twiztid4Togo said:
Twiz's Thumpy pic

Damn I didn't get this up quick enough. O well I can't wait for tomorrows POTD

It doesn't matter that you didn't get it up before I posted the pic, that is just so adorable and it gave me quite a chuckle. I love it Twiz...thanks for posting it. :D
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