Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey Athlov those are great. You made so many because he was so adorable during that interview. I have found myself now making caps and starting to do only a few but I look at my photoshop and it's full because everytine I pause the video he looks so friggin cute or hott. I can't just go and make one cap. My puter is being over loaded.

I tried to do captions from that and it didn't work, it looked like crap. SO how did you manage to do it???

Hey Mike any luck getting that shirtless pic up for us?

AW Thumpy he looks so young in that pic, too sweet and innocent
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR


Hey Twiz, good morning. I had to resize the player. When I opened it in Real, it was almost twice as big, and it looked terrible. So I adjusted it until it looked good enough. ;)

ETA: Hey AliGtr I like that JTO pic. It's great, I hadn't noticed it before, but it's cute. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I just watched the interview the other day and it looked like crap, he even sounded like he had a lisp..When I tried to cap it the thing even moved on me. I dont kno, but now you got me pics YAY.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

athlov said:
Hey AliGtr I like that JTO pic. It's great, I hadn't noticed it before, but it's cute. :D

Isn't it adorable? The idea of giving him a quick kiss while his eyes are closed is almost irresistible. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks again for the presents guys!!!! ;)

yeah, athlov how did you do the caps?, or better, did you download the v? I couldn't do it. BTW, I've been lurking around your page, it's very very good!!! and your caps aro so big, I found another favorite Jon's look, it was in Killer date, wow :eek: he looks so good
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR


See the icon in the corner? It will open it in Real player, and then you can cap it with the print screen button. :D No downloading required.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Im glad you like the story CalleighWolfe! :D

Im glad you like it too life_style! ;)

Yay Thumpy's feeling better :D I love the CPOTD btw ;)

Oh how I just want to kiss those soft lips :eek: :devil: Thanks AliGtr.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Ah thanks Athlov, now I feel stupid. I couldn't get the damn thing to play right and it looked crappy. Now I will got watch it since it will look good. THanks
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy belated birthday, CalleighWolfe! I wasn't around yesterday, so I missed it, but here I am now. ;) :) Hehe, I liked your few Spanish sentences ^ there, because I'm actually about to head off to my Spanish class in about 20 minutes, and I was like "Hey! I know what that says! Yay for me! :D "

Oh, and everyone, this overload of screencaps has been FANTASTIC! All the screencap stories, and athlov's site... mmm... and I'm on my laptop now (with hi-speed internet) so I can obsess as much as I want. Although the battery is fading quickly... probably the computer saying "Guh! So much hotness! Uses extra power! Fading away! :p "

Ok, quick question: What's the offical count of days until the new season, and is there a new promo up yet or anything? I've been so out of the loop lately that I'm all lost, and confused, and not up-to-date. :lol:

Uh-oh, 8% battery remaining, better get going... bye-all! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey Quicky good to see you dropping in. 8 more days left to the season opener and I can't wait. I found a video preview and I posted it on here a few pages back and in the season spoiler thread. It's from innertube.com or something. The preview wasn't that great, it did show a lot of H and Delko but for me I just wanted to see some RYan. The only thing I saw of the others was from last season and the season before, nothing new that I noticed. Now last monday during csim they did show a commercial and I friggin missed it, WTF. I caught the ending. I even had my dvd recorder ready for it. Damn me for having to pee. Next time I'll hold it till my bladder explodes.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

nice POTD! I'm glad that you feel better Thumpy!
he really looks soo young and innocent during the first half of season 3.
and soo cute. :D

quickbeam_cw said:
Although the battery is fading quickly... probably the computer saying "Guh! So much hotness! Uses extra power! Fading away!

I have the same problem with my notebook. :lol:
maybe we should write a letter to the producers and explain them why they should use better batteries. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

quickbeam_cw said:
Happy belated birthday, CalleighWolfe! I wasn't around yesterday, so I missed it, but here I am now. ;) :) Hehe, I liked your few Spanish sentences ^ there, because I'm actually about to head off to my Spanish class in about 20 minutes, and I was like "Hey! I know what that says! Yay for me! :D "
Thanks quick!!!! and I'm happy 'cause I could help you, if you need something else you can tell me :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I forgot to mention this, but seeing where Twiz mentioned it reminded me. I finally saw a Miami promo on tv! :D I saw it during Miami on Monday, then again when I was watching NY and LV. :D *does a happy dance*

From the S4 premiere 'From The Grave', I prsent what I call 'Sunburned Ryan'. His chest looks awfully red to me, lol.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day


(credit: Miami Style[/b]) :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I always thought he looked a little sunburned too. They did shoot that in Miami and he proabably wasn't thinking about the real hot miami sun down there. Maybe he went to the beach and was running around shirtless playing volleyball or just laid out...drools at thought. Oh I will put some gel on it for him.
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