Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

inge said:
He looks so good. *sighs*
maybe he will wear this outfit in an episode of Season 5.

I'm pretty sure he does wear it, probably in the first episode or something. Seems to me like all the cast is still in costume (if you can call it 'costume' :lol: ) from their shooting of the episode that day. Now, I have no real proof of this, he could have changed his clothes, but it's what I'm guessing. :D Rex even has his badge on still. :D

Oooh, and CalleighWolfe, just out of curiousity, where'd you get the big screencap from? It's nice and large and clear (partially due to the fact that I'm using a different monitor than usual), and I love it. :D

ETA: 99 1/2 hours until the premiere! (for me)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ThisIsMe...thanks so much for the pics. :D

szmandatogoholic said:
Haha, nice to know I'm not the only shorty here. Sorry, but I had to say the Thumpy.

No worries, I don't find that term personally offensive, especially when it's said by another person of my particular stature. ;)

And now, in honor of those that have finally gotten to see 'Nailed', I present:

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day


(credit: CSI Screencaps)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Nu uhhh! Twiz, I havent grown since last year :D Im done growing. (Thank God) :lol: So I guess if I wanted to kiss him I would just have to move my face into his. :lol: ;) I guess I can deal with that. Hehe.

Reine, I love the pic! He looks amazing!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

The last two POTDs were.. amazing. Just the last one is stunning. I'm speechless. Thumpy, you have an ability to choose the best pictures of Jon.

I've had too many dreams to recount them all. What I can say though, is that they were all really, really good. ;)

Silhouette said:
I'm not going to be here much either, crmscnnvstgtr :(
Aww, yeah. High school is definitely keeping me busy. It's been a while since I've even been on my computer. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I love the POTD. He looks *lost in thought* I dunno exactly, lol.

I guess he has a little bit of a Thinker's Brow going on, huh? (Of course, he always has a bit of Thinker's Brow going on.)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

quick I found the pic at JTO. They have many captions and lots of them are really big, high quality :D

inge don't feel stupid, speed_cochrane is right, when I started posting here and all of you talked about Donahue, I thought: who the h... is Donahue? but I was afraid of asking :blushes: then I knew it :lol:

Thanks I hope AliGtr enjoy the pic as all of you did.

Thumpy great pic, everytime you post one I start looking for it bigger :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Oh Thumpy I didnt see you posted :lol: Nice TPOTD :D

I love your banner btw Reine :D ;)

Mmmm a thinkers brow :lol: Nicee
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks for the pic CalleighWolfe . I love it! :D I like him in the orange shirts. I even liked the After the Fall outfit with the red long sleeved t-shirt under the short sleeved orange one. That episode was on when I was just beginning to realise how hot he is, so I remember it with great fondness. :p (I love getting belated birthday presents too. It makes your birthday last longer *grins*).

Thumpy , you know exactly what we need. That little frown! Oooh... And, call me crazy, but I really like that shirt. :p

BTW, I'm 5'5" (ish). IMHO Jon is the perfect height for all of us. Not so damn tall that it'll hurt to reach up and kiss him. Not so short that he'd be towered over by any of us. Except MikeW , and you might like that. You could pick him up and run away with him. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I agree, Jon isn't short!! In here he'd be considered pretty tall. Wow, you girls are so tall!! I'm just a bit over 160cm, and I'm already taller than most of my friends :lol: I don't know, maybe Asians tend to be smaller? :confused:

And now, in honor of those that have finally gotten to see 'Nailed'...
Thumpy, you're the best!!! :D Love the pic!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

can I join?
I haven't been a togoholic for very long only a few weeks but now I don't understand why I wasn't one before!

I live in the UK so they havn't aired all of season 4 yet they showed 'urban hellraisers' this tuesday just gone and 'nailed' the tuesday before.

'nailed' is my favorite eppy so far and its good to see that Ryan and Delko are now friends.
I didn't like it when Ryan had that nail in his eye, I couldn't watch!.

how could such a horrible thing happed to our gorgous Ryan?

Bye the bye does he go blind? cuz I know that they have allready shown season 4 in the States and season 5 will be airing soon if it hasn't allready done so.

so hope he will still look ok even if his eye does get infected and he goes blind.

and since y'all talking about hight I'm 5'3" :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov I love the pics. They're awesome :D

Jon isn't short, but I have to admit that in my opinion he isn't also tall. :lol: At least for me... I couldn't wear high heels, but I love to wear them. That's why I need tall men :p

and ryan lover, welcome to the togo place ;) :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

5'11" is kind of average for a man. I'm 5'3" so he'd be the right height for me ;). I come from a short family though, my dad's only 5'5" and my sister is the same height as him just about. I feel short cos all my friends are taller than me.

Is that his girlfriend? She's stunning.

BTW, I quite like the stubble. It looks good on him, though I like him either way. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

No, he doesn't go blind ryan_lover and welcome to the thread :D

I don't know if that girl is his girlfriend, but what is he holding in his left hand? a lollipop? :lol: :lol: I'd love to see him eating one of those in the show :lol: :lol: like Kojak :lol: :lol:
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