Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm totally with you there Quickie, there wasn't enough. My friggin dvd recorder f*cked up on me twice. UGH I'm so mad. I looked and it said error recording to disk. I was like WTF. So I grab my hubby's family guy cd, only one I knew had room on it, boy is he going to be pissed I did that, but hey, he'll get over it. Anyways so it's recording for a few then it comes up disk error and I scream. Luckily it was during a commercial and I hurried and found yet another cd to put in it. SO this EP is on 3 cd's. It's going to be fun for me to try to watch it now. If you guys are looking to buy a dvd recorded don't buy cheap ass wal mart, it's not worth the headache.

So since it's still spoiler time I wont mention much except it was a good ep. NOT enough Ryan, but he did look extremely good, as always. I hope everyone enjoys it. I'm going to bed. I usually rewatch it too but I'm afraid I'm going to find out I don't have it all and I'll be up all night pissed off.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

lol...that was the same sweater as last week wasn't it? And I also believe we determined that it was the same one from 'Urban Hellraisers' as well? I swear, when he first turned up on screen, I said, "That's the same sweater he wore last week!" However, I'm willing to overlook this for two reasons...1. It was green....2. They got rid of the jacket and let him wear just the sweater...3. I think it has something to do with the episodes being shot out of order. I think originally this wasn't supposed to be the second episode of the season, so maybe they didn't realize that the shirt was the same...or if it's not actually the same sweater that it was very, very similar. Ok, so that was three reasons, lol. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awww I'm hoping I could meet you too, Shadowfax. But I live about 2 hours away from the airport :( (not to mention the crazy traffic :rolleyes:) And I can't even drive! :lol: (I know, it's a skill everyone should have... but...) Are you planning to go somewhere in South Jakarta? I live just 5 minutes away from Pondok Indah Mall so if you happen to be around there... awww it'd be so cool to meet other Togoholic! :D :D

Ooh, count me in if you all are planning to do some Togoholics quest in LA... Haha JT would be so freaked out. But eh, I live 423847012384012538 miles away :( Maybe somebody should send me a ticket. One way ticket is fine. I don't think I wanna go home after I meet him :p Can we all stay in his place? On set? Whatever? I wouldn't mind :p :lol: We can all be extras on CSIM ;)

I wouldn't mind guest starring as a corpse. That way, JT could touch and poke me and... uh, collecting evidence off me :D :devil:

Lime green sweater? I just watched Urban Hellraisers yesterday, and I was thinking, 'wait, green sweater? is this the one they're talking about? maybe it's the same sweater' :confused: Odd.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

So we're all meeting at Jon's house, are we? We'll just ring the doorbell and say we've dropped round for tea. Sounds like a good idea to me! :D :lol:

Which episode is the 100th? Is it the one with the money and the suit and orange shirt? 503? I really want to know what the deal is with the money - that question's niggling at the back of my mind. :confused:

And Silhouette , I reckon it is the same sweater - it's a favourite, and he's washed it and washed it until it's faded almost beyond recognition, but he won't let it go :D . Csi Chic , has Delko worn it too? Ooooh... :devil: I think I need to go and talk about this on a different thread... *runs off to Shipper Central*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Am I wrong or did the previews for next week not show Ryan again at all? I mean this is the one ep with the burning money and the big 100th. So the previews sucked. I have it on dvd somewhere on my 3 cd's but it's only 7:30 am and I'm not awake enough to look for it. I think the shirt was a lil different, it seemed lighter or brighter then last weeks.

Yeah I think we could all crash at Jon's house for vacation, I'm sure he won't mind. Oh and I love the idea of us all playing dead peeps. He can touch and poke me all he wants...to get the evidence, yeah.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

This is exactly what i spent a good deal of time ranting about earlier this month. I'm sick of the way Ryan is underused- JT is a fantastic actor who could act Caruso and his sunglasses off the screen; but he never gets any real decent screentime (apart from "Under The Influence" and "Deviant"). I want to see more Ryan... preferably topless and wet (ie: shower scene!)... but any Ryan will be good enough for me!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

my little brother is such an annoying little **** cuz he managed to work out what my password is for my account on the computer and gone and deleted all my togo picures and some college stuff wilst I was at college this morning and he got rid of my Ryan wallpaper and put up a god dam barbie one. I Hate barbie. GRRRRR :mad: :mad: I am so totally gonna kill him.

I am soo happy that I have all of you lovely togoholics to talk to :D
oh and CSIM is on tonight so that makes things even better but I'm still really angry at my brother.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Sweet Togo in Heaven! I feel your pain there ryan_lover! I honestly don't know what I'd do without my Ryan and Greg galleries on my PC! If you need a new pic of Ryan there's one of him on my myspace profile (just view my profile here and there's a link). It hot-beard-Ryan and my god he's gorgeous!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMG! OMG! OMG! thats one of the most drool-worthy pic I've seen! :lol: it sooo hot :p *DROOLS* and I love his shirt.
Thanks mikeW *hug* I feel a lot better already.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ryan_lover, i love those pics sooo much. Look back in the previous thread, we posted many pics from this event. some are even showing chest hair... arrgghhh *wipes drool from mouth*

OHohOh just read over at the carwash thread how Calleigh called Ryan "babe"... so cute! are we gonna see FlirtyRyan again? that would be awesome and especially if he's being flirty with someone NOT bitchy, for once. :devil:

now does anyone know if caps of OUR BABE in Going Under are already available somewhere?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah, Calliegh and Ryan getting together is probably the only work romance I want to see. Jon was very drool-worthy in that tight green sweater. Wear more bright colors like green,orange and reds
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMG I can't imagine how to live without your Togo pics... Poor ryan_lover :( Doesn't your brother realize that as a CSI fan you probably know 840237420389420 ways to kill someone and get away with it? :devil: :lol:

Here you go, Hope you're feeling a lot better :)

AliGtr said:
And Silhouette , I reckon it is the same sweater - it's a favourite, and he's washed it and washed it until it's faded almost beyond recognition, but he won't let it go :D
Haha is it just me or I think it's cute that he's so fond of that sweater? :lol: Hmm makes me wanna be the sweater :devil: Being that close to JT's body... oh yeah :devil:
I guess in Urban Hellraisers you should blame the colour code... EVERYTHING GREEN! :eek: Or at least I remember Calleigh was wearing green...

Haha Twiz, wouldn't mind playing a DB either. But I'd put a special request to the producers/casting director/whoever in charge to put me into Ryan's case. I don't want Delko or H poking me, I only want Ryan :D

So, when are we going to visit JT for tea? I hope his living room is big enough for all of us :D Maybe we should bring sleeping beds and camp outside in his garden :lol:
Hmm... I hope his bedroom is big enough :devil: :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Silhouette said:
Hmm... I hope his bedroom is big enough :devil: :lol:

if not, we could take turns.... 2 hours each with him! would he cope? :confused: Oh yeahhh... after all he's a triathlon man :devil:

Thanks for your pics Sil (even if it was for ryan_lover!) The one with orange t-shirt (one of our own?) made me fill a whole drool bucket. That smile... and those ARMS! :eek: oh and nice tan as well...
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