Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haha, nice to know I'm not the only shorty here. Sorry, but I had to say the Thumpy. I have been called worse than that, too. *just imagine 9th graders hard at work doing what they do best...*

I LOVE that pic... when I saw the text above it I misread "reaired" for "repaired" and I went, "Whoa! How did they repair 'OOOO'?"

Hahaha, 'OOOO', hahaha... I was on the computer while watching it last night and I turned around just in time to see Ryan basically smush Cooper. My brain went *SSSQQQUUUEEEEEE!!!! RRRYYYYAAANNNN!!* and my mouth went *squee* lol
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Awww that last one is so sweet. :D

He has such a nice tan.

:lol: When I looked at that second thumbnail, I didn't recognize Adam, and I saw Alexx's hair behind him and it looked like he had a ponytail. :lol: I was like, "Who's that?" :confused: :lol:

I'm 5'8" btw :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

szmandatogoholic said I feel sorry for you, Twiz...

Thanks, it sucks bad enough being so short but then I get a jolly giant as a hubby, WTF was I thinkin?

Aw that pic of JOn and Rex is just so precious, everytime I see it I want to trade places with Rex.

Man i've been busy all day with moving that I have missed this board and everyone wwwaaaaaa.
I did get my cable turned on today and I do get CBS, YES. I am happy, oh I got electric too. I also found out that my area is getting cable internet in about 2 weeks, I'm sooo happy. The thought of going back to dial up and AOL frightens me. I can't hang with that crapola. I can not believe how close we are to the season premier, there's the goosebumps again. 5 days and counting.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

FreakyLady said:
He's really a very good looking guy.:)

Thats an understatement of epic proportions FreakyLady. He is just hot for words!

Oh and I'm 6"4' so how would I rate against Jon?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks, it sucks bad enough being so short but then I get a jolly giant as a hubby, WTF was I thinkin?
Haha Twiz I could ask the same question about me. ;) My hubby's 5'10", just an inch shorter than JT. I think the answer is that perhaps we're trying to even out our children's gene pool so that that they're neither freakishly tall nor short (not that I have any children yet)? At least for me that's one of the reasons (I'm just glad I'm a girl 'cause I can get away with being petite) :lol:

Would it make you feel better to know that you're an inch taller than me? :lol: But I compensate by wearing lots of high heels (except when I'm doing/teaching martial arts, of course)... I'm used to it by now. Plus, I've always been petite in frame and stature, so the jokes and teasing don't bother me at all. Besides, at least I know I can kick butt, errr... I mean "defend myself" if I need to. :lol:

I love those pics ThisIsMe. He looks so dang cute! *drools* I'm not sure about the navy suit and orange shirt combo that Jon's sporting, but I think the man is so hot he could pull anything off. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

MikeW said:

Thats an understatement of epic proportions FreakyLady. He is just hot for words!

Oh and I'm 6"4' so how would I rate against Jon?
Yeah, I definitely agree with you. :D

So you're 6"4'?? :eek:... very nice :lol: I guess you're as tall as Rex Linn.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Dutchie said:
I'm 5"8"... :eek: BUT I'm dutch, and dutch people or the longest peeps in the world. He, I would look down on a lot of you. Kidding huns, you know I love you all. :D You know, Ryan isn't even that much longer than I am. He is a bit older than I am though. *cough*14years*cough* :(

Hehe I beat you. Im 13, (14 on the 27th :)) and im 5'11. Jon's height. I wish I was a tiny bit shorter :( Just so he would have to look down at me *sighs*.. Wait! Isnt he dating some model? :D Yay, I have hope! :lol:

I love tall guys too.. I mean I kinda have to ;)

Thanks for the pics! I like the first one!.... :devil: For certain reasons :lol: Sorryy *runs off to other thread* :)

Awww, he looks so cute next to Rex :lol: He looks so tiny!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Good Grief Katie you are tall. If you are already 5 '11 you will hit 6 ft easy, way to tall for Jon, sry hehe. J/P
I think his g/f may be a inche or 2 taller then him. In the pics of them standing together she kind of looks like she's slouching a bit. I bet she can't wear heels with him, poor shortie Jon. My ex hubby was 5'11, and to me that was perfect, too bad the rest of him wasn't.

I think your right Shadowfax, my son Fred is 14 and he's about 5'5 already and Jon is 8 and already getting up to me. So I don't think either of my kids are going to be short. It was tough being a short girl but the boys I grew up with that were short had it a lot worse. I bet Jon was like one of the shortest boys in his class growing up. Really 5'11 isn't short for a man, he's just always standing next to giants on the set, everyone else is just extremely tall.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks for posting the pics ThisIsMe!
stupid question: who is Anthony? (first and third pic).

He looks so good. *sighs*
maybe he will wear this outfit in an episode of Season 5.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

That's Anthony Zuiker. He's the creator of the CSI franchise. :)

Thanks for the pics ThisIsMe! They're fabulous. They all looked like they had a lot of fun there. - Jon looks great in those pics. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks Geni! :)
*feels stupid*
it's nice to see you here.

I like Jon's shades. they are cool and match with his shirt.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Jon isn't short. In my country 5'11" is good!!!! :D Here most of women are like me 5'3" maybe 1 or 2 inches shorter or taller. Jon's perfect

BTW, I owed AliGtr this birthday present

Happy b-day again!!!! :D and I'm sorry I'm late but I didn't forget :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Oh, Happy belated Birthday AliGtr. :D *passes around some cake*

Aw inge, don't feel stupid! *hugs* It's an honest question. :)

And it's great to be in here. I haven't visited for...Hmm, a lot of this thread, so it's good to see all you awesome Wolfe/Ryan fans again. :lol: :p

I'll try and post a picture a little later when I dig through my pile. I must contribute to the Ryan love! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

oh dear, i love your b'day pic CalleighWolfe, those eyes :eek: and for some reason i love his fingers too...

well i am about 5'6". that's perfect next to Jon :)
apparently his girlfriend is wearing heels on those pics where she looks taller. she's probably the same height.

i agree with you Twiz, other actors are giants next to Jon, that's not fair!
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