Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haha the last pic? Really? Why? :lol: I just had to throw in the picture of him against the wall. its in the episode re-run tonight *drools*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Aww, thanks. It actually kinda made me feel a bit better. Amazing what Jon Togo can do to you!! *dreamy sigh*

I think it started when my Spanish teacher started saying a bunch of crap about my work. (Like how a conjugation of one of the verbs wasn't in the dictionary, and when i looked it up I found the verb and I looked in the back and found the present tense of the conjugation I used. :p And then I proved her wrong.) And then she kept on saying something like my "of" in a question was wrong, so I had to look "of" up because I forgot it and I saw that I had put "or" instead of "of". I was really peed off today. And to top it all off, my stomach and back started hurting in 4th block. *sigh* I have a baadd life. Be glad you're not me.

*looks at Jon Togo again* *dreamy sigh*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday, AliGtr! Or belated if I'm a little late. :D

Sandersidle that last birthday pic was cool... so creative! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks Shadowfax :D Im actually not that creative at all :p So im happy to hear you say that :lol:

I just watched the part in 'One Of Our Own' when Ryan shoves Cooper into the wall, and it was soo hot! I was like..*drool.......drool......drool....drool...drool..drool.drool.drool.* :lol: :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

You just watched 'One Of Our Own'? That's coming on CBS tonight! Like, it's on right now! I'm watching both it and 'A Bullet Runs Through It' at the same time. (I'm watching the 'ABRTI' on my computer, from CBS.com. So cool!) :D :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yeah i know! Im watching it twice! It was played on CTV at 9 and now at 10. Ryan looks super hot in this episode :D Oh sweet! What's the link for seeing the episodes?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

A Bullet Runs Through It

Just click on the 'For your investigation... two killer episodes' thingy and it'll take you straight to it. I squeed over every Greg scene. :lol: And it's really cool. Right click, go down to 'zoom' and you can see it in full screen.

Sadly, it wasn't Ryan. But I have to go now and I'm going to sneak and watch CSI: Miami in my bedroom. *wheeee* :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OH I just got done watching csim finale again and I forgot how hott that SLAMMIN Cooper was and mad Ryan. OMG whoa I need something cold to drink now.OH I got my Hollywood life magazine today SSQQQUUUEEEEE and I didn't have to dumpster dive for it. I'm so happy and it's so worth it. The pics are much bigger then I expected. If anyone wants the number to order it PM me. You have to have a visa or M/C to order it or moneyorder. It came today and that was less then a week all the way from Cali. I'm so happy.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ok i need to ask you twiz did you see Heather Landrey? she was the chick who kinda pissed Ryan off alittle less than Cooper. if you did you should totally go here

yeah, that's all i gotta say, except the begining of this thread has Ryan in it...i know you wanna go now...all of you. :devil:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

inge said:
Today I saw the episodes 'From The Grave' and 'Blood In The Water' for the first time.
FTG: cool episode. the ryan/erica scene was hot. Now I can agree, Angry!Ryan is hot. He can speak Spanish, cool. In my version it seemed that he translated the whole sentence. H called him also in the German version 'Mr. Wolfe'. :lol:
He looked soo dissapointed that he had to contact Erica again.
BITW: awww, the ryan/alexx scene was so cute. loved it. He did a great job in this episode.
S4 just started for you too? Ooh I'm not alone! :D
Haha that's exactly my reaction when I saw this epi a few weeks ago. Oh yeah... Angry!Ryan is hot. That's why I don't hate Erica. I don't complain she coming on screen... I always go: 'Ooh Erica... that only means one thing: angry Ryan coming up!' :lol: just bcuz she makes Ryan mad a lot, and Angry!Ryan is so damn sexy... so... go figure :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday AliGtr :D

not sure if I've mentioned this yet, but your icon rocks Silhouette
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thank you everyone for all the pics and birthday wishes. :D I didn't have time to look yesterday because I had to go to work (boo! hiss!) but that means I've got lots of Togopics to cheer me up before I go to work today. It'll all be OK as long as I can stop drooling in time. :p

Sandersidle and Dutchie , I love your photostories! *hangs out of window looking for postman* And if Jon's coming to my party next year - you're all invited! :D

Twiz , birthday cake! Thank you. *cuts cake and hands out to fellow togoholics*

Mrs Togo , that's a crazy pic! Where did you get it?

May I say thank you with a pic?
Why the hell is Tripp so tall?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

No Problem AliGtr :D

Aww Tripp makes Ryan look so small.. He's a cuttiee! :lol: But oh man was he ever hot in OOOO (< :lol:) I got to see it twiceee! :D
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