Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome back togoholic. :D

As much as I like Ryan (not always, but usually), I don't really agree that his behaviour towards Natalia was correct. He should have risen above it, but the writers seem to want to make him look like a hypocrite and they succeeded - unfortunately. I cannot defend his remarks to her about her husband even if I can understand his frustrations. It was a mean and unnecessary thing to to say.

Great caps btw. Thanks! :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks MiamiDade :D :D And - you're welcome. I'll make more caps later.

Mmmmm... I still understand him :D And I think the way he treated her was right. The ex-husband thing was harsh but that's Ryan. He's a little harsh with words sometimes. Maybe the writers decide to let him get his act a little together, maybe not. Either way; I love the way he is *g* Although I totally understand the worry and non-understanding about Ryans behaviour as well.

Maybe I'm just a little badass who loves angry!Ryan :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

togoholic!! :D Hey! OMG thanks sooo much for the tonsss of caps you posted! Thats so awesome!! *saves* ;)

Haha: "Look; I'm a big boy, okay, but - do you really think I can show my body off like that? Am I trained enough?"

I laughed so hard when I read that! I dunno why but I find it so funny. :rolleyes: I love your idea about the shirtless Ryan!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

HEY guys I'm back..it's been a long terrible weekend without this board and Internet. Moving sucked and not having my togo fixed drove me insane. I am back with AOL dial up BOO HOO but it's actually faster then I was thinking it was goin to be. But I'm back getting my togo fix so i'm so happy. I've missed everyone and I bet I have tons of reading to catch up on. So far I've checkined out just this page and I've already got so much togo fix by togoholic and athlov, thanks guys for the pics, awesome. I needed those. I was dissapointed in the show all and all but I myself loved the way Ryan was with Boa, I love mean nasty bitchy Ryan, too sexy. I just think it's dumb they made her a CSI, get real. Well Im off to read..and read and read. but HI everyone, so glad to see you all again.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

TWIZ!!! :D Yay your back!!! Aleast you got to see 'Rio'. Its not like you didnt have cable ;) :D Awww im so glad your back!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ooooo love it athlov and thanks for the welcome back guys. It seemed so long but it was really only... like a week, OMG that was too long without my togoholic friends. I'm still reading and now I have to put some kids to bed.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome back Twiz!!!! :D

Great caps Togoholic and athlov :D!!!!

I'm sure we'll have a shirtless Ryan this season :D maybe next episode...

Some people don't like Ryan clothes (I like them). I don't like Delko shirt at all!!!!

athlov I like your banners, well I like Ryan's face he looks like a baby, so sweet could you post the original pic? Thanks ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ETA: Oh opps! I forgot to put a warning:

Warning! Warning! Hotness ahead!

Deep breath:

Ryan and Eric

There you go. :D Aren't they sweet. ;)

edited by mod as pic was wider than 480px

Ah dang, I mixed up the height with the width. :lol: I thought is was shorter. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

CalleighWolfe, Ryan always looks like a baby. :lol:

I'm glad I was eating something cold while looking at that pic. (I was eating ice cream.)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

You're right szmandatogoholic
but this last pic is... I don't know what to say, so innocent, you know what? I think I like Ryan :lol: :lol: ;)

Thanks athlov!!! You gave some presents to Delko fans. I went there to look for pics too :p

Can anyone remind me how I can do the caps by inserting my dvds on the computer??? Thanks a lot!!! :D (I bought s3 finally :D)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks everyone for missing me, I missed you all too. I went back and did some reading but there's too much for me to read tonight. I'm so stressed over moving and kids err. BUt I did read how you guys were talking about knowing peeps with the names of Ryan, jon, eric, and greg and I've got some interesting ones. Well my youngest son is named Jonathan, not after Jon but he was named after Jonathan Taylor Thomas, not that I liked him like I do Jon, I just loved the name. So my Oldest son's name is Fred, and Jon's middle name is Frederick...isn't that cool. I also had a kitten I named Togo, yes I did name him after Jon but also because I really wasn't sure if I could keep him so he may have had TO GO..so the name fit perfect. He was the sweetest kitten ever, very special. Unfortunately he became sick and died. I was devasted. Every now and then you find that special animal and he was it.

OK enough sadness from me. Now my next thing is someone mentioned something about Jon having a lollipop in a pic and for the life of me I can't find it on here. Am I missing it or what? Can someone tell me please???? I've notice in a lot of interviews Jon is chewing away on gum. I've seen him doing it in at least 4 interviews or just off camera. I wonder if it's nerves or a sweet tooth or what. I was thinking maybe he was a smoker at one time and maybe quit.
OH I also know a kid from my old neighbor named Ryan and he has OCD, isn't that strange.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Twiz ! Good to see you back. :D I'm glad to hear the dial-up isn't too much of a drag. The lollipop pic is on page 11 of this thread, near the top, posted by 1881. It says "is this his girlfriend?" and there's a pic of the two of them.
He was chewing gum in one of the S3 episodes too - was it Nothing to Lose? That really irritated me. :mad: Maybe it irritated other people too, since he hasn't done it again.

I've been thinking about the Jon vending machine ever since the idea was posted, and I can't decide! :confused: Short hair definitely, no stubble certainly, but then... Jacket? Sweatervest? T-shirt? No shirt? Too many choices! :confused: :p :confused:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hi everyone! Remember me? lol long time no...post lol sorry, I have been soo busy. I loved the premiere! it was so funny how Ryan is the teacher to the newbie now , seems like yesterday he was the rookie.
\you guys are really moving these threads along lol I remember the very first one :)
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