Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

shadowfax said Okay... *whispers* I printed out a wallet-sized pic of JT and hid it in my wallet so I can pull it out and oggle at him whenever I get the craving */whisper* See how pathetic I am? My hubby can't know, and none of you can tell him!

that is so funny, you and I are so alike with our obsessions. I would probably do the same thing if I couldn't take my dvd's with me. Oh the vacation I took was with my son's and nephew, hubby stayed home so he wasn't jealous over me taking the dvd's, at least that I know of. Now that I think about it I took something to remind me of Jon and Not him. No wonder he's jealous LOL. I did have pics on the dvd case of Jon too, so I had a pic to drool over.
Well we will miss you shadowfax and your secret is safe with me. We married togoholics have to stick together.
Oh and the whole packing thing, that's plain crazy. 9 days away with just a carry on. I'd need my carry on for just one day.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:lol: :lol: I'm having so much fun with ShadowFax Togo death, and talking about a wallet pic *runs to make one* *putting it in my wallet* *looking around to know if there's someone looking at me* *runs to the computer again* I did that with a soccer player some years ago ;)

BTW, I was teaching english again and one of my students had a dictionary for children and the author was Tony Wolf. And well I put my stupid face again :D :D :D ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I was eating dinner with my family, including my aunt, uncle and cousin with his wife, and my mom said she was a chocoholic, and of course I was like, "Im a chocoholic, and a TOGOHOLIC!" :D Everyone was like wtf? o_O.. They wanted to know what it was but I was like.. "Uhh.. long story." But i was laughing so hard. I probably looked like such a idiot :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Twiztid4togo said:
Well we will miss you shadowfax and your secret is safe with me. We married togoholics have to stick together.
Oh and the whole packing thing, that's plain crazy. 9 days away with just a carry on. I'd need my carry on for just one day.
:D Aww, I'll miss you guys too. And yes, us married Togoholics have to stick together, so thanks for keeping my secret! :devil: Come to think of it, I don't have a pic of my hubby in my wallet either, just JT. Maybe we do it b/c we could always go home and know that our hubby's there? :lol: I know! If I had my way, I'd have a lot more than just a carry-on, but he was adamant about not checking any luggage. I told him he was lucky that he didn't have to match his bra and undies with his top, plus have matching shoes on top of that! :lol:

Hehehe... glad you could have so much fun with my preferred method of death, CalleighWolfe. :devil: Death by Togo is definitely the blissful way to go. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

*smacks forehead* Arg, of course, the suit and orange shirt were for the 100th episode... I got all screwed up for a bit there, thinking that it was supposed to be for the season premiere, and then when he had the green sweater I was like "What, where's the orange?" It all makes sense now, though. :lol: See, my typing speed has pretty much stayed the same since I've started posting here, but I believe I've become brain-damaged or something. Apparently it's one of the symptoms of Togoholism. I can't process information regularly anymore, and my vocabulary has been severely reduced to "squee" "OMG" and "gah!" :lol:

:lol: Shadowfax, I love your 'Death by Togo OD" scenario. Made me start wheezing with laughter. :lol: And, just out of curiousity, where are you travelling to? 9 days with only a carry on! That's nuts! I was impressed with myself for fitting all my crap for a 3 day trip to the lake into one duffel bag... then I met my friend at his house before we left, and he hadn't packed yet. Literally 3 minutes later he was ready to go -- threw a t-shirt and a pair of pants (and hopefully clean underwear, lol) into a backpack. *shakes head* Men. *shakes head again* *sighs*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Shadowfax said:
I printed out a wallet-sized pic of JT and hid it in my wallet so I can pull it out and :eek: oggle :eek: at him whenever I get the craving :D */whisper* See how pathetic I am? :lol: My hubby can't know, and none of you can tell him! :lol:

Shadowfax , I don't think that's pathetic at all. I printed out a pic of Ryan (from Silencer with thinker's brow) when my laptop went on the blink, so I could carry it in my handbag and :eek: ogle :eek: when the urge came over me. My laptop's fixed and the pic's still in my handbag, but now it's got all my usernames and passwords written on the back (because I can't remember them all). :confused: :D

And my husband (AKA Himself) doesn't know either. I'm older than Jon, and Himself is older than me by quite a bit, so I don't think it would do him any good to know I'm ogling at a younger man. Got to protect that fragile male ego! :D

And thanks to Thumpy . Why? Because I made my avatar from a pic you posted as POTD. Couldn't resist. Isn't it pretty? :p

ETA - On the subject of packing - Himself over-packs. Everything is packed "just in case", and the car is groaning under the weight when we leave. I'm the one taking things out of the cases, going "we don't need that, or that, or that..." :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

AliGtr said:
And thanks to Thumpy . Why? Because I made my avatar from a pic you posted as POTD. Couldn't resist. Isn't it pretty? :p

I thought that pic looked familiar, lol. ;) The avatar looks great, btw.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Could Ryan look any more attractive in Death Pool 100- and what is he doing? I wonder if he's turning bad because Natalia Bitchy Vista is turning good? Ooo... Bad Boy Ryan.... I would die.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I will keep your secret Shadowfax. BUT you have to continue your fic then. Or else I'll tell. :devil: (not that I know your hubby nor where to find him, but...shhh! :lol:)

MikeW, nooo!!! Don't give the writers ideas! :eek:

Athlov, I have to thank you (I think it was you who explained how to make screencaps? Well it works. So I can make caps now. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

There obviously has to be some sort of reason as to why he's burning money. He's too good to be bad and I doubt Calleigh (the one true love of his life) would be impressed!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Shadowfax said:
I printed out a wallet-sized pic of JT and hid it in my wallet so I can pull it out and oggle at him whenever I get the craving */whisper* See how pathetic I am? My hubby can't know, and none of you can tell him!
That made me giggle. You’re not pathetic - just practical! Why wait to watch an episode when you can whip him out of your wallet in seconds. Smart thinking, us Togoholics need our fix! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

aww you is leaving Shadowfax ? I will miss you loads
*crys* :( I also take a little picture of ryan with me every day to college to stop me from going insane when I can't go on the computer.hehehe :p

OMG! :eek: Ryan is not allowed to be the bad guy so boa will be liked more. It is against the law!!! :lol:

since when did he love calleigh?? :confused:??
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

^ Well he's my desktop wallpaper at the moment, so I leave my computer on 24/7. So should I wake up at 3am with a Togo-craving I just turn on my monitor and bask in his glorious attractiveness.

OMG! Ryan is not allowed to be the bad guy so boa will be liked more. It is against the law!!!

I didn't say that- I was just wondering whether the writers were gonna make Bitchy Vista a more sympathetic character by making Ryan bad! But I do agree: IT'S AGAINST THE GOD DAMM LAW- she's too unlikeable!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

my desktop wallpaper is ryan in his uniform from that first eppy he was in.
I love him in the uniform he is soooo hott!! *Drools*
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