Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

hhmm what would I say to jonathan togo...I'd be stepping on my tongue hanging to the floor so it would be difficult to say much. I'm sure if I managed to get anything out it would be jumbled words not making sense, " oh hi you I great cute love actor I csi miami tv yes you chest nice." :devil: I'm sure it wouldn't make sense. I would totally forget to ask for an autograph. I would have to ask him to stay put so I could run to the closest store to buy a camera, then I'd come back and he would be gone..I'd cry..for a long time. :(
CalleighWolfe I will also give you your present in another thread.. a thread similar to your name. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Haha if I met Jonathan on the streets... even if I knew I was going to meet him I would go into shock :lol: Id do the same thing as you Twiz. Id be like "Oh my God. Jon amazing love arms tattoo hott sexyy..I mean talented your!" lol yeahh that would be me ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

after he left I'd have to pick my tongue up and wrap around my shoulder and go to the hospital and have an mri to see if my brain had melted from being that close to him.
I've only met one actor in my life and it was at a signing. I dont know what his real name is and I wasn't really a fan but he was the dude that played the original Jack from days of our lives.
ok..Q's....How far would you drive if Jonathan Togo was doing a signing somewhere? I'd drive at least 3 hrs..I did over 2 hrs for my fav band, he's worth more. If gas went down I'd do 4 hrs..yeah I'd do 4 hrs.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

mmmhhh what would i say if i met Jon... i don't know really, but i'll try to say something that would lead to a conversation, preferably something not stupid. I would try not to look like an hysterical fangirl, instead i'd pretend to be cool and natural. ok ok it might be totally impossible to stay cool... However, i would give him my most gorgeous smile !! :D

in my daydreams, this is how it happens (well i've got more than one version!) :

me : hey, have I met you before? your face is familiar to me....
Jon : *confused* i'm an actor so... *cute smile* you might have watched my show...
me : oh right, sorry i don't watch tv so much *big lie*, but i WILL now... *up and down gaze*
Jon : look, i'm on my way to the studios, wanna come with me so i'll show you around ? *raises his eyebrow and smiles gorgeously*
me : ....
*faints in his arms*

:lol: :lol: :lol: mmmwwwaaahhhhhaaa now that sounds soapish :lol:

well let's go back to reality...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Well, I don't know how to drive :p but I'd learn just to go where Jon is. I'd also have to renew my passport, ask for a visa, buy a ticket plane, make hotel reservations :sighs: :( well maybe someday he comes to Venezuela, Adam Rodriguez and Carmine Giovinazzo did last year :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

CalleighWolfe said:
I think you're talking about "Recoil" (when he protected Calleigh right?) t-shirt, 'cause in "Shootout" he had one of his hot sweatervests :sighs: and he was with that baby :sighs-deeply:. I don't think it's the same, 'cause in "Recoil" the t-shirt was a little green I think.

Whoops, yeah, you're right, it was 'Recoil'... it figures, the one time I don't double check my episode titles and just assume that since people got shot it was called "Shootout" is the one time I'm wrong. :lol: :rolleyes: But in any case, it was the t-shirt and grey jacket episode. I'd post a screencap, but I'm not on my own computer right now, and frankly am too lazy to go find one, and upload to photobucket and such. Plus I'm in the middle of a public computer lab that's supposed to be for 'academic purposes' ;) .
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hey Quicky good to see you dropping in for a few. We all miss you bunches. EW public puters, not good especially if your suppose to be learning something beside how hott togo is.
I'm bummin cause I'm having a hard time finding out if I can get good internet where we are moving to. I can't go back to dial up, I just can't. We are suppose to go sign a lease friday, I better find out by then.
Calleighwolfe I feel bad for you having to do all that to just get near Jon. That's way longer then the 4 hrs I'm willing to drive.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone. *hugs you all* They are greatly appreciated. :) I think I'm coming down with a cold or something...it's been going around down here.

Thanks for the 'Get Well' pics, Twiz and horatio_love. :D

As for what I'd say if I ever met Jonathan? I have absolutely no idea, lol. I just hope that it'd be coherent, and that I'd sound somewhat normal and/or intelligent. :lol:

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day


(credit: JTO)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Nice POTD, Thumpy.

I haven't been feeling like posting. I had a crappy day at school, so I haven't posted much. (I'm like that. If it was good, I post a lot. Bad, no mucho posts.)

I've just been slunking around the Miami threads, and the LV threads, and the shipper threads, reading posts, finding out what everyone's posting so if I ever feel like posting, I know WHAT to post. I don't wanna go off topic. I'm going back to type my CSI story. I'm dedicating to most of the people who come both in here and in the shipper threads, lol.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Hi, I haven't been posting for a little while because I'm back at work now and the time I have had spare I've been writing fics. So many gorgeous pics to drool over! That Hollywood Life photoshoot is spectacular - love it! Thanks, Athlov. I don't think we get that magazine in the UK. :(

Happy birthday to Silhouette and Carlz - sorry I'm a bit late, but happy birthday anyway. Mine's on Monday, but I'm not telling anyone how old I am - it's getting scary!

If I met Jon in the street I'd make a complete fool of myself. I'd go bright red and stammer, probably something scary, and then run and hide *hides in shame at the thought*. :eek: :eek:

Nailed. I finally saw it! :D I've heard so much about it, and it was definitely worth the wait. At last, an episode where Jon gets a decent amount of screen time! And he's so gorgeous! Of course he's just the most beautiful man on the planet, but I thought there was something extra-special about the way he looked in this epi. I'm a sweatervest girl, but I loved that shirt and jacket on him - they really brought out his colouring. Oh, I'm just going to have to go and drool for a while... :p :p :p

*stops drooling briefly* If TPTB are listening, we need more of that. Not necessarily Ryan getting hurt (though that makes us all want to cuddle him), but more episodes centred on Ryan. MORE JT SCREEN TIME! Just a quiet request. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I agree. I love seeing Ryan on the screen. He's amazing!

Nice TPOTD! I hope you get better soon Thumpy! :D

If Jon came to Canada I would drive anywhere :p Seriously :D He filmed SU2 in Toronto or something, and thats 2 hours away! But I was like 1 year old :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm in a hurry so I'm just gonna make a very quick entrance to say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CalleighWolfe!!!! :D :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Thanks a lot girls!!! :D

athlov your present is so cute!!!! He'll work overtime for me :sighs: :sighs: :sighs: he'll send him to me, I'm gonna wait at the door for him ;) :sighs:(the pics are OMG :eek:) :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

WOW Athlov a Mystic River B-Day, that's awesome.

Happy B-Day CalleighWolfe. Your present from me is somewhere else..You have to find it. Hint. It might be in a place where you would take your dirty car to get washed.
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