Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Ryan looks like a little kid next to Trip, it's so funny. Look how he's looking up to him, like he's his dad or something, or the jolly green giant.
Thanks AliGtr for the cake, Ryan made it himself. Hope you had a good b-day.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OOOO, hehe sandersidle, I hadn't noticed that before! OMG that is hilarious! :lol: I'm so gonna use that when it comes on in Holland.

Me: Tonigh is OOOO!
Best friend who also watches CSI:Miami: OOO what??
Me: OOOO, duh!
Best friend: ???
Me: One of Our Own. *smile*
Best friend: Ohh...

Hehe, that oughtta be fun. :D In a half hour I get to see Collision, and I'm all squeeed up about it already. *looks at icon and banner and know why* :rolleyes:

Just a little caption for the 'big Frank' pic:

Ryan: Damn Frank, what do you eat for breakfast?
Frank: Obviously the one thing you've never had in your life. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Dutchie said.....Ryan: Damn Frank, what do you eat for breakfast?
Frank: Obviously the one thing you've never had in your life.

OMG Nikki that is so funny, I almost peed my pants laughing, *runs to bathroom*

I'm so excited, I got my cable problem solved and it will be turned on in my new house tomorrow. We will be moved in Saturday and by MOnday night I will be ready for csim season premier. Man I can't believe it's so friggin close, I've got goose bumps thinking about it. I can hardly control my excitement. Only 6 more days.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Woohoo! 6 days! Thats so excitingg! Where is everyone? Only like 4 people posted.. Oh yeah... SCHOOL. :( I want it to be summer so I can look at pictures of Ryan all day :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

myself I'm glad summer is over, sorry I hate the heat, I hate the cold too, but I LOVE new CSIM EP's. So I can handle the cold cause I have new Ryan to keep me warm inside..
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm glad that you had time to post a pic Thumpy! :D
nice choice.

wow, the good old times. 'Legal' seems to be so far away.
he just started and was so young and innocent and naive.
ok, maybe he's still sometimes young and naive. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Dutchie said:

In a half hour I get to see Collision

hey Dutchie it's funny because tonight i saw Collision too, as well as Fade Out. I think both episodes had not aired before on tv here but i wonder why they have to show them completely out of order. I felt so sad for Ryan at the end of Fade Out... and i went mad at my boyfriend when he said "oh, he might leave the show then?" Noooooo waaaayyyyy....

AliGtr , yeah this is a crazy pic, i love it because i must say i prefer Jon's personality than ryan's... now i found the pic on his myspace account, though i doubt it is really his. OHHHH "he"'s online right now! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah you can't go by that online thing AliGtr for the my space. It's not right all the time. Though I get excited too when I see he's online and just the thought it might be him. My son has a puter in his room and it said he was online one night and his puter wasn't even on. there's been other times it's said I was on and I wasn't or he was. Also I was talking to my sister one night on the phone and it said she was online and her puter wasn't on either. It really pissed me off. Kind of totally bummed me out. That pic killed me and he's with Justin Long who I adore, he's so cute and funny. Jon wrote in an interview that during his hiatus he was looking to maybe do a movie with Justin so I wonder if it happened? Justin just had a movie come out " accepted" it looks hilarious. I bet him and Jon together would be a great time, non stop laughing. I mean look at them in the pic, two major clowns. I'm not sure if it's really Jon's space. There's time I think it could be but who knows. SOmeone gets good pics.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haven't he talked about his "myspace" in any interview??? :confused: where can you see if he's connected?? I saw the page and it said this: jon is in your extended network
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

it's right up by the picture a thing will come up and say online now and blink, I think. But like I said it's not too accurate, also who knows if it's really him or just someone with access to pics. All the info about him I already knew and most togo fans do know, so I'm not sure. If it is him that's cool. Another friend of mine tried to pm him and he has them blocked. I dont recall him mentioning anything about myspace in an interview and I thought I'd seen or read them all. I did find an interveiw online where he talks about the net and he says he loves it and gets on it a lot.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Aww Athlov, look at our little Ryan in that last pic!! I want to hug him! he looks so small! :D

Ohh one of the comments on Jon's site is mine! :D Im Katie btw ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I feel so sorry for Jon. He looks like a midget compared to Rex Linn in that pic, hehehe. (I'm like a midget to anyone. :lol:)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

He looks like a very hot, cute, sexy midget ;) :devil: mmmm *drool* :lol: A midget that I would like to jump. :lol: Did I say that? *runs off before having people laugh at me* :p
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