Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I have some 100% aloe vera gel to send to him... *gets a box and send it* :lol: I never use it. I'm hardly ever in the sun.

I have not been able to get on due to my sister being on the computer all day... and I was painting my nails the whole time, too, so... just bidin' my time. So I will not be on until after school... *grrr* :mad:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Seriously! OMG! Only 8 more days! Thats sooooo gooood. I am SO excited. Its going to be my first season of actualy watching the show when it airs! :lol: A whole brand new sexy, smokin hot season of TOGO! Im like freaking out here. I didnt think it was so soon! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I know I can't wait but yet I'm nervouse because we are moving and I'm not sure about our cable service at our new house. We're moving like almost an hour away and we have no clue about anyting up there. I may even have to go back to AOL dial up, OH please help me, I will die. SO we are moving in like 2 weeks and I just pray i'm set up with my cable and everything by then. I'm bummin.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Twiztid4Togo said:
I know I can't wait but yet I'm nervouse because we are moving and I'm not sure about our cable service at our new house. We're moving like almost an hour away and we have no clue about anyting up there. I may even have to go back to AOL dial up, OH please help me, I will die. SO we are moving in like 2 weeks and I just pray i'm set up with my cable and everything by then. I'm bummin.

*Comcast is better, that's what my whole family has for internet service* I so can not wait for the new season. Brand new Togo. *quadruple squee* I will be watching it in my dark bedroom while pretending to sleep. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Only a week until S5! *turns green with jealousy* We didn't get any of S4 in the UK until it had completely finished in the US. I couldn't resist reading all the spoilers and everything here, so I know more or less what to expect, but I'm enjoying watching the shows as much as if they were completely new to me. I just have one request. Lots of S5 pics please. Please... :)

Twiz , I hope your cable is sorted out OK. It is the most important thing when moving house. Forget furniture. Cable is what you need. Got to have that Togo-fix. :D :p :D

Thumpy . POTD. Love it! If anyone's read my fic, they know my theory on why Ryan's sunburned (and has a new haircut and a new wardrobe). :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm just popping in to say a happy belated birthday CalleighWolfe, sorry I didn't say anything earlier

and szmandatogoholic, your avatar and your banner rule :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

ThumpyG42 said:
I finally saw a Miami promo on tv! :D I saw it during Miami on Monday, then again when I was watching NY and LV.

any cute, hot and/or new ryan sequences?
Thanks for the POTD and I like the term 'sunburned ryan'. :lol:

hm, I read the futon critic text about the episode.Isn't this the episode with the incompetent informant? nothing about that and no erica in the guest star list. *phew* I'm very curious about this storyline.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Yesss no reporter!! Does anyone know then the informat episode is airing? Is it going to be at the beginning or in the middle. I hope its at the beginning because then its over with and we dont have to dread it all season long :)

Ohhh AliGtr, could I have a link to your fic? Please? :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

You're welcome to visit my LiveJournal. There's a link to it from my profile page. Just in case it's not your thing, I should warn you it is Ryan/Eric. But if that is your thing, help yourself!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

SwiftTales said:
I'm just popping in to say a happy belated birthday CalleighWolfe, sorry I didn't say anything earlier

and szmandatogoholic, your avatar and your banner rule :D

Thaaannk you. My friend shothrumyheart on a-teens.com made it for me. :D She even made me a profile for on there with two of their pics.

I've seen a promo for Miami's opener already. I squeed over it as much as humanly possible. And I've already seen about two or three for CSI:LV's opener. (A teensy bit off-topic.) I think it started with the flashback of the last episode of S4 (it's been a few weeks) and went on to say "CSI: Miami [In Brazil]". (The "in Brazil" part was in a box, I think.) I hardly saw any Jon, sadly. Or maybe I did, I just can't remember it. :lol: ;) Maybe they want to keep it quieter than the LV and NY ones...?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

New season I'm really excited, I haven't watched s4 and I suppose I will in april or something like that :( but I want pics too please :rolleyes: and you the lucky girls have to write how Jon's doing OK??? Thanks Lucky Girls!!!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Of course we will tell ya CalleighWolfe! :D

I've seen the Miami promo on tv too. There was barely anyyy Togo though :( It was sad. But atleast there will be less people in the lab, so hopefully he gets more screentime there :) (Ive seen the LV one too ;))
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I can't believe it's getting so close, man I have to get prepared for this. We are moving THIS weekend. Gosh I hope I can get the cable going by then, or I will friggin die. I can't miss season premier of CSIM, that's not going to happen. I will leave a tv at my other house with cable on and come watch it. I'm so nervous now.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Oooh! sandersidle, I meant to tell you that I noticed your icon, and... me likey! A lot! :D It reminds me of a certain sizzling ship... Hmmm... *taps finger on chin* :lol:
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