First off...thanks so much to my dear co-mod
Lucy for posting Thursday's Pic Of The Day for me while I was away.
cinegirl said:
Thumpy: where you always find those awesome pics? I mean: Ryan/Jon looks awesome everytime, but you choose the best of them!
I find the caps at the various screencap site, Miami Style, CSI Caps, and of course the wonderful JTO, or I make them myself from my dvds when I have time. I usually just choose the pics I like the best and those that are a bit different than pics that are normally posted, facial expressions and things like that.
sissi said
I always knew there were an evil side on you Jen
:lol: I definitely have an evil side, I just usually keep it hidden, if I ever unleashed it fully, I could really shock y'all.
Welcome to
Jamerson and
Now...back to Ryan's background for a second. I honestly hope he had a normal, happy childhood. I really dislike the fact that so many of these characters seem to come from troubled backgrounds. I think it would be really cool just to have a character decide to become a police officer/CSI just because they want to give back to society and not because some past trauma drove them to it.
As for Ryan seeming to be upset over the baby being neglected in 'Shootout'? To me that doesn't necessarily mean that he was a victim of neglect or abuse himself. My parents have never neglected nor abused me, I grew up happy and knowing I was loved and well taken care of, and seeing or hearing about any child being harmed in
any way distresses me beyond description. To that point, the seeming need for approval doesn't always go hand in hand with a bad family situation either, again I'm speaking from my own personal experiences here.
About the OCD...I think maybe they had that in mind to be a part of the character, but abandoned it to some extent as the storylines from the 3rd season began to take shape. I think it was only mentioned once in the entire 4th season?
And now it's time for...
Thumpy's Pic Of The Day
(from 'Collision')
CSI Screencaps)
Barely getting this in today,'s 11:58pm Friday in my time zone. :lol: