Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Well, here they're rerunning CSI Las Vegas s5 and not Miami why????????

Happy birthday Sil my b-day is near too!!!! :D

Good pics Calleygirl I wish I had the first one bigger :sighs: Jon on top of Emily :devil: that pic would be perfect for another thread I know... :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

*I will not say anything about photoshoot, I will not say anything about photoshoot, I will not say...* OMG I LOVE IT! :D

I mean, (just a short short short off-topic comment, you can hit me now) that is like my ultimate fantasy! :devil: (take away the sheers :lol:) MRS. Togo thank you very mouch for that comment, I will certainly use it. Thank you thank you thank you. ;) Okay back to topic now.

IluvJonathanTogo, you're back! Hey! Silhouette, happy bd again!

Okay, that was still off topic. :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I had been looking for the magazine for a few weeks, and I could only find it at Borders (after going back a couple times when they finally got it in). Its the sept/oct issue of Hollywood Life with Teri Hatcher on the front.

The text that you see in the corners all its saying is what clothes Emily and Jonathan are wearing and who designed the furniture. The only other text there is to the photo layout says, "SCENE OF THE CRIME. An icy, elegant blonde and a handsome brooder with a suspicious look - did someone say Hitchcock? Emily Procter and Jonathan Togo, stars of the smash hit CSI: Miami (which has become the top rated show in the world), go from investigating crime scenes to creating their own in this homage to the ultimate master of suspense, staged at Pizazzo Design Studio in West Hollywood."

Sorry the pics are so small but I dont know much about uploading pics so I use photobucket and they resize the images. Anyone want to let me know how i can do it other ways, PM me, thanks!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR


Hey Silhouette I've been trying to reach you to say happy birthday.

Pick up the phone!

Well, happy birthday

I'll try to get you next year then.

Darn, I'm so disappointed I could reach Silhouette. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday Silhouette! :D

athlov, I love the photo story! That last pic is very, very nice. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Stallone eyes

I was thinking this for a while, so I tried to find some pictures. I couldn't find some really good ones but I think you can at least see what I'm talking about. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday, Silhouette! :D

A&E is showing a Season 1 Miami marathon. :D Which I have been enjoying all day, btw. :D But...at 5:00 pm (U.S. Central Time), they are going to show 'Nothing To Lose' from the 3rd season, so fear not fellow Ryan fans...you will have a chance to see him. ;)

And speaking of 'Nothing To Lose':

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day


:D Thinker's Brow again...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

awesome pic Thumpy. That doesn't look like the thinkers brow to me, more the the WTF are you serious look, at least to me. The thinker brow kind of goes up all alone on one side. I could be wrong.
Athov I love your story, I hope I get one for my b-day....cough hint cough.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

AntonyF said:
Mmm armage.

Nice to see you in here again, Antony. :D Would you like another armage pic?


Thanks again to athlov.

Twiz...as long as he looks like he's considering something or thinking about something, I call it Thinker's Brow. :lol: Glad you liked the pic. ;)

Those with A&E...'Nothing To Lose' is coming on right now!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

When's your birthday Twizy? :D

I'm going to have to think about a good story for you. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

you guys are overloading me with pics...yummmmmmy. arms. I guess your right Thumpy..cause I said he looks like he's thinking WTF??? ok I see.
My B-Day is Nov 27th...so you got some time to come up with something good hehehe.

OH notice the marlboro sign behind him oooooo. WOW I just took another look at his arms, nice.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

hey, Twizzy, thats cool...my b-day is Nov 26! :D

And nice POTD ThumpyJen...now I really wanna see 'One Of Our Own'...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

My birthday is nearer than yours!!! Sept 7th :p :D you *cough* don't have *cough* much *cough* time athlov!!! ;)

Very good pics everybody!!! Man I really like his arms!!! Guys imagine touching those arms... shirtless... :eek: it's getting hot here...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Oh my birthdays is September 27 y'all. Thought you might want to know :lol: ;) Yeahh im boreddd. School is tomorrow :(

Holy nice pictures everyone!! CalleighWolfe, thanks for getting that image of shirtless, mucsley Ryan in my head :D :devil: *drool*
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