Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I don't know if thats his girlfriend or not but who ever is his girlfriend has got to be the luckiest girl in the universe.
I'm sooo gelous of who ever has Jon. *goes off sulking* :(

Bye the bye how do you show pictures? cuz I found some really cute ones of Ryan but don't know how to show them to y'all. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome, ryan_lover! :) Yes, he has a girlfriend (as far as I know) and her name is Diana Gettinger. They seem like a lovely couple, and if Jon's happy, then I'm happy :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

that is his g/f and that is her name life style. Athlov those pics are from the 50th anivarsary party for disney in Cali. They are from about a yr ago. I found them but they were tiny, yay you got big ones...

Im so bummin, my friggin AT&T turned off my internet already. It was suppose to be on till monday. We are moving tomorrow and I will not be back online until I find a new ISP waaaaa.. I might get aol for now. I'm going to die without being able to come here and get my daily, no hourly togo fix.
I'm at mom's right now but Im moving too far away to just come to get online. SO bye everyone * wipes tears from eyes* So I will miss everyone..bye for now.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

life_style said:
Welcome, ryan_lover! :) Yes, he has a girlfriend (as far as I know) and her name is Diana Gettinger. They seem like a lovely couple, and if Jon's happy, then I'm happy :)

i would be happier if i had jon
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

*bursts out crying* Sue, I will miss you until you've got internet again! :(

Ah, I see some girls here still beat me. That's good. NICE POTD Thumpy! Hmm, I hear that too all the time now I'm doing one. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov, I loveee those pics!! I've never seen them before. I bet he was happy to be with those girls :rolleyes: ;) I would be sooo freaking happy if I was one of those girls, he touched them :lol:

Now, if I was his girlfriend... Well I could never be becuase I would be all over him like a fangirl *cough* ;) :D

Twiz!!! :( :( *pulls out big kleanex box* You have to come on as soon as you can! :)

Welcome to the thread ryan_lover :D Here have some Togo cookies ;) *passes cookies to everyone*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Twiz! We'll miss you. :( You just can't rely on internet providers - always doing something they said they wouldn't. I spent HOURS on the phone with ours when it wouldn't get the broadband sorted out. :mad:

Awww, Jon and his girlfriend look really happy. I can't bring myself to be jealous, not really. Any of us would drive him crazy with all the drooling. I hope his g/f controls herself better than we do *blushes* :p :eek: :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Tonight on Living, it's 'Lost Son', so in a couple of weeks It will be 'Under the Influence and the cute, almost schoolboy Ryan....awwwwww, blesss!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome to the thread ryan_lover! :D

Aww, Twiz... Waaaah! :( I'm gonna miss you. Get back in here soon. *waves*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Welcome ryan_lover! :D
I'll miss you Twiz. :(
hope you're able to come back soon.

nice pic Thumpy.
can't wait to see 'nailed'. I hope, I'm not bored while watching it because I know the synopsis and I saw the caps.
but I don't think so. I also know a lot of details about 'from the grave' and 'blood in the water' and I enjoyed the episodes. ;)
BTW, I can't get over the 'finger cutting scene'. it was sooo disgusting.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

welcome to the thread ryan_lover ! here's your welcome pic (from JTO). One of my favourite...

his girlfriend is the luckiest girl indeed... i read somewhere that they've been together for a few years and so she knew him before he was famous. that's sweet. now i'm jealous too but hey, he deserves a love life doesn't he? ;)

come back soon Twiz !
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy super belated birthday athlov! And welcome ryan_lover.

I like her, although not necissarily in that picture. Somehow I don't like how people look kind of short when they're photographed like that. And speaking of height, I'm 5-5ish.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

inge said:
I also know a lot of details about 'from the grave' and 'blood in the water' and I enjoyed the episodes. ;)
BTW, I can't get over the 'finger cutting scene'. it was sooo disgusting.
what scene is that?? in what episode it is? :confused: what is it about??

Good pic Mrs_Togo although I like him more now than before ;) now he's more, more, exciting (in the way you're thinking ;) :devil:)

I have to start a new collection of Jon's pics since my 2nd hard disk decided to faint (to not say die :() there I had my Jon's pics, CaRWash, some CSI Miami and NY episodes :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Aww that's a bummer. Well here are a few places to start. ;)


Miami Style

Modern Day Gallery

My site :D

Have fun :D You really need a CD burner or a DVD burner to backup your stuff. I'd die if I lost all my stuff. I should probably do another backup soon. I haven't done one in a while. :p

ETA: I think Mrs_Togo is talking about 402_Blood in the water. It's the scene where Ryan asks if she'll hold or cut, and she says, "I'll cut," then Ryan takes the finger to the lab and Delko shows him how to get a print from it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks athlov!!! The worst is the I have a CD burner, I work with computers and I didn't do a f... backup!!! can you believe that??? We don't follow our own advices :( but hopefully it will be ok, I'll have it checked on Monday :D (I hope I can take out the info)

Wow, the good thing is that I discovered new pages, I didn't know the third one you posted :D *runs to check pages*

Edited: wow, that page has really big pics that I've never seen before!!! My mom is gonna be happy too with Horatio pics!!! ;)
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