Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I was doing some work on my web page. I just want to know what you think.

Put your cursor over the links. :D

ETA: I don't know if everyone can see it. SwiftT says she can't. :( I even tried it in two different browsers and it worked for me. Let me know if you can see it. It should look like this when you place your cursor over the link. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Athlov, that's so cool! :cool: *is deeply impressed* You've got such an incredible collection of pics, and the way the episode pic comes up at the side when you put the cursor on the link - that's fantastic. I could play with it all day! You're a genius! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov, it doesn't work for me. :( I use Firefox, and it has a pop-up blocker, could that be the reason?

Oh wait, I tried disabling the pop-up blocker, still doesnt work :confused:

I could never be jealous of Jon's gf. I think I've passed that fan-girl moment of my life :lol: I mean, whatever I do, I would never meet Jon, let alone dreaming to be his gf, so why be jealous? :) Jon is really really far far farrrrrrrrrrr away up there among the clouds! :lol: I love his work and I'm glad he's happy :) As long as he's happy and continue his work, then I'm happy too cuz I can watch him everyweek :D

Anyway, I was watching The Pucifier and the character's name is Shane Wolfe. I laughed so hard everytime someone calls him 'Mr. Wolfe' :lol: It reminds me so much of Ryan! Imagine if they were related... :lol: *falls on the floor laughing*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov, I can see the little pictures when I put the cursor on :D Thats so cool! He looks so hot in all of them *drool* :devil:

On Friday I was leaving my music class and this kid asked my teacher what time is was and he was like "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" I was freaking out, and my friend knows I love Ryan so she was like ohhhh! It made my day :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I was at work last week, and on the board of the classroom I was using there was the cast list for what looked like a pantomime. "Wicked Queen - Rosemary", etc. At the bottom of the list was "Wolf - Ryan". Well, it tickled me. But then I've got a strange sense of humour. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:lol: AliGtr, thats sooo cool! I would have squeeled sooo loud!

I feel like posting a pic, and I came across suchhhh a hot one! Im sure it has been posted before but ohhh my look at those eyes!! *falls over :p*:

He is soooo hot :D :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

sandersidle, I'd be freaking out too! And AliGtr, your story made me grin. I have never had anything like that happen to me.

Except having four friends named Ryan, Jonathan, Eric, and Greg... The Ryan even sits by me at lunch!! (And I had a crush on the Jonathan last year.) Funny how it switched this year to liking Jon Togo...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Wow that's so cool, AliGtr!! I'd laugh too :D
"What time is it, Mr Wolf?" :lol: So funny, sandersidle! Anyway, someone has to explain this to me... Where's that line comes from? I don't live in US so I don't know... is it a famous quote or something? :confused:

Whoa, really, Lee? I only have friends named Jonathan and Eric, but the Jonathan one really annoying :rolleyes: Jonathan would be a totally cool name (Togo!! :D) if not because of him... :lol: That's why I call Jon as Jon, cuz 'Jonathan' reminds me of a totally different, opposite person :lol: The Eric one also get on my nerves sometimes... Oh why I'm not blessed with the cooler Jon and Eric in my real life?? :(

*sigh* He does look hot in that pic, sandersidle Thanks for posting... *saves* :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

your little stories about names remind me of a couple of weeks ago, when i attended a class somewhere i had never been before. when i arrived in front of the building, i noticed that there was a "Dr. Desquesne" on the 2nd floor. Then the name of the guy sitting next to me was "Wolff". How weird... those names aren't common here and it was funny i came across both names within 10 minutes! unfortunately the Wolff guy wasn't good looking :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

The Jonathan, Eric, Greg, and Ryans in my life are all in the ninth grade (I actually know two Ryans and two Jonathans; one Ryan is my cousin and one Jonathan is my cousin, the Jonathan goes by Taylor and is only 4; NOT TOGO!!) And the other Jonathan I call JD because I know his full name, the other Ryan is just a Ryan, the Eric is a skaterboy and used to be in my honors class, and the Greg is a friend of a friend. (I think I walked behind him once.)
I wish I was blessed with the real Jon and Eric, too!!

Yummm... I love that pic, sandersidle.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Not sure about the US, but here it's a phrase used in a children's game "What's the time Mr WOlf".
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

No problem guys :D

I know a Jonathan, but he is super annoying and isnt anywhere near as attractive as Togo is :lol:

Woahh thats soo weird Mrs_Togo! :D I would have seriously have been like "Do you watch CSI:Miami?" Then I would have lectured on how cool it was that there was a Desqunese and a Wolff in the building :)

Oh right, Silhouette, you can play it in a pool or just like...on land lol. And one person plays the wolf and turns around so their back faces the rest of the people. The rest of the people start far away from the wolf and then the everyone askes the wolf what time is and then the wolf says a random time (ex. 5:00) then everyone has to take 5 steps forward and they keep doing that until the wolf thinks people are close enough behind him that he can catch them. When he thinks that, people ask what time is it mr. wolf and he yells LUNCH TIME! and chases after people. :lol: Oh God that doesnt make scense does it?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Damn, here in Holland there are no Ryan's, no Jonathan's, no Greg's, and well I know one Eric but you pronounce it very different from the Delko or Szmanda Eric. No Calleigh's, (lot's of Kelly's though), certainly no Horatio's...you get my point. :D

Damn if I ever buy an animal I so wanna call it Ryan or Calleigh or something. And then everyone will think I really lost my mind this time. (which makes me wonder if I still have a mind :confused: ;))

Sandersidle, yes it does, and I think I know that game! Though I'm sure we don't say mister Wolfe in holland, but more something like: Meneer Jansen. Yes I know most of you have no idea how to pronounce that. :lol: :devil:
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