Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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Hi, I'm new to talk CSI. I registered 'cause I love CSI: Miami and I like Jonathan a lot. Well, English isn't my country language so I can practice it here and talk about Jon, that's wonderful!!!

In my country they've only aired 3 seasons, but I know the episodes because of the Internet. One of my favorites episodes is "Shootout" in season 3 when he is with the baby at the end, he looks so cute, and I must confess that I love those sweatervests.

Thanks a lot :D
Welcome here little CalleighWolfe, you like JT? you are on the right place , take some cookies **give cookies ** don't worry about the spelling , english isn't my primary language too but the more you post here , the more you speak well :D

ps: calleighwolfe? are you a calleigh/ryan shipper? :D
It would be interesting to see what kind of relationship Ryan had with his parents. I have a milder case of OCD, but there's a lot that contributes to it. And maybe it developed for Ryan later on in his life. I think that character development is a better alternative than outrageous, pull-out-all-the-stops plotlines. It makes the show much more interesting, and easier to watch.
Thanks sissi59100 and Yes, I'm a calleigh/ryan shipper like you wrote, although I think they won't have any relationship, it's just a dream (a beautiful one, of course je je je).

I found a video at youtube.com, it's about ryan and calleigh and some interesting situations between them in the show. In the background it has this Will Young's song "Who am I?" Have you watched it?

I have a question about the titles: I'm a civilian 'cause I'm new, right?, so the more messages I write, the more my title goes up right? Where can I find the rules about titles in this forum?

"See you soon" :D
to answer your questions hunny: i didn't see that clip..yet :D but i'm not sure if you can give us a link :)

and you are right about the titles, the more you post the more your title goes up, with 100 posts you will be "hit and run" and be able to have an avie...If you need more informations, i suggest you to PM Lucy or ThumpyG42, they are mods here and they are nice ;)
Heehee, I love your little picture-stories, quickbeam. I especially love that his hairstyle and shirt changes in almost every picture, where's the concistency? Just kidding :p
Hi CalleighWolfe and welcome to the Miami Forum. :D

These are the Talk CSI ranks:

0-4 Civilian
5-24 Victim
25-49 Dead on Arrival
50-99 Hit and Run
100-149 Witness
150-199 Prime Suspect
200-299 Rookie
300-499 Police Officer
500-749 Lab Technician
750-999 CSI Levil One
1000-1499 Pathologist
1500-1999 CSI Level Two
2000-2999 Coroner
3000-3999 CSI Level Three
4000-4999 Captain
5000-5999 Judge
6000+ Corpse

This info can be found in the FAQ section in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Also, there is an Info and Help Thread at the top of the Miami forum, which contains most of what you need to know about posting here. :)

If the Ryan/Calleigh video is a fan video made up of clips from the show, I'm afraid that we are not allowed to post links to fan videos due to possible copyright infringement. Sorry about that. :(
You're welcome. ;) There is also a new rank called 'Head of the Swing Shift', which I think is for those with 8000+ posts. :)
welcome to thread calleighwolfe !! i've seen that video ... i love it :D

i think it's kinda funny that corpse is the highest title :D
Welcome calleighwolfe! :D

I'm completely crazy.
I saw an episode of 'Grey's Antatomy' (the case with the 'pregnant' man) and Alex kissed Izzie at the end of the episode. total hot kiss.

Of course I thought: I want such a szene with jon.
I don't think that we ever see such a kiss on Miami and I came to the conclusion that Jon has to shoot a movie where he has to kiss a woman.
anyone agree? :lol:
Wow!! Awesome job Quickbeam!! That is a very interesting story line because,if you think about it, we never really hear about RYAN's interests or hobbies, or anything lol For some reason , we sometimes get to go very deep into Delko's life, like with his sister, all his girlfriends, and his personal problems like with the drug stuff. Its just kind of weird but then again, they did kinda shine the spotlight on Ryan for awhile with the whole nail thing and always getting mad at the reporter...hmmm.. maybe they do kinda tell us about Ryan, lol Man, I'm confusing myself lol anyways, Maybe you should like send these in to the studios lol...I'd definatly wouldn't mind actually seeing these :)
Totally awesome pic Lucy! loven the black t-shirt :D
Hui, that sounds hot! Jon in a kissing-scene - great imagination you brought to me, inge! :D
quickbeam, Ilove your story! More imaginations, yeah!! :devil:
Welcome aboard CalleighWolfe! Great you joined us! I'll see you in the CarWash-Thread, too! ;) And I saw the video, too, it's so...*sigh* (about the language: there are really many further people posting around - me included - whose first language isn't english, so don't be afraid! ;) Öhm, by the way: I hope this sentence was kind of correct :eek:)

P.S.: You like the sweater vests? Well, here's your Welcome-Present!
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