Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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CaRWashLuvr, though I totally agree with you, you shouldn't post ship-related things in here, 'cause there are quite a few Ryan lovers that don't ship CaRWash and they tend to chase us with baseballbats if we start about it. :D I'm not a mod, I'm just trying to safe your life. ;)

About the financial thing:

There was also this time (god why can't I remember the episode's name :confused:) when he had to pay Erica for that broken equipment, (what was it, 500 dollars??) and he couldn't (at once). That tells me that he isn't that rich. That, plus the student loan story.

Wow, look, I started a whole discussion! Cool! :lol:

*just when you think I'm finished*: Oh Cinegirl?? Where are you? *puts on innocent puupy-dog face* Come out, come out, wherever you are... :devil:
Your right Dutchie;if Ryan was rich he wouldn't need student loans. When Erica asked him to pay for the recorder he said "500 bucks!What is the thing dipped in gold?!I can't afford that,I work for the county.
Oops, guys, where are our manners? So: Welcome, Jamerson ! Another member - soon we can hold sway over the world and spread the togoism :devil:! (Who of you has created this word, by the way? I love it!! ;) )

Thumpy: where you always find those awesome pics? I mean: Ryan/Jon looks awesome everytime, but you choose the best of them!

His background: I hope, he had a kind of normal childhood, too, because we need a csi without to much drama happened in the past. As most or all of you said, I also think that his family doesn't have much money and so teached him to work for his life but gave him a nice and secure home. And once again I have to say: I wanna see the next season! Sometimes you're talking about events I really want to see by myself! :(

P.S.: Dutchie! You're not fast enough! :p *runs away again*
about that money thing: in 'one of our own' said one of the feds something like one of your csis has drug problems (eric) and one has money problems (ryan???)

was he talking about ryan? i think so ...
I remember that too Sienna but I just figured they were talking about Delko both ways because his sister broke him with her illness. At the beginging of the season they said he had money probs and focused on it, like Ryan talking about his bounced check.

I read that extra bio too and was excited when it had he went to Boston College because I figured they would make him from the Boston area then. To me it sounds like he went there but maybe ran out of funds or something and had to move to Miami and get into patrol and take night classes to finish up his degrees.

As for his OCD I don't think the writers really know where to go with that. Jon said in an interview him having OCD was his idea and the TPTB went with it, so I doubt we'll ever get the story behind that.

So I have a q's...we are talking about his personal life so I know a lot about H's and some of Calleigh and Delko's but was we told anything about Speed? I just started watching in season 3 so I don't know anything about him. If they never said much about him then we probably won't get much about Ryan. It sucks because we know more about Boa now then Ryan..eh.
OK, once again I'm gonna disagree. I guess I'm the only one who didn't get the vibe that he came from a good family. I just always thought that he didn't. Maybe it was just normal since he was new and all, but Ryan is always looking for approval from Horatio and Cal. I just had a feeling that maybe his parents weren't there for him. He was so strongly attached to calleigh during season 3, I just figured he was looking for security from an "elder". I dunno. I have a tendancy to look for the disfunctional family in every guy.
:lol: I wish I had extra powers. Oh...and why do you think I chose that pic yesterday? You read my mind. ;)

I always knew there were an evil side on you Jen :lol: :devil: oh and a smily Ryan today :D that's getting better !

OK, once again I'm gonna disagree. I guess I'm the only one who didn't get the vibe that he came from a good family. I just always thought that he didn't. Maybe it was just normal since he was new and all, but Ryan is always looking for approval from Horatio and Cal. I just had a feeling that maybe his parents weren't there for him. He was so strongly attached to calleigh during season 3, I just figured he was looking for security from an "elder". I dunno. I have a tendancy to look for the disfunctional family in every guy

i agree and i disagree with you lol i'm pretty sure he came from a normal family but maybe something happened on his childhood, it would explain what you exposed....See he made me think of Nick Stockes on CSIvegas; Ryan has a "boyscoot" side, always wanna do things right, afraid to hurt people he loves etc....but it can show a lack of love during his childhood...
bulletgirl91, I'm always right. Kidding. I'll get you Vera! *jumps on bike* :D

Commited2Wolfe, you have a very good point there, he was looking for approval very much, but I know this has happened to me, I'm mostly insecure about my work (at school I mean) and one time in the first class of high school, this teacher wrote on my list of grades: 'searches for approval a lot'. But my family is great, I get a lot of attention, so that wasn't the problem. I'm just insecure about my prestations at school. Or I was. Your theory could be correct, it could be that his parents weren't there for him, but personally, I think the insecurity was just because he was new, and he didn't wanna screw up, because everyone still saw him as Speed's replacement, and he wanted to prove that he wasn't trying to be that.

