Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haha sorry, I tend to talk too much when I'm hyper. And I tend to be hyper when I drink a lot of coffee :D

I'd love to have a dog one day and call him 'Wolfe' :)
Oh it'd be perfect. I'd have a cactus named Togo, a son named Ryan, a dog named Wolfe, and hopefully, a husband named Jonathan :lol:

Okay, I'll shut up now :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

quickbeam and AliGtr, I love those pics :lol: The first time I saw the second one I definatly thought the same thing :lol: But then I was like, would they really do that? ;)

*Patiently waiting to see nailed :(* Im sure his acting is great, like always!! Aww poor szmandatogoholic, I would probably cry like a maniac too :lol: :p

I dont have anything named after Ryan, but my desktop background might as well be named Ryan Wolfe because its always a pic of HIM! :D :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awww I'm sorry Lee... I didn't know talking about Nailed makes you sad :( *hugs* Sorry, hun...

You haven't watch Nailed, sandersidle? :eek: Wow I thought everyone else has (cuz S4 is really really late here). Did you miss it, or S4 hasn't started yet in your area?

Hmm maybe I should try naming my laptop 'Szmanda' :lol: Oh God I really am losing my mind! :eek:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah, I still havent seen it :( *cries* No I get it the same time the US does, but it aired before I was addicted. Besides its on at 10 here, and I had to go to bed at 10. Sometimes I would ask to watch it but my mom would say no :( :mad: So I guess I need to wait until I have it on dvd :D No commercials ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I know I've been hiding away in my own little world lately, but hello!
And on this the eve of Season 5, let me take this moment to say:
*calms self*

I've kind of been hiding with my new SU2 DVDs...

Seems I've missed some birthdays!
Happy Belated Birthday everyone!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:D Glad you liked my banner Quickbeam! :D Heh-heh... Ryan sure has a SEXXY Back! :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome to the Miami Forum and the Ryan thread, ryan_lover. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Guys...I'm putting the POTD on hold for a few days, as y'all may have noticed. Hopefully by the time we get our first 'Rio' caps, I'll have more time to post one again. :)

Next...I have a couple of reminders:

Discussions of 'tape trading' is also against Board Rules.

taken from the Board Rules:
As a fan site for a television show, intellectual property is an important topic for us. We cannot legally or morally condone tape-trading in episodes or downloading episodes online, and do not allow discussions on this matter. Any other copyright violations will also not be allowed.

And remember, the maximum size allowed for signature banners is 220 px wide by 75 px high. Please see this thread for more information.

Thanks guys!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey Thumpy! Thanks for the info, and I switched the size already. Sorry about that... I thought I had the right size when I checked the FAQs. But I PMd you regarding this. :D

BTW... did you see your chest pic? It wouldn't have been possible without you, so thanks a great deal for that, Jen!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Guys...I finally saw nailed and I just have to say Jon is such an amazing actor! I know y'all know that but I just had to say it again! I got all teary eyed when he was in the car with Delko :( But its seriously the best episode :D :D The ending was cute too! :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I have a cat named Calliegh^_^ I wanted to name a new kitten Ryan...

Do ya'll think that Ryan will be in the 5th season more or mess then before? If it's just him and Calleigh at the lab.....but then again they may just focus on Eric and H for a few eppis(NOOOOOOO I MAY GO INTO WITHDRAWAYS!!).

Any opinions?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Silhouette, I like your future collection of Togo-associated things (the cactus, the husband, the son etc etc) :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

You lucky, lucky people! It's today, isn't it? The new season. You must tell us all about it. I'm loving S4, but my tongue's hanging out at the thought of S5. :p

BTW, I think that S4 DVDs will come out in the UK next summer/autumn. That's what they've done with S2 & S3 in the last couple of years. I'm waiting ever so patiently, *grits teeth*, for the price to come down on S3 DVDs, so I can afford it. :p :p :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Its so nice to know that I wasn't the only one who cryed when watching 'Nailed' Jon's acting was brilliant.

I have loads of cati so I can't be bothered naming them but I will be getting 2 pet giant african millipede tomorrow so I will be able to name one Togo but I'm not sure what to name the other one.

And I am soooooo jealous of y'all who can watch the first eppy of S5 tonight you lucky ppl.
S5 probably won't be shown here in the Uk for several weeks to come. I can't wait that long I will lose my mind!!

I need to be shown a cute pic of Ryan and be given a chocolate chip cookie with a mug of hot chocolate to make me feel better about not being able to see S5 for ages :( *crys*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

^ I stopped mourning about not seeing new episodes a long time ago. it doesn't change things.
Now I look forward to watch my new episodes. for ex, today 'prey'.
and I'm sure those who can watch the new episodes will us describe every single detail. :D

ThumpyG42 said:
Guys...I'm putting the POTD on hold for a few days, as y'all may have noticed. Hopefully by the time we get our first 'Rio' caps, I'll have more time to post one again.

Thanks for the info. and I thought, you don't like us anymore. ;) :lol:
Kidding. it's ok. when you feel like posting a POTD, then I'm happy to see it. :)

Shadowfax, I like your new banner too. :)
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