Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Oh, man, "What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf" sounds like a fun game.

I just got a letter from my chiropractor's office, and I completely forgot about this until now: One of the chiropractors there, his last name is Wolff!! :lol: I am such a blonde!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Silhouette said:
athlov, it doesn't work for me. :( I use Firefox, and it has a pop-up blocker, could that be the reason?

I use Firefox too. My husband said that it may be an update issue. Mine is updated and it works, I also tried it in Internet Explorer. When was the last time you updated?

I spent hours trying to figure that out. I was so happy when it worked. The page was just too plain and needed a little something. I thought that a little picture from each ep would be great. I was hoping to get ones that reminded people of what ep it was.

Like this one :D

Oh, well... I'm glad it works for some. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov, your new HP is great. :)
lots of great ryan pics.

can't wait for monday. my episode is 'prey'.
you know, the open buttons.
Miami is the only reason to like mondays. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Wow, wonderful work athlov I'll download all of them (Now I don't have any :(). I realized that I know almost all Ryan episodes :D What do you use to program your page? only html? javascript? php?

Good pic Katie ;) I love his eyes too :sighs: ;)

I have a new Togo tale I was teaching English, the lesson was about "should" and "ought to" so, there was a sentence like this: "you ought TO GO to the doctor" and I have to repeat it a lot of times ;) and I just could see "Togo", and I had this stupid face :D :D :D the whole class and my students were like "WTF is going on with the teacher?" and that reminded me about Twiz 'cause she always talked about this situations that happened to her, come back Twiz!!!!

I have no Ryans, Erics, Jonathan (well I knew one but I didn't know about Togo yet :() but I know an Horatio (Horacio in Spanish) he studies with me and he has many tattoos. And my cell phone name is LT. Horatio :p

Don't you get angry when you ask someone about CSI, CSI Miami or CSI NY and some of them don't even know what you're talking about? :mad: :mad: :mad: what f... world do they live on? :mad: :mad: :mad:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Gah! *drools* Awesome pic, sandersidle! I love his eyes in that photograph... so dreamy! :eek: *dies* :lol:

Well, I have a cousin named Jonathan, and frankly, I never liked the name Jonathan until I 'met' JT. :D

BTW... What do you guys think of my spankin' new banner? *wink, nudge* You like? :devil: Let's just say I got really inspired by some of Ryan's incredibly appealing *assets* hehehehe... :devil: :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awww, Twiz, we miss you! Hope everything goes well with your move and that you can come back soon! Although by the time you read this you'll already be back, so the 'come back soon' part will be totally irrelevant by then and... what's that? I'm rambling you say? Surprise, surprise. ;) :lol:

Oooh, Thumpy, I love that "Nailed" POTD. Definitely one of the best screencaps, IMO. The lighting is really nice on it, and it's just so... perfect. :D Good choice. :D

Oh man, I love the lollipop in hand thing. Why on earth does he have a lollipop at a media event? Oh well, they 'why' isn't really important. I just like that lollipop a lot. I'm totally addicted to candy, so for some bizarre reason I have a thing about seeing my favourite actors with candy... I dunno, I'm weird. :lol:

Love the site update, athlov! Ingenious, that is. :p I just hope for your sake that you were using some sort of easy website maker instead of having to code all that in HTML. :lol: *cringes at thought of all that coding... even though I kind of like coding...lol*

Ah, and Shadowfax, I DO love your spankin' new banner. :D He's definitely bringing sexxy back. ;) Speaking of sexy backs, here's a screencap I've always been particularly fond of... :p

And, totally off-topic, but George Bush with the body of a chicken is hopping back and forth across a banner ad on my Photobucket... it amused me slightly. Apparently if I hit him with three eggs I could win a free iPod.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Quickbeam, great pic. I like his back too, you can see all his muscles outlined through his t-shirt. :p I like this one too, even though it looks a bit like they're sneakily relieving themselves against the wall. :devil: :eek: I really must clean my mind up.


