Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Sue, you're not very subtile. But you can find my gift there too Reine! :D Thumpy, get well soon sweety, I need my name-is-used-in-csi-miami-episode-and-said-by-jonathan-togo buddy around! Whoa, why isn't there a shorter name? :lol: AliGtr, I've missed you around. Same goes for you Quicky. SzmandaTogoHolic, hope everything's okay. If you want to talk, my PM box is open.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CalleighWolfe! Hope you have had (are having, depending on where you live) an awesome day :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday CalleighWolfe! I hope you have a togolicious birthday!! *hugs* :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

feliz cumpleaños CalleighWolfe ! :)

lucky girl, same astro sign as Jon!

mystic caps are great ! i realize that i saw this movie a couple of times and at the time i had never heard of jon togo or csi... :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks a lot guys!!!! :D I'm so happy today, I'm lovin my presents :D :D although I can't celebrate a lot, I've just arrived from the university (in my previous post I was there :lol:) I had an exam about subnetting, a very long one but I got 98,2 so it's been a good day!!! No party today!!! :(

Mrs_Togo ¡¡¡muchas gracias!!! ¿de donde eres? ¿hablas español? (Thanks a lot!!! Where are you from? Do you speak spanish? :D) I want to see that movie too :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday CalleighWolfe. Hope you might be able to celebrate at the weekend! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

well CalleighWolfe, hablo un poquito - i'm quite good at learning languages so yes i can speak a bit of spanish and understand it very well... my origins are italian, but my first language is french, and i live in switzerland. I know it's confusing!

you've got all weekend to party ! ;)

i don't know about you but i'm so obsessed over Togo that when i go out to party i'm looking for something of Togo in every guy i see. Last time when i went nightclubbing i found one with almost the same profile. same nose, same chin, same eyes. gaaaaahhhhh or maybe it was just the beer :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

sandersidle I love your present!!! "She's mine" I'd wish... :sighs: :sighs: :sighs: although Cal looks angry when he talks about our wedding ring ;)(shipping, I'm sorry) :lol:

Poor Ryan's eye, my right eye is a little like his right now: shampoo tried to wash it this morning :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm a little late, I think, but Happy Birthday, CalleighWolfe!! :D

Thanks again for all the well wishes guys, I am feeling much better today. :)

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Speed Kills')


Apologies if I've already posted that one before. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Aww, I love this pic Thumpy! He looks so young and cute and boyish with his long hair. :D

Glad you're feeling better, btw. *hugs* :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Well, I updated my site. I made screen caps of the video on CBS.com web page

:D I don't know why I made so many. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

What would I say to Jonathan? Hmm... how about "your the sexiest man on the planet?" followed by me dragging him to bed!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy birthday CalleighWolfe ! I'm late again, sorry (must get better at this). Lot of birthdays at the moment - are we all Virgo?

Oh Thumpy , such a cute POTD. That's one of my favourite episodes (among many others). His reaction to Alexx boiling the head - I can watch that time and time again. And when he looks up when Eric says "Good work"! So wide-eyed and innocent!

Athlov , I just looked at your webpage. I can tell you why you made so many. They're all gorgeous! You couldn't possibly reject one pic in favour of another. Especially where he's smiling - he doesn't smile like that on the show. It's bewitching. :p

OK, I want to see if I can post a pic. This is one of my favourites, and I haven't seen it here yet. Credit to JTO.

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