Sorry for the long boring story about me. :p
I also disagree with the Ryan came from a nice background thing, I always kinda thought he had a bad relationship with his parents because of his conversation with Horatio at the end of 'Shoot Out' when they talk about child abuse

I also figured that he wasn't very close with his parents because he went to check up on his uncle instead of on his parents, but if he did came from the Boston Area then that is a moot point because his parents could be in Boston

As the OCD thing, you can get it because of a traumatic experience and you can get rid of it, but you can also be born with it, so maybe that's Ryan's case

I don't think they're really going to give him a story line with the OCD, it's probably just some small background thing, like they did with Eric and his partially Russian background, that also comes up only a few times just like Ryan's OCD has in the past
These are such great pictures, just enough to brighten up the disastrous spoilers for next season.

My prospects of retaining some new respect for this show have somewhat been diminished. Last season was a disaster in terms of character development and plotlines, but this whole thing with Ryan is just pissing me off. There's barely any logic behind this.

Okay, I'm done being angry.. for now.
I still hope for a nice background for Ryan. :p
There's too much drama in the show.
I start to believe that every cop has a bad background und this is why he/she became a cop. :p

I also want to know why Ryan moved to Miami.

Twiz, I believe that there wasn't much information about Speed, nearly nothing. I'm not a Speed expert and I forgot a lot of things about Season 1 and 2.
Maybe the Speed experts could answer the question better. ;)
SwiftTales your so right about the OCD thing, you can get it from a traumatic experience. I had a neighbor that was in a car accident and somehow he got OCD from it. I guess he had a mild case of it before but after the accident he was totally compulsive and anyone could see it. I was in my car one day and he came out and check over and over to make sure he shut his door, then he turned his motorcycle on like a few times then puts his helmet on and off a few times. I felt so bad for him. His mom said he does things over and over before he can do anything. Now that's a severe case unlike Ryan's which I think his just makes him neat and have to have order.

I really don't think Ryan's is bad at all because I noticed in the EP Driven that at the end when he's in the locker room with Calleigh talking about how he froze that he's taking his gun apart and just tosses it into his locker, now to me if he had OCD he'd be putting it away with more care...I'm too into this too.

Now I don't think Ryan came from a totally messed up family but I think they struggled with money and maybe he wasn't so close to them. I see the point about him looking for approval and agree with it, I think that's why I think he wasn't close with his family, plus he got shot in the eye with a nail and where was his family? Poor guy only had Alexx with him. I don't think we'll ever get anything about his parents but we should get something about his uncle, at least we know he lives in Miami and he's close to him if he talks about Ryan all the time. Lets all hope for something. Thanks Inge for the help.
I think in that Driven piece he was just too pissed off to really care about that time

I have a mild case of OCD and when I get pissed off I tend to ignore my biting tendencies of having my room spick and span and just toss things around

but it could be that the writers just forgot about it, continuity isn't really their strongest point as has been pointed out many, many times before :p

Maybe Ryan's family is dead besides his uncle and maybe they died in an accident and he was present and that was the traumatic expierence that caused him to develop OCD
I think his parents must still be alive (or at least were at the beginning of Season Three) because of his "my parents are leaving me their lawn mower" comment.

Something that I found interesting though, was that his uncle might have some money, to be able to afford an ocean front condo in Miami. Those things don't come cheap. It maybe wasn't the fanciest, million dollar condo or anything, but still, ocean-front, that's bound to cost a bundle. Funny how we never actually see Ryan's uncle at all in that episode. It's actually kinda weird how they totally skirted around it. Hmmm...

Something else I always wondered was why Ryan would move to Miami to become a cop/CSI when he could have just stayed in Boston. My guess is that he wanted to go live near his uncle.

Hmm..okay, I had more points to make, but the phone rang, and now I've totally lost all my train of thought... meh, more later. And QRFOTW is coming soon. :D
I don't know about the others, but when I said earlier that I believed he came from a normal family, I meant as far as economic class; average class, mid-class.

Someone early said that in Shootout he was upset about that baby being abused. That baby's case was one of neglect not abuse. There is a difference between to two, but both can have equally disastrous effects.

I'm not led to believe that he was abused, but perhaps his family wasn't there as much as he would have liked. I think it was more the case of two parents working non-stop to support their child and themselves, desperately trying to provide, but missing out on family time.

Ryan seems to be trying to live up to these high work standards. Perhaps even thinking that nothing is ever good enough.

As for the OCD, like I said earlier, people with it try to control their environment. Like SwiftTales said a traumatic event can cause OCD. When someone is in an accident, especially if they already have tendencies toward OCD, they feel that if they had more control over the problems leading up to the event that they could have prevented it. So they do things over and over again so that they are sure they have done something, because sometimes when you do something once, you tend to forget.

I don't thing that Ryan's is necessary due to a traumatic event. It's seems to be of the compounded type; the type where constant criticism, emotional imbalance, and difficulties coping comes from..

Alas, we'll probably never hear anything about it on this show with it's lacking sense of continuity. *sigh*

Okay, done over thinking. :D
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