I teach a number of Ryans and Jonathans. :) There used to be a Greg, but he was a total nightmare. :mad: No Erics. :( And none of them are anything like our boys. Probably a good thing, seeing as they're my pupils. That would be really distracting! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

CalleighWolfe said:
Don't you get angry when you ask someone about CSI, CSI Miami or CSI NY and some of them don't even know what you're talking about? :mad: :mad: :mad: what f... world do they live on? :mad: :mad: :mad:

yep, well here it's very popular and almost everyone who has a tv knows about the show, even if they don't watch it. I get angry when someone says that miami is the worst show !! :mad: well usually people saying this are MALE, and i wonder why every woman i know doesn't really mind and watch it anyway... ;) :lol:

I love both of the "back" pictures... amazing how plain and basic t-shirts look so sexy on him. AliGtr, i thought exactly the same when i saw this cap for the first time!! :lol: i loved this episode(Driven)... not sure but i think it's the last ep of s4 i saw.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Mrs_Togo said:
welcome to the thread ryan_lover ! here's your welcome pic (from JTO). One of my favourite...

his girlfriend is the luckiest girl indeed... i read somewhere that they've been together for a few years and so she knew him before he was famous. that's sweet. now i'm jealous too but hey, he deserves a love life doesn't he? ;)

come back soon Twiz !

thanks for the welcome pic it is soo cute.

yes I agree and its good that he is happy so I am happy for him.

But I'm still jealous cuz its not me he's going out with! :lol:
ohwell I'll just have to accept the fact that life isn't always fair :(

And besides we'd probably all want to be his girlfriend so we would have to fight each other to get him! :devil: :lol: :devil: * goes off to find jon and run away with him before anyone notices anything* he's all mine I tells ya! :lol: :lol:

those 'back' pics are sexy I love it when he wears black T-shirt but then it would be even better if he didn't have any shirt on at all :p *Drools* eeewww! I just drooled down my fave top! best go and clean up!. :lol: :p :lol:

I still have no idea how to post pics of ryan. *crys* :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome to the Miami Forum ryan_lover. I'm afraid you can't post images until you have reached 100 posts. Until then, you can post an image as a link using the URL code (from the Instant UBB Codes next to the smilies when you post a reply).

For more information, you might want to read this thread, which contains other useful tips and info too. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

:)thanks LUCY :) that info helped.
I'm not good when it comes to computers but i'll learn! :lol:

I had my very first Ryan dream last night! *drools* :p

Does any of you know when season 4 will be released on DVD in the UK? I know season 3.2 will get released on 23rd october 06 over here.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Nice to know I'm not the only one having a thing for sexy backs ;) I love guys' back muscles, for some reason I'm still yet to figure out :D Loving the pics!!! RaWr... :devil:
Oh God I wish I could just... touch it...

Uh, nevermind. I need a cold shower :lol:

Dutchie said:
Damn if I ever buy an animal I so wanna call it Ryan or Calleigh or something. And then everyone will think I really lost my mind this time. (which makes me wonder if I still have a mind :confused: ;))
Well I have a cactus that I named 'Togo' :lol: Seriously. Now if anyone should wonder about losing their minds, it'd be me. But I love cactus, so who cares? Leave me and my damn cactus alone!

I told my sister a while ago that if I get married and have a son, I'd name him Ryan :D I don't care if my husband would want anything else. :lol:

Ooh I think I know that game, sandersidle. But I think it'd be 'Tuan Serigala' here. Sounds kinda less cool...

Just re-watched Nailed again. I've just seen the beginning. Wow Jon's acting is... WOW! :eek:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I have lots of Ryans, and Gregs, and them in my life. My best friend is a Ben, however.

Jon's acting in Nailed was spot-on. I don't think it was overly dramatic, but it wasn't like he wasn't trying. He got that perfect balance.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Ryan Lover, I'm in the UK too, and get my DVDs from the US -S4 is due out end of Oct there and will be a lot cheaper (I have a PayPal account, so that makes payment easy). Providing your DVD player is multi region it will play US imports. You would need to check first though.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

SILHOUETTE SHUT UP!! :lol: (I love you. :D :p )

You made me tear up. :( I loved Ryan in that episode too, but I cried like CRAZY!! I stayed up until like 11:15 that night just bawling my eyes out!! (I'm the one that has lost my mind...) And for all of the pet lovers out there: I have a cat named Calleigh/Callie (short for Calico). We've had her even before the CSI: Miami show started. :lol: I have no pets or... 'cacti' named Ryan or Jonathan or Wolfe or Togo. (But I'd do anything to get one and name it after him.)
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