Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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OOO a new thread and I get to open it..I'm so excited and feeling so honored...Congrates everyone on a new thread and get your drool buckets ready.

And here’s the 'Ryan thread' rules and helpful suggestions:

inge's Suggestions for viewing Jonathan Togo pics:
1. Always remember: breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

2. Don't eat or drink while you are watching the pics. Otherwise you're in danger.

3. Tell someone what you are doing and this person should check on you every five minutes or so. Note: This person should be able to call 911.

4. Be sure that in case of fading or fainting that you have a cozy place to land. Place some pillows on the floor, for example, or tie yourself to the chair.

life_style's Guide to 'The Togo Fan's Proper Techniques For Viewing CSI: Miami':
1. It is also important to add that someone should be present while you watch CSI Miami, but that it is illegal for them to talk during Togo's parts. Preferably a doctor of some kind, so that he or she could regularly check your breathing etc.

2. Bring a bucket or some tissues, because there will be major drooling going on when you watch an eppy or some pics. You don't want to ruin your clothes, or the floor or something.

here's a t-shirt pic since it seems to be most of our favs, at least mine.


here's a link to the old thread togo #9
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

cool, new thread!!! :D congrats to everyone.
*brings some (alcohol-free) drinks and chips*

well done Twiz!
great pic, it's so rrraawwwrrr... :lol:
he looks cool. :cool:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMG!!!!NEW THREAD! TOGO ROCKS!! :D :D *throws confetti* Man we are fasttt little posters aren't weeeee! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMG!!! New Thread!!! I'd like to open one :sighs:

Like Inge said drinks for everybody!!! :lol:
Beer for us, the adults

And pepsi for the teenagers

Although I prefer the pepsi :lol: :lol:

Here's a nother pic to celebrate ;). Found it at GettyImages

Note: I copied those gif from someone in another thread. Thanks a lot, I don't remember who was I'm really sorry :( Think it was in Mac/Stella.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMG I love those...going to copy them from you, if you don't mind CalleighWolfe????
So does it look OK? I'm nervous because this was only my second start of a thread here..On other boards I seem to be terrible at threads, no one replies..I'm a thread killer. OMG I hope I didn't jinx our Togo thread, sry. Well the other is an ABC board and those peeps suck, Togoholics kickass and ROCK.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I don't care Twiz :D Copy them. And don't say you're 'pavosa' (that's how we say in my country, to a person who jinxs something), I've noticed that people haven't written a lot these days I think they're busy 'cause school started etc. On the other hand we're running out of topics 'cause I think we've 'squeezed' s3 and s4. We need s5 right now.

Well I need s4 first :lol: :lol:

BTW, girls, I'm cleaning my photobucket, so I'll delete and move some pics. Just in case!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Wooohooow! A new thread :p
the thread name rocks, even though it wasn't the one I voted for :p

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

YAY NEW THREAD!!!!! :D Rawrrrrrrrrr :devil:
Congratulations, everyone! *throws confetti*

I just noticed tanned Ryan in S4... Looks like he's spent his vacation under the sun... RaWr, SEXY :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Congrats to the new thread guys!

You guys sure are fast, and I'm here to help spread the Togo/Ryan love! I come bearing a welcoming gift. ;)


(Courtesy of csimiamionline )

Enjoy the new thread guys!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

W00-H00!! New thread!! *does happy dance*

Too bad I can't have beer [legally anyway :p], but I like pepsi!! :D

:devil: RaWr!! :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Ohh thanks for the pic speed_cochrane! :D

I like coke/pepsi too! *Brings in 24 pack*..is there even such thing as a 24 pack? :lol: Heres a pic for the new thread :devil::

:D :D :D :D :D :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Edit: I took the screencap myself btw :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yay :D
Congratulations to the new thread. OMG, :eek: the last one went so fast (let's see how fast this will be). ;)

The thread titel is... well... awesome!! :p

RAWR :D :devil:

*enjoys the beer*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

But...I'm too young for beer, and I don't like Pepsi! :( *takes applejuice and sips* What?! :lol:

Sue, how can you kill the Togo thread? You really can't. I am totally way too late for this, but since I was absent last week: Happy very belated birthday Jon! Hey you were late on mine, I can be late on yours! :p And I love the pictures. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yay! I'm here for the thread opening! *throws confetti*

RAWRRRR... *makes tiger claw hand motion* hehe!

And great pictures, everyone - there's several I haven't seen before! :D :D :D

*takes glass of water* Aww, am I a party pooper? The dentist got mad at me for having cavities... :lol: What does she care, anyway? She makes more money if I DO have cavities. Besides, it was there the LAST time I went, and they didn't fill it! And I had good dental insurance back then! Now I have to pay a pile of money for it - money that SHOULD have gone towards paying for my internet! Now I'll have to substantially reduce my Togotime!! And it's all the dentist's fault! :lol: That or high tuition costs. :mad:

[/anger at the world] :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Wow... today is a special day... My first day of school (not including freshman orientation), AND the first day of a new thread.

Great pictures. My new uniform is now covered in drool.

Sorry, too young for beer. Anyone want Iced Tea?

Also, I'm not new. Been here since thread five or six. Just haven't posted at all, even though I'm religiously reading.
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