Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks Thumpy! I love the picture :D

*dials Ryan's number* He was waiting for me to call? :eek: *In shock* :lol: Thanks athlov! That was a long story!! :D

Thanks Tinker! :D

Yeah, I did! Thanks for asking Silhouette and Shadowfax. ;) He does look good with a birthday hat!! Awww so cute! :lol: *faints*

LovinMyGreggo, you should check out the Ryan/Greg thread in shippers central.. You get the best of both worlds!! ( :lol: I feel like Hanna Montana :p)

I can see Ryan with a cat too. They are so clean and you dont have to take them for walks every day.

*perks up* Did I hear someone is going to clone Jon!? *raises hand higher then anyone.* Im 5'11 :p ;)

I like Ryan with long hair, because he had it when I fell inlove with him. :p But now that i've seen most of season 4 and all of season 5 so far, the short hair is definatly growing on me. :D I dont care either way tho. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks CalleighWolfe :D I know what's wrong with it now, but I can't fix it until angelfire fixes their page. :mad:

Thanks again, and I'm glad everyone liked the pics. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thank you athlov for the caps, the "Thanks H" one was so funny :lol: and his sweater... yummmmy :eek: those muscles... :eek:

ryan_lover here's the link to Jon's (or whoever it is)
myspace You need to create your own account to see his pics.

OH and I sign in for the clone :D I don't know much about clones, but is it possible to produce an adult Jon? because I don't really want to babysitt him :lol: then I'd be too old for him when the clone is finally grown up ! :lol: *laughs at the thought of a baby Jon*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I was looking at the myspace link you posted and it says he's online now!! :eek:

Talk about a way to choke up a girl while she's eating... *signs in on her myspace*

ETA: Never mind, he's off now. But he'll probably get back on at the same time tomorrow... *remembers what time she was on*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! Ok, so, I'm so excited about this that I haven't bothered to read the most recent posts, so if this has already been posted then I'm sorry, but this is so fantastic that I just had to post about it immediately!

Ok, so there was just a commercial on TV, and it went a little something like this:

Tanya Kim (entertainment show host): Tomorrow on eTalk Daily, find out what happens when stars like Jonathan Togo interview themselves.
(camera cuts to JT)
Jonathan: How did you get so handsome?

Then, Jon replies to his own question, but I was so excited that I can't remember what he said! I was freaking out and giggling like a fangirl and I missed it! Ack! But, I'll be watching this channel for the next couple hours, so they'll probably show it again! Yay! Oh man, so excited! The full interview is on tomorrow, I FULLY intend to watch it and post a full transcript. Oh man, I hope nothing comes up that I miss it... but it's gonna be hilarious! *squee!*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMGOMGOMOMG I SAW THAT TOO! Im having aparty so i wont be able to see it!!! My tape recorder wont work either! Im so depressed right now!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

thanks for the info Quicky but take a deep breath and calm down and tell us the time and channel for this.LOL Deep breath in....exhale out..Feel better now? Don't tell me it's E because I don't get E. I only get like 12 channels since I moved. I'm too bummed because I doubt it's on one of those 12 channels. Please more info Quicky, your killin me now. Is that the Daily 10 show on E that you are talking about that is on at 7:30 on E?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Ok, extended info:

Unfortunately for many of you, you probably won't get the channel because it's CTV, which is a Canadian channel. :( But! I don't know for sure, but there's a reasonably decent chance that they might post it on the station's website, http://www.ctv.ca. Like I said, I don't know for sure, but the website usually has tons of videos on it, and even streams some of their whole shows. In any case, the show that the interview is on is called eTalk Daily... and for those of you who CAN see it, according to the commercial it's on at 7/10:30 central. Wee!

ETA: Ooh, the commercial just aired again. Again, I kinda missed it, it happened so fast, but I spotted ROYAL BLUE T-SHIRT!! :p And, his self-interview went like this:

Jon: How did you get so handsome?
Jon: It involves a pretty intense skin-care regime.

*squee* :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Im buying a DVD recorder for this :D Im not kidding you.. We dont have a working one, so my mom promised she would buy one in time :D :D

Thanks for the info Quickbeam :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks for the info on the interview tomorrow! I'll be sure to set my tape for it. Another chance for me to test out my new DVD recorder :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Cloned Jons? :p Are they going to be adult Jons? Because I don't want to babysit. An adult Jon would be nice though. But harder to hide from Himself than a pic in a handbag. I think I'm going to have to pass that up. *cries* :(

Quickbeam , that interview sounds fab. Please do post a transcript for those of us who can't get CTV. Jon's other interviews have been hilarious. He's such a funny guy. I managed to download the CBS interview when he was talking about the Nailed thing (on dial-up - it took ages :mad: ), and how he wanted to wear an eyepatch but they wouldn't let him. I think he should have had an eyepatch, or at least a black eye. There was no sign of the injury in Urban Hellraisers. You'd think it would have taken longer to heal. (I know - picky, picky!) :D

Oh, and inge , I'm glad you liked Vacation. That was the really nagging idea I got that started me writing - why did Ryan's image change so much between S3 and S4, where did the sunburn come from, and why did the relationship between him and Eric shift so much? I was quite proud of the way that fic developed. :D
About the hairstyle change, I wrote that Ryan wore his hair long originally because he was trying to hide his ears - he was a bit overconscious of them (something he was teased about as a child). He had his hair cut during a break from work, and realised his ears didn't look that bad after all. This sounds completely crazy writing it down here :eek: :eek: , but it makes more sense in the fic. (It's on my lj if anyone wants to read it - there's a link from my profile page).
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Tinkerbell said:
My favourite episode with Ryan’s hair was the first episode he appeared in 'Under The Influence'. I remember Thumpy had this awesome icon of Ryan from that episode. I used to love looking at it, I never got anything done. :lol:

Thanks for reminding me about that, Tink! :D I decided to dust that one off and use it again...I may re-do it though, I've improved since then, lol.

Here's the original screencap I used to make it:

Clicky clicky!

Welcome back, LMG and JTangel...it's great to see you both back. :)
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