Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15
happilyhappy, I hope you get better. The same for you,
As for the OCD, I did the test just to see what kind of questions were asked, because I can't have OCD if my mother is always telling me things like "Have you seen your room?!Look at the mess". Well, the only thing I do that can be closer to OCD is to check lots of times my bag when I have something important to get to school for example, or checking if my money haven't disappeared even when I go to buy bread (I do that like 5 seconds after having put those things in the bag)...But the most ridiculous one if the fact that every night I check my alarm clock like more than 10 times just to make sure everything is ok and that I am going to wake up in time the next morning

These are my OCD related things, and even when I am doing them, I know it's not necessary but I can't help it. But I don't have OCD at all. It said that I should see someone especialized in one of the tests :lol: Because of repeating actions or because of having toughts of bad things happening?! :lol: Ok, the tests didn't work out for me, ut they are probably helpful for other people
As for the video, it's the first Jon Togo's video I see. And it is indeed cute the way he is talking. And so is fast...Well, so fast that I could barely understand what he was saying :lol: Anyway, our thoughts are confirmed, Jon Togo is a hero!
ETA:Just did the second test about OCD and "Names starting with D signify Death?"