Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yes he looks small but I prefer a small-cute-handsome-hot-babyface-pretty eyes-dorky-kind Ryan than a big Frank ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

CalleighWolfe said:
Yes he looks small but I prefer a small-cute-handsome-hot-babyface-pretty eyes-dorky-kind Ryan than a big Frank ;)

I do too, because Ryan at least has muscle. :D All Frank is is... fat. :lol: *roflhao*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah, I like the short cuties. My hubby is only 5'7" (170.18cm). :D

He's so cute. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I prefer shorties too since I'm only 5 "1" if I stand on my tip toes. I don't know what happen but my hubby is 6 "2" eekk.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm 5'1.5 without standing on my tiptoes and I get called a midget. :( I have a friend who's about 6'3" and I get really sad because he's about a foot and a half taller than me.

I feel sorry for you, Twiz...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm 5'1" too, and for the most part I love being short. ;) Although I used to get called not so nice names too. *sighs*

Since they reaired 'One Of Our Own' on Monday, I think it's time I reposted on of my all time favorite pics which happens to be from that very episode:

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day


(credit: CSI Screencaps)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov said:
AliGtr said:

May I say thank you with a pic?
Why the hell is Tripp so tall?

:lol: That's so funny. Though it isn't really Tripp; that's actually that Walter Dresden guy. Or Mr. Lurch as I like to call him. :p

Ah, that's who it is. Is he the same baddie from Under Suspicion? I haven't seen Skeletons yet, so Frank was who popped into my mind when I saw Ryan looking up like that. His expression's so cute. And I like what he's wearing - those colours wouldn't look good on just anyone. :p

Thumpy , POTD. Love it! Eyes... And that little mole... *faints* :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Just been watching some Series 4.... depressing stuff really with the exception of Calleigh and Ryan... but anyway, I'm totally finding Jon much hotter with his shorter hair. I did say before I much prefer the longer hair, but something just clicked. And the beard look just makes him massively attractive!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Well I'm 5'3" like Calleigh :D I've said this at least 5 times by now :p. Don't blame it's just the I imagine myself in the pics where they're together :p.

Good pic Thumpy, one of my favorites ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

haven't been in this thread for a while. It feels good to see some togo pics. :D He's really a very good looking guy.:) I can't read everything :( but as far as I can see, the height is one of the current topics. :)
To complete this, I'm only almost 5'9" :D, so I prefer tall men ;) :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

CalleighWolfe said:
Well I'm 5'3" like Calleigh :D I've said this at least 5 times by now :p. Don't blame it's just the I imagine myself in the pics where they're together :p.
LOL don't worry, I do too, cause I'm also 5'3'' :D I would see a picture of them and go, "Okay, so he's about taller than Calleigh, so to me he'd be about... *this* (holding hands up above head) tall." And I'd look up, imagining where his (gorgeous) eyes would be :D

Oh by the way, I've just seen Nailed!!!! (FINALLY!! :D *does Togo dance*) Omg I LOVE this episode! Dumpster-diving, angst, the "Have you ever pushed the dinner plates aside to get some" :D, the scenes with Calleigh and the nailgun,... not to mention that he looks so hot in this epi!

I can't believe I missed the beginning! I was in my room, turning off my computer. I thought, oh the beginning would be all about the murder/victim, as usual... Then my sister was all screaming, I ran downstairs, just to catch the opening title :( I totally missed the car scene, "Stay with me, Wolfe" part...

Love when he gets into argument with Delko... angry Ryan... that's hot! :devil: *drool*

This is definitely my fave episode so far.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm 5"8"... :eek: BUT I'm dutch, and dutch people or the longest peeps in the world. He, I would look down on a lot of you. Kidding huns, you know I love you all. :D You know, Ryan isn't even that much longer than I am. He is a bit older than I am though. *cough*14years*cough* :(

*joins in Togo dance* I just saw Collision! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thank you very much for the pic Thumpy!
It's also one of my fav's. That's not a big surprise´, isn't it :D
I downloaded it on my pic, but it's nice to see it here. I could stare at the pic for hours. :D
I'm pathetic, I know. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I feel for you, Silhouette, I'm pretty sure the first time I saw 'Nailed' I must have missed the opening scene too. :( Can't remember for sure if I did or not, but I know I was completely shocked and surprised when he got shot later on in the ep, at which point I freaked out, screaming "OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!" For me it almost gave the ep a little more suspense, because at that time I didn't know what was going to happen, so every time he got a nailgun pointed at him I was like "oooh, is he gonna get it?" and then he DID!! :eek:

Hehehhehehehe! *maniacal giggling* Only 5-ish more days! Approx. umm... 124 more hours-ish (for me... I think... must remember to check TV times..) until the premiere! So excited! *runs around room flapping hands wildly, hopping from foot to foot* ('tis my happy dance :lol: )

And, for the record, I'm 5'5" ish. Pretty much average. :D
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