Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok um wow I scored a 26 on that test. Ummm yikes. Not only do I have ADD I more than likely have OCD. Great.

hot4JT can you PM me the link to your website with all the videos of Jon? I would love to see him being himself more - rather than watching him scripted. Thanks!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ahahah i got a 1 on that ocd test .. guess jon and i dont have that much in common after all ahahha ... the only thing i do is that i let things pile up ... i cant throw anything out.

mmmmmmm i love his sweatervestsssss
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yikes, I got a 13. Ahh, I might have OCD. I along time ago I was diagnosed with ADD and then re-diagnosed as to not having it, lol. Maybe I have mild OCD instead. *hugs OCD buddies*

Thanks for that test! Can't wait to see Ryan in the new episodes.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I got a seven on that test. I already knew that I wasn't OCD though. I have tendencies but not OCD.

Only 3 days until a new episode. :)

Someone said that they wanted to see a photo of Ryan in a white t-shirt. I found one, but he is wearing his "movie star" jacket over it.

:lol: I love his expression.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Holy Crap a new thread and already page 3...
YAY for new thread *throw confetti* but boo already moving so fast.

Hot4JT thanks so much for the video, Jon the lifesaver. Can you imagine if you were that girl and your were a fan of his getting busted by him? Maybe she didn't realize who he was until after and then her friends were like "hey I think that was Togo." She would have died, I would have.

So in honor of the new thread and thanks to Hot4JT for giving me the video I capped the cutiest pic of TOgo. So this is for you Elise.

awwwww I want to hug him
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Happilyhappy i love that face too!!
and i liked that episode too specially when he went to question the lab technitian and he winked!!

ETA: i took that OCD test and i think that most of us in here are OCD maybe because we watch too much Ryan? :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yay what awsome pictures of him!!!!!!!! We should stand outside his house singing TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF untill he takes his shirt off ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

You could never watch too much Ryan!
Guess What, I took the other test that loyal2Wolfe posted. I scored 18 :eek: Okay, Its confirmed :lol:

What was the episode called that was on Tuesday and whenever it was on this week? Te one about the 3 wives on vacation and the dead pool boy.
Ryan was soo cute!! His fighting with Eric the whole episode, was funny lol When he saw Delkos rolling papers and he was like "Dont wory, I believe you. Dont you hate it when people just assume??" They way he said it was hilarious and very hot :D
Then he was like "Your both wrong, I know who the killer is (big goofy grin)" :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

The episode is called Three-Way. I love that episode.

I love how he has the childish antics when telling the other two he knows who did it. And that grin. *loves it* I even posted it in thread 14. Wow. Seems so long ago now, but it was just earlier this week. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i could've imagined him dancing around singing "I know who the killer is!I know who the killer is!"
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok - now I am mad. My Avatar was pulled - saying it was too big. Now I can't figure out how to resize it to make it smaller. Photobucket is not letting me!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Okay. Hot4jontogo come to my house at 8.00pm tomorrow and we'll go to his house. Sing untill he comes to the door, asks what we want and maybe he'll TAKE IT OFF!!!
Three-Way is so hot ;) I remember the last time I watched that. I fell off my chair when I was jumping up and down saying ' Oh my dayz he is hot ' over and over again lol.
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