Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Mine is from Hell Night when he's looking at the body with Alexx. LOVED his outfit!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ryan_lover said:

my desktop wallpaper is ryan in his uniform from that first eppy he was in.
I love him in the uniform he is soooo hott!! *Drools*
I love the episode 'Under The Influence'. Not only because it's Ryan first episode, but also for the uniform scenes. Ryan in his uniform was just a total eye treat. :lol: I think that uniform ought to make a special guest appearance, he just looks so damn adorable in it. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Its just a shame he looks rancid in the character shots ive seen of him.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

wow this thread really moved since I've been gone.
I think the writers are going to make him look bad so Boa will look better and get more fans, which is B/S. No matter how bad they make him look I'll never like the idea of Boa being a CSI now and just her.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ryan_lover said:
since when did he love calleigh?? :confused:??

For some he does, for some he doesn't. MikeW ships CaRWash, but I do need to remind her ( :p) that she shouldn't talk about ships here. So follow me to the CaRWash thread. Just helping you out before mods come to get ya. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

My desktop wallpaper is of him in OOOO :lol: (One Of Our Own) I just love typing OOOO :D He looks SO good. *drool*

Im going to hate Natalia even more if they try and make her look good, and Ryan bad. I dont think it will work.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Dutchie said:
ryan_lover said:
since when did he love calleigh?? :confused:??

For some he does, for some he doesn't. MikeW ships CaRWash, but I do need to remind her ( :p) that she shouldn't talk about ships here. So follow me to the CaRWash thread. Just helping you out before mods come to get ya. ;)

thanks for the help *hug* I'll go visit the caRWash thread sometime to check it out.

oooo! I like that sandersidle :lol: its like soo easy to type! hehehe
I have to wait for another 3 month or so before I can see oooo and see what our gorgeous ryan looks like but saying that he is gorgeous every episode he is in. *drools* :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

quickbeam_cw said:
:lol: Shadowfax, I love your 'Death by Togo OD" scenario. Made me start wheezing with laughter. And, just out of curiousity, where are you travelling to? 9 days with only a carry on! That's nuts!
:lol: Glad you liked it Quickie! *beams* I'm travelling around Asia for 9 days for a whirlwind visit to see some family and to do loads of mega-shopping! SQUEE! That's the only thing that's kind of pacifying me right now b/c hubby promised that I could shop for some Asian-sized clothes and some gifts/souvenirs for some of our friends here, and if need be, we could buy an extra piece of luggage to stuff the clothes and gifts I bought take back home with us (which we'd more than likely do) :D. I'll actually be 'visiting' Silhouette in Jakarta too... that is, if she could make it to the airport. :p It would be good to meet another Togoholic in person, though I'd still miss you guys a bunch... and that includes you, ryan_lover! *huggles everybody again* :D

AliGtr said:
Shadowfax , I don't think that's pathetic at all. I printed out a pic of Ryan (from Silencer with thinker's brow) when my laptop went on the blink, so I could carry it in my handbag and ogle when the urge came over me... And my husband (AKA Himself) doesn't know either. I'm older than Jon, and Himself is older than me by quite a bit, so I don't think it would do him any good to know I'm ogling at a younger man. Got to protect that fragile male ego!
:lol: Glad to know I'm not the only one who's printed out a picture of JT and stuffed it in a 'secret' place for oggling and craving purposes. :devil: It's so nice to meet another married fan of JT! Maybe when I start feeling guilty, I'll just tell myself that I'm being practical and not pathetic... right, Tink? *hugs* :D I'm younger than Jon, and hubby and I are the same age, but he still gets jealous. And isn't that truth? We gotta be careful to protect our men's fragile egos! :lol:

Dutchie, of course I'll continue my fics. :D And thanks for keeping my secret, everybody! It makes me feel like I have a bit of a 'hidden life' :devil: and that I'm living 'dangerously' in my own little Togoholic world. :lol:

