Ryan/Jonathan #10: RAWR

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Calleygirl...thanks so much for the scans. :D I love the one of Jonathan.

I'm sorry this is so late today, the board has been loading waaay slow for me up until this very moment, so I waited before trying to post this:

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'One Of Our Own')


(credit: Miami Style)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

the board was also soo slow for me. I was so frustrated that I went to bed at 11 p.m. (which is early for me).

Thanks for the pic Thumpy! :D
I like this pic so much. He looked so sad, he needs a hug.
It seemed that he was really sad about Jessops dead. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

YAY the photoshot pics!!! :D Omg thank you athlov and calleygirl!!!!

Both Jon and Emily look great... Haha Emily stabing Jon :lol: Look at his expression. I love this photoshot, what a cool theme. *steals the theme for her own photography project :D* And ooh, Jon on top of Emily :eek: I wish I could get this mag... Love it.

That just made my day :D :D :D Thanks again! *happy dance*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy birthday Sil!! I'm watching the CSI marathon, and there's also a CSI: Miami marathon on A&E at the same time. (Since I've already seen the one of CSI that's on, I'm turning to CSI: Miami to see Jon!!)

Jon on top of Emily... I swear, I'm... *speechless*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

thanks Athlov for the info...WWWWAAAAAAA you made me cry though..The video store only has 6 discs...WTF. Now I'm pissed. I'm just not having any luck finding my Togo anywhere UGH.
Hey the sites back up moving fast again..yay..last night was very annoying waiting for it to load, I have no patience. I would die if I had dial up internet.
OH and I asked about the pic with the scissors and now that I had time to see I see them, it's just in black and white and didn't realize it was the sam pic..
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I'm waiting patiently until Christmas... I've asked for six seasons of CSI for it!! Two of CSI, two of Miami, and two of NY... and I have to badger my dad's family into getting half because my mom can't get them all.

Twiz, maybe you can ask them how many discs they have. Because I rented a movie once and I got the wide-screen two-disc special edition! So maybe there is hope for you. (Of course, I've never done this before.) Or go to Blockbuster. :D My mamaw got my Christmas present a few years back from there for $70. (It was only six discs then. Now they have seven discs.)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Birthday Sil!

I'm watching the CSI marathon too! I'm really happy, because this is a great way to end summer vacation.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
Happy Birthday Sil!

I'm watching the CSI marathon too! I'm really happy, because this is a great way to end summer vacation.

CSI or CSI: Miami? There's one on CSI: Miami, too. I'll watch it if one I've already seen comes on.

I wanna see 'Nailed'.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

AHhhh what!??? I turned to A&E and theres some movie on!!! Its not CSIM! :( help!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Silhouette!!! :D

Edit: Never mind its on :p Are they playing season 4? I really want to see Nailed too :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

I was about to say, I looked on TV Guide Channel and it said that it started at 9 in the morning.

ETA: No, they're not playing season four. They're old episodes. They have Rory chochrane and Kim Delaney in them. No Togo. :( It's probably a S2 episode, though... I'm not sure. (It's the one where the guy was running up the beach at the beginning... I didn't watch the rest of it.)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

*wants to live in the US*
no Miami today for me.
but next monday: new episodes here! :D

Happy Birthday Silhouette!
here's your b-day pic:
click me
credit: CSI Caps

hope you like it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

Happy Bday Silhouette! :D

wow the magazine photo shooting is gorgeous... or should i say jon is gorgeous... :eek: huh...what's he doing on top of Emily, on the table? (now it reminds me this line in "nailed" about getting some on the table...) :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #10 RAWR

haha Twiz that pic is hilarious!! :lol:

Darnn I really wanted to see season 4. CSI is playing their 6th season for the marathon, but i want to see season 4 miami!
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