Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get caps done quickly after an ep because I'm moving but I will get everyone caps up asap and I'll give my review, In spoilers here. But it will just be about ryan, I dont pay much attention to anyone else hehehe, J/P. Moving sucks.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

CalleighWolfe ! A large-scale version of that pic! :eek: *faints*

Actually, I don't see how he's still conscious, because seeing it close-up that's obviously a thick jacket and sweater. He ought to have heatstroke. And isn't he supposed to be from Boston? It's not like he's accustomed to the Florida heat. :confused:

Come to think of it, I have a first-aid certificate, so if he were to keel over from the heat I could volunteer to look after him. :D :devil:

BTW Dutchie , I love your avatar. Cool!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Oh I love spoilers, they make me look forward even more to seeing the episodes. So by all means possible, spoil me! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

AliGtr, thank you very much. So do I. :lol: And happy birthday to you! That means a present! Here it is:

Well what do you know, I actually made it to AliGtr's birthday!
That's a first for me. I even got my present...
Delko? What are you doing here? What? It's a crime scene? In Miami?
Great, I must've taken a wrong turn somewhere...
Now I missed it after all...
I promise, I'll be there next year!

Too bad AliGtr, but you've got something to look forward to! :D I'm with you Life Style, spoiler me all you can!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AliGtr!!! Hope you had (or are having, depending on your timezone) a wonderful day :)

sandersidle said:
Whatt!! No! Thats soo stupid! Nailed is Ryan's episode! The rest can be Horatio's ( :rolleyes: ), but Nailed is his! :D :( Thats really funny how Horatio dominated the promo because I just had a dream (just woke up) that I was at a scene and Horatio was there and it was only him... And he took on like 20 Mala Noches by himself and he saved my life about 3 times, and when I woke up i was like "WTF!! Where was Ryan! Why is it always Horatio! I want RYAN to save my life.. Not HORATIO!" :lol: :D
Yeah I still can't believe it either. Talking about being unfair to our Togo :( I was screaming at the TV.
Horatio? Seriously? :lol: I guess sometimes we dream about someone we don't wanna dream :lol:

Hmm this could be new topic... Have you ever dream of Jon/Ryan?

My only Ryan dream was really absurd. Playing ping pong with Greg and face painting with Ryan :lol:
(...Oh how I wish it was body painting instead :lol: :devil:)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR


Dream of Jon/Ryan?? ooohh yes i'm quite lucky because i usually remember most of my dreams, however they never make any sense ! :lol:
once i dreamt i was part of the cast of csim, and when i met jon, it was not csim but ER or Grey's anatomy or something to do with hospitals and doctors, as Jon was playing a doctor !!! :lol: he was very sexy as a doctor too...

Then once i went to bed after having read that fic "tall for a woman" (which is really good btw) when ryan kisses that girl in the 19th or 20th chapter, it was so hooooootttt that i dreamt of that kiss. And i was her. And it was heavenly delicious :p (other adjectives i can think of wouldn't be allowed in here!! :devil: )

Edit : link of the fic for ya CalleighWolfe : here - i found it back in a previous Jon/ryan thread
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy birthday to you!!! Happy birthday to you!!! Happy birthday AliGtr Happy birthday tou you!!!! :D How do you like my voice? ;) I'll look for a good present in my private Jon data base :lol: you'll have it later, but you will, don't worry ;)

Never dreamt about Jon :( :( :( yesterday night I dreamt about Eric Delko (it was good too but I want Jon!!!!!) :(

Mrs_Togo what is that fic??? could you post the link??? Thanks a lot!!!! :D Maybe I get dreaming about Togo with it :sighs:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR


I made some caps. They don't look great but here they are.





I'm cute

Don't you agree? :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

*searchs for Thumpy and tells her real life to back off* :p
j/k. hope you're able to vistit this thread soon. :D

Today I saw the episodes 'From The Grave' and 'Blood In The Water' for the first time.
FTG: cool episode. the ryan/erica scene was hot. Now I can agree, Angry!Ryan is hot. He can speak Spanish, cool. In my version it seemed that he translated the whole sentence. H called him also in the German version 'Mr. Wolfe'. :lol:
He looked soo dissapointed that he had to contact Erica again.
BITW: awww, the ryan/alexx scene was so cute. loved it. He did a great job in this episode.

I have to rewatch the episodes tomorrow.

ryan dreams: hm, I think I had one, but I forgot it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday, AliGtr! :D

inge said:
*searchs for Thumpy and tells her real life to back off*
j/k. hope you're able to vistit this thread soon.

*hugs* Thanks inge. I was around yesterday, but only to read threads and the like.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Legal')

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Aw, man, I've missed sooo much!!

I really can't wait 'til my birthday! ('Cause I'll finally be able to get my drivers' permit; all those pics reminded me!) Too bad it's in January. :(

I'm not feeling good today, but I really, really like that last pic in your post, sandersidle. :D
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