Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Togoholism has helped me in so many ways, but people think I'm weird.

Ryan needs to stop being the "bad guy", if only the writers would explore his character a bit more and show that there is actually some depth to his character.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awww poor Twiz! Well that's probably an excuse to hit the 'zoom in' button while viewing Togo pics :p But like AliGtr said, don't get too close and droll all over the keyboard :lol:

Twiztid4Togo said:
One thing I can say is good is that my typing skills have improved since my togoholic disease hit and my reading skills have improved, so being a togoholic isn't all bad. That's one reason I don't complain about my kid being online so much. I know he's learning. He always had problems reading and spelling and he's improved a lot since getting online. He can type faster then me now. So all you kids out there can use that when your parents complain about your internet time...don't mention me though.
Funny cuz that happened to me too. I learned typing by myself and because of internet. In highschool I was probably could type the fastest among my friends. They used to say 'Wow how could you type that fast?' And I was like, I never learnt properly how to type. I just... do. By need :lol:
Good excuse Sue, my mom's been telling me to get off the internet (well but she's probably right... I used to think I had internet addiction, cuz there was one time that everytime I see a underlined word in a book or on the street, I just wanna click it! :lol:) But don't worry, now I have Togo addiction instead... and I'm not complaining :D

Anyway, where can I see all the Ryan promo pics?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I can type really fast too, but I think that ever since I joined this forum because of the Togo thread, my typing skills have went down. I can't even type in school on the Cognitive Math Tutor I use in my Algebra class. :lol: It's actually funny, because me and my friend Rachel kept on trying to type 'dollars' in a problem and we kept on typing 'dolars'. The Togo addiction I have needs to be fixed... (I just need some nice pics in my binder...)

Edited because I can't type for BEANS!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

same here, my typing skills have improved since I got addicted to togo (that makes him sound like a drug!) :lol:
my mum is not happy with me spending so much on the computer but I just tell her that its my brain and it needs its daily Togo fix to stay focused. :lol:hehehe :p

I wanna see more pictures please and to be told all about
mondays episode once y'all have watched it. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:lol: I'm so glad you guys enjoyed my little 'death by Togo' skit. That's the way I'd prefer to go... a happy death with Jon/Ryan as the last thing filling my thoughts. :devil: :lol:

Like I said, I'll probably OD on Togo when I get back from my overseas trip since I would've gone through some massive withdrawals by then. :eek: I can't wait for the new episode tomorrow. And yeah, the first thing I actually noticed was that he was wearing the same outfit at the beach as the one he wore at the 100th episode party.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

When are you leaving Shadowfax? We will miss you. I hope you at least have a good time and don't let the withdrawals kill the time. Last yr I went to Virginia Beach for vacation and I took our car dvd player and all my dvd's from season 3 and my special Unit 2 dvd's, so I had no withdrawals from getting that dose of my Togo, but I did have major cravings for the internet. We saw a coffee shop that had internet and I was so tempted to go in just for the net. This yr we skipped vacation and I wasn't even sad cause I remembered what I went through last summer.

If you check out the pics of Frank he's still wearing his badge and gun at the party, so they must have had the party right after filming and on the set. I can't believe we haven't seen any video's from that party or more pics.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I haven't went on vacation in FOREVER, but I'm supposed to go see my sister in October. Luckily, she has Internet access so i can come on here and see both my Togo and my homies!! :lol: And I can't take any DVDs with me because I don't have any S3 DVDs, until Christmas. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks, Twiz! I'll miss you guys too. I'm leaving in about 2 weeks on Monday, October 9, coming back late on the 17th. I'm sure I'll be tempted to get on the internet if I see an internet cafe, but I don't think I'd have the time to get on.

You're lucky to have those DVDs with you when you travelled. I'll only have my memories of JT/Ryan, some previous episodes, and my imagination to keep me sane. I'll be writing updates on my fics in the meantime to fill my thoughts of Ryan. Oh, and I did something else too that's probably so pathetic, I feel like a crushing schoolgirl... Well, come to think of it, I am seriously crushing... no, obsessed, even though I'm not a schoolgirl anymore. :lol:

Okay, so guess what I did to keep JT on my mind during the trip? (It's something so simple, it's stupid). Give up? Okay, I'll tell you... but you can't tell my hubby b/c he'd get sooo jealous. It's a secret! :lol: Are you ready?

Okay... *whispers* I printed out a wallet-sized pic of JT and hid it in my wallet so I can pull it out and :eek: oggle :eek: at him whenever I get the craving :D */whisper* See how pathetic I am? :lol: My hubby can't know, and none of you can tell him! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haha, I'd do that too!! *whispers* I won't tell your hubby. Don't worry. :D

Hope your trip is fun. Have fun oggling that wallet-sized pic, Shadowfax!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Just a thought I had on the Death Pool pictures...

The $100 dollar bills were counterfeited, yes? Could Ryan have gotten paid in the counterfeit money somehow?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awww you're leaving. Shadowfax? We're going to miss you :( Oh wait, by overseas, do you mean all the way down here to Jakarta? :eek: Well just PM me if you need anything, though I might not be able to meet you, I could probably help from afar ;) :)

Why don't you bring your laptop with you so you can watch DVDs while you're away?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Shadowfax, your 'girlie' will miss you. :(
but I read fanfic update! that sounds good. :p

and now some thread related things:

your theory sounds good, but the problem is, he's a police officer, he has to report such things and not just to burn it. maybe it should only draw our attention to the episode and it won't happen
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Aww Shadowfax, when are you leaving? :( Ohh wallet sized Togo!!! *whispers* I mean, uhh.. I wont tell em I promise!! :lol: :D

Whenever I go somewhere I bring my season 3 dvd and my laptop and my portable dvd player :lol: My laptop doesnt work on the plane because it becomes all slow but when we get there I can have a huge screen for Togo to be on :D

Maybe he is burning the counterfeit money because the lab got a hold of it, and they need to get rid of it so H asked him too? :confused:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awww, I feel... loved! :D *huggles everyobody* :D I'm not gone yet, but I will be in about 2 weeks. :(

Unfortunately, I can't bring my laptop b/c hubby won't let me. He says he wants to travel 'light' so we have to carry everything we need in a silly little carry-on. :( I looked at him like, uh-huh... yeah, sure... :rolleyes: try being a girl and packing for a 9-day overseas trip taking only a carry-on! :lol: Needless to say, there is no room for the laptop. Plus, I already mentioned that he gets jealous of JT/Ryan, so watching him on DVD wouldn't be good for our trip. :lol: Oooh, and thanks for keeping my secret, guys! :D

About the promo pic... I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the writers aren't making Ryan do anything stupid or that would get him into trouble. Besides, Ryan used to be in Patrol. He knows the law, and as such, it's only common sense that he wouldn't do anything that would be considered breaking the law. That's just plain stupidity if the writer's can't see that.
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