Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

inge said:
any cute, hot and/or new ryan sequences?

Sadly enough, not that I saw. *sigh* But I'm sure we;ll get plenty of Ryan time as the season progresses. ;)

Since we're so close to the start of the season, I'd like to take a minute to remind everyone that any discussions of the new episodes need to be contained in the thread for that particular episode until it has aired in all North American Time Zones. Or at the very least use the spoiler code. Thanks guys.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Pirated')

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey people... damn real life taking over :( whoa I missed a lot!!! :eek:

New season? Can't wait!! Well I'm still pretty much stuck with S4 but I'm not complaining... it's Nailed coming up and I'm so excited!!! Well I can't believe the commercial... they don't show Ryan AT ALL. They just go everything about Horatio :rolleyes: I'd have thought it was a different episode if I don't see the victim and all those nails in the crime scene... I'm like, 'Ryan gets shot with a nailgun and you focus on Horatio???? WTF!' :mad: Not that I hate Horatio or something, but c'mon... last epi was all about H. They need to be fair, right? They need to focus on Ryan now :D

Eh... sorry about the rantage...

CalleighWolfe said... You're from Indonesia!!! Where are you from Sil???
Mrs_Togo said... [off topic] oh Silhouette you're indonesian?! I love this country and all S-E Asia, i'm trying to travel down there at least once a year...*feels nostalgic*[/off topic]
I'm from Jakarta, CalleighWolfe :) I believe it's as hot as Miami here, so I roll my eyes a lot at Ryan's many layers of clothing :lol: I mean, c'mon, I might pass out from heatstroke if I were him and that guy doesn't even SWEAT! :rolleyes:
Wow that's so cool, Mrs_Togo! :D Maybe I'll get a chance to see you someday :) Have you ever been to Bali?

Oh well, this part of the world would have to wait till S5 reach us... but I know I can't resist the spoilers :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'd rather be here than at school. And now that summer vacation is over, I'm not going to be here much. :(

But I am excited for season 5, because I want to see what Ryan looks like. I kind of sucks that almost every situation Ryan is in, it has a negative outcome/effect on him. It bugs me that the producers can't make Ryan the 'good guy', especially if he used to be a cop. I would think a cop or law enforcement official would have some form of work ethic, you know?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Silhouette , the commercial was for Nailed and it was all about Horatio? That's mad. We had a trailer for S4 before it started and Ryan wasn't in that either. I think he gets ignored too much - he'd be a real asset, an attraction to the series if they'd just include him in the trailers. :p

His layers of clothing amuse me too. Especially in Urban Hellraisers. T-shirt, sweater, jacket... although I do like the way his jeans fit *drools*.
Way too much clothing

ETA - I can't remember where I got it from, sorry.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Whoa I wouldn't survive the heat in that outfit if I were him... Seriously, T-shirt, sweater, not to mention BLACK jacket :eek: (that's hot, man... literally). But I shall agree with you... love his jeans ;) :D

Yeah, Ryan gets shot with a nailgun and the ad is dominated by Horatio :rolleyes: Unbelievable... Ryan is so underappreciated.
Well maybe if they have Ryan in the commercial, they're afraid most of the viewers, especially the female, would faint so there won't be any viewers left to watch the next programme/show after :lol: It's too much distraction ;)

I'm not going to be here much either, crmscnnvstgtr :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks Shadowfax!! It took FOREVER to make :lol: :D

Mmmm long haired Ryan! ;) Thanksss Thumpy!

Haha AliGtr, thats soo funny!! I cant even where that here!! Honestly, even in Cali that would be hot, would it not? (that ryhmed :lol:) He definatly wears to much all the time if ya get my drift :devil:... His armss... *falls over* I do love the way his jeans fit him in that pic though!!!! *DROOL* ..*DOUBLE DROOL* :D

Whatt!! No! Thats soo stupid! Nailed is Ryan's episode! The rest can be Horatio's ( :rolleyes: ), but Nailed is his! :D :( Thats really funny how Horatio dominated the promo because I just had a dream (just woke up) that I was at a scene and Horatio was there and it was only him... And he took on like 20 Mala Noches by himself and he saved my life about 3 times, and when I woke up i was like "WTF!! Where was Ryan! Why is it always Horatio! I want RYAN to save my life.. Not HORATIO!" :lol: :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haha, lol. I always have a dream where I'm Greg's younger sister. :confused: That was off-topic. But I think once I had Ryan in my dream and he was sneaking through my house with a gun and he almost ran into me with his gun and scared the living crap outta me! (It was quite funny, though.)

I love that pic. I've seen quite a few guys wearing jeans that tight and not looking good at my school, but he pulls it off because he has nice legs. *insert drool icon here*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I so can't wait til they start airing Season 5 and y'all can talk about the epiodes (spoilers for me!) :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Spoilers for me too! But I don't care, as long as they include a lot of Ryan. *runs off to other thread to add another name* :D

I haven't really had Ryan in my dreams yet...not that I can remeber. But ah well. Nice one Jen, I like Pirated, watched it again not too long ago.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I think I probably wouldn't talk about the shows much in here. I'd be in my bedroom, enjoying all the Ryan glory. :devil: :p But maybe the day after, because I have school to go to.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

We're only up to 4.09 (scheduled for Tues night), so yes, I'm jealous too. I know the plots for the rest of S4 from the CBS website (and I've downloaded all but 4.21, but we wont go into that -in fact, forget I said it!)
I'll be more than happy with 'spoilers', I just hope Ryan gets some good story lines this time round - poor guy just never seems to do anything right, though he started off well...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks for answering my question Thumpy!
and the POTD is cute! :D
Pirated - a funny autopsy scene (and a very gross one) came to my mind. :lol:

The first thing I will do Tuesday morning (9/19 my time zone) is to check the forum and read about the episode. :lol:
spoilers are very important when you live in Europe. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Good pics everybody!!!! Here is the pants-fic!!!! :D from JTO I'm loving his pants, and I imagine what is *M rated again*!!!

I've never dreamt about Jon, I've dreamt with Horatio, Calleigh, Mac Taylor (imagine that!!!!) :(

Yeah, I want a lot of spoilers!!!! :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I will be getting home from work aroun 4:15am, so will definately look in...will you have aired by then??? You're 5-8 hours behind us.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

OMG Bubble Boy is on and im loving it because Jake Gyllenhaal is in it and he reminds me of our Togo!!! :D

OMG I WAS JUST POSTING AND THEN VALERA/BOTI BLISS CAME ON THE SCREEN! shes in the movie for like 1 second!! Omg!! I like jumped when I saw her! hahaha Sorry off topic.. (Omggg shes plays some girl who holds a gun to some guys face! hahaha) I love Ryan Wolfe!! :lol:
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