Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

thanks Silhouette *hug* that pic of him holding that little girl is just too cute for words! :lol: it makes me melt.
and no my brother has no idea that being a massive CSI fan that I Know about 840237420389420 ways to kill him. :lol:

It wouldn't be possible for us all to go to JT's house at once cuz we'd probably be fighting over him too much and then he would kick us out! :lol:

So I'm fine with taking it in turns to visit him. now we are gonna have to work out who will visit him first or we could be really childish and have a pillow fight over it. hehehe *grabs about 6 pillows to defend self with* :devil: :lol:

I wannna go look at the carwash thread but I can't find it.
please help! :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I have my body pillows ready for this one. I think Jon would be thrilled having us over, now his g/f may not be so thrilled....that's the price you pay to have such a hottie for a b/f.

Nice pics as always and I'd kill if someone deleted my stuff. I know how your feeling because we got a new puter and my hubby didn't tranfer my stuff (pics) over to the new one. We still have the old puter and I'm temped to hook it up to go through my pics. But I have already got my collection of pics back up and I'm happy. You guys have helped a lot with that and JTO.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Mrs.Togo said:
if not, we could take turns.... 2 hours each with him! would he cope? :confused: Oh yeahhh... after all he's a triathlon man :devil:
:lol: :lol: Your funny!!! I call the first two hours! I dont want him to be worn out :devil: ;)

Yeah, I noticed the same green sweater too. I didn't think shows did that. You never see the same shirt twice.. Im not complaining though! He looked so hot in that shirt. *empties drool bucket*

:eek: Aww Im sorry that happened, ryan_lover!! Here are some pics. ;) I hope this helps fill up your folder.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'd kill if someone deleted my stuff too. Thank God the only person with access to my computer is my younger sister, and she's just almost as crazy as I am of Ryan/JT :D So I'm safe! Well, unless there's a computer virus that crash it down or something... Then I'd kill whoever made that virus!

*grabs 10 pillows filled with thick books for extra defense* Bring it on :devil:

Oh wait, us Togoholics shouldn't fight, we should unite! So, maybe we should just take turns... there's 365 days in a year right? And 24 hours in a day? :lol:

Hmm come to think about it, his gf is actually a fellow Togoholic too. I mean, she loves him. Togoholics love Togo. (Am I making any sense? :lol:)

Anyway, I thought we were planning on sending a project to JT? :confused: Whatever happen to that plan...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Silhouette said:
Anyway, I thought we were planning on sending a project to JT? :confused: Whatever happen to that plan...

Yes, the project is sending ourselves to him (with our own pillow) :lol:
more seriously, i don't know what happened to that project neither.

ETA : About the green sweater, it's not the same as in Rio. If you look closely at the caps, the one in Rio has a rib collar, and on the GU caps posted in Eric/Ryan thread, the collar is different. The green shade is very similar though.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks for the comments about the episode! :)
as always very helpful.
Shadowfax (Thanks again!) posted pics with eric and ryan in shipper central and I liked the color of the sweater. IMO it wasn't my beloved pukey green ( :p), it was more darker. anyway, he looked good.

I saw the promo of the new episode and it was not a good trailer (again IMO). nothing about the episode. but I liked the shot where they were walking on the beach. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

After a celebrity is murdered at an A-list party, the CSIs uncover a counterfeiting ring producing $100 bills

So now what???
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Mrs_Togo said:
Silhouette said:
Anyway, I thought we were planning on sending a project to JT? :confused: Whatever happen to that plan...

Yes, the project is sending ourselves to him (with our own pillow) :lol:
more seriously, i don't know what happened to that project neither.

ETA : About the green sweater, it's not the same as in Rio. If you look closely at the caps, the one in Rio has a rib collar, and on the GU caps posted in Eric/Ryan thread, the collar is different. The green shade is very similar though.

I'll do the project!! We can sign a petition for Jon to cut off locks of his GORGEOUS hair and send them to each of us personally!! (I don't know, I just thought of that.) But maybe I can write a letter and state that we are all "Togoholics" and that someone made up that name (who claims it?) and then I can also state that we would like him to do something special for us... but what? (haha, some project!)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah, I saw the promo too inge, but I don't recall seeing Jon in it. :( *pouts* I'm gonna be seriously upset if he doesn't get a lot of screentime again.

Oh, and thanks for that info on the FAQ, Thumpy! I've been meaning to tell you that, but I keep forgetting everytime I post. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I didnt see the promo! I was on the computer :lol: Jeese I need to pay more attention!

Oh yeah, what ever happened to the Togo project? We had some interesting ideas :D ;)

I hope we get a lot of Togo in the next episode!! He looks hot in the suit type thing :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy birthday, Katie! :D
And commiserations, ryan lover . It's horrible to lose pics. :(

Here are your birthday pics, Katie. Would you mind sharing with ryan lover? She's in need... (Credit to JTO and Miami Style)

I'm working again? I wanted to go to Katie's party!

And ryan lover's lost all her pics. That's a tragedy!

I'm going to have to think of something to cheer them up

OK, I'm ready. I'm all yours.

(The third pic is the one I keep in my handbag... :p )

Shadowfax said:
I hope you have a Togolicious day!!

Togolicious. Did we ever use that as a thread name? It sounds like a good one to me. :D

I want to ask a question. I have a vague idea for a fic floating around in my mind. If Ryan had a pet, what kind of pet would he have? A cat or dog, or something exotic like a lizard, or a collection of tropical fish, or... What do you think? :confused: :D
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