ETA: Oh, dang! I forgot to add this. It doesn't matter how much the writers try to make Ryan look bad to make Natalia look more sympathetic. That kind of tactic won't work for me, especially not at Ryan's expense. I think they could make Natalia more likeable without making Ryan look like an insensitive jerk. That just irritates me a lot! Grrrr! :eek:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awhaa!! I've missed so much!! Ryan can't be bad for Vista... :mad:
I like what you said, sandersidle!! I'm not a chocoholic, I can't stand chocolate, but my screenname explains what I am!! (Also a Gyllenhaalic... :lol: But if I include that in my screenname the board will be stretched beyond capacity.)
Shadowfax, I think I have said this before: I'm gonna miss you!! I've got a picture of JT on my cell phone if my computer ever screws up, so I'm covered. Maybe you should do that if you've got a camera phone!

But Ryan can't be bad!! Big no-no!! *shakes finger at writers and producers*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm with you Shadowfax, they can make Ryan look so bad but I'll still love him and it's not going to make me feel sorry for Boa and like her more. In fact I dislike her more now. Man the writers are stupid.
I think it's cool you and Silhoutte are going to get to meet. I think this summer we should all take a vacation at the same time to LA and do a Togo search. WOuldn't Jon freak seeing a bunch of us togoholics coming after him.
WOw only 2 more hrs, I'm so geeked. There was no Togo on ET but it looks really good and it's interesting to see how they did it. I'm looking forward to this ep, but I'm worried there would be enought Ryan screentime, there never is in my book. I'm also hoping for a good scene with Calleigh. I mean he should be there for her since they are such good "friends."
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

*crosses fingers* Yeah, I'm hoping I'd meet Silhouette too. She lives quite a distance away from the airport, so who knows? *shrugs* But here's hoping I'd meet a fellow Togoholic (and R/G shipper too :devil:).

Aack! Jon would really 'freak' if he saw us coming after him. And I wouldn't be able to stop SQUEEING and giggling madly! :lol: Oh, I missed the ET thing, but I'm hoping for the same thing as you, Twiz. I want to see Ryan at least show some concern and have a bit of interaction with Calleigh since they work so closely together and have become good friends, imho. I really hope the writers don't forget about him and not give him enough screentime. That would totally suck! :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Im so in!!! So where are we gonna meet? :lol: :p That would be hilarious if we found out where he lived and we all came to his house :lol:

I agree that there should be a Ryan/Calleigh scene. Yeah I know, obviously I want that, but its true that they are really good friends and they should be there for eachother. Calleigh was in Driven, so now its Ryans turn.

I hope they dont forget about Ryan either!! I still havent seen him in the episode, from the promo pics at all! :eek:

Thats awesome you guys might meet!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hmmm... episode #502... what to think, I'm so conflicted! I rather enjoyed it for the most part, but...

What the heck was with the disturbing lack of Ryan scenes?! *sigh* Actually, I guess it wasn't too bad, mostly everyone had approx. the same screentime (except Calleigh), but it's so sad to have such a lack of Ryan! Plus, what the heck?? Was that the same sweater as last week? It sure looks like it... but it looked good anyway. They just got rid of the black jacket.

Hehe, I'm now sort of watching the ep. for a second time on a different channel... and re-recording it, too. CBS is really off-colour here for some reason, so I'm watching on CTV now to really be able to tell what shade Ryan's outfit is. :lol: :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haha! I had the same thought about Ryan's outfit, Quickie.
Yeah, there was a noticeable lack of screentime for Ryan in this episode. And I noticed the same white shirt under a light green sweater too. I think it's the same sweater and shirt that he wore in 'Rio' sans the black jacket, and he was wearing dark blue jeans this time, from what I could tell instead of black jeans like last episode. Oh, but he did look SUPA-FINE in that sweater! It hugged his physique just perfectly so that you could sort of outline his delicious muscles. *drools* :devil: At least there was that eye treat, even if the outfit was the same and he hardly got any screentime. :( *pouts